Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis Vs. Max Schmelin - Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 19

Beyond Glory_ Joe Louis vs. Max Schmelin Part 19

"It seemed as if a hurricane were let loose": Ibid.

"the greatest spokesman for Germany": Hamburger Fremdenblatt, Hamburger Fremdenblatt, June 27,1936. June 27,1936.

"We want to see our Schmeling!": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, July 1,1936. July 1,1936.

"Frankfurt couldn't have been more excited": Paris Soir, Paris Soir, June 28,1936. June 28,1936.

"Even those of us who bet": Transcript of radio broadcast, June 21, 1938, in Walter Winchell Papers, New York Public Library.

"Schmeling Knocks Out Jewish Horror Press": Die Brennessel, Die Brennessel, July 7,1936. July 7,1936.

"clobbered by a mulatto"; "loudmouthed manner": Angriff, Angriff, June 28,1936. June 28,1936.

"And [Schmeling] says that he alone": Ibid.

special "lighting car": Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger, Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger, June 27,1936. June 27,1936.

"Lieber Max, sei Willkommen": Volkischer Beobachter, June 28,1936. June 28,1936.

"gave a running commentary and every time I landed a punch": Schmeling, Erinnerungen, Erinnerungen, pp.36364. pp.36364.

"Dramatic and thrilling": Frohlich (ed.), Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, Die Tagebucher von Joseph Goebbels, TI, Bd.3/II, June 28,1936, p. 119. TI, Bd.3/II, June 28,1936, p. 119.

"the most worthless kitsch": Suddeutsche Zeitung, Suddeutsche Zeitung, September 27,1975. September 27,1975.

"a white man must not be beaten": Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, June 25,1936. June 25,1936.

"Heil Hitler!"; "Heil Germany!"; "Heil Schmeling!": New York Times, New York Times, July 5,1936. July 5,1936.

"A Film That Concerns All Germans": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, July 6,1936. July 6,1936.

"Long before the fight he was in excellent form"; "In every one of his movements"; etc.: Max Schmelings Sieg-ein deutscher Sieg, Max Schmelings Sieg-ein deutscher Sieg, directed by Hans H. Zerlett, narrated by Arno Hellmis, edited by Albert Baumeister, Syndikat-Film Berlin (Tobis-Gruppe), 1936. directed by Hans H. Zerlett, narrated by Arno Hellmis, edited by Albert Baumeister, Syndikat-Film Berlin (Tobis-Gruppe), 1936.

"as if they hadn't known about the outcome of the fight before": Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, Dresdner Neueste Nachrichten, July 10, 1936. July 10, 1936.

"downright life-threatening": Der Film-Kurier, Der Film-Kurier, July 10, 1936. July 10, 1936.

"Hollywood scarcely could have outdone the scene": Associated Press, June 13,1938.

"joy-groggy": Der Film-Kurier, Der Film-Kurier, July 10, 1936. July 10, 1936.

"the audience was literally shivering out of excitement": Leipziger Beobachter, Leipziger Beobachter, Nos. 1516/1936, July 10,1936. Nos. 1516/1936, July 10,1936.

"An atmosphere of tension spread": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, July 19, 1937; "the biggest box office attraction of the season": July 19, 1937; "the biggest box office attraction of the season": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, July 25,1936. July 25,1936.

"decorated with red, swastika-ed ribbons": Saturday Evening Post, Saturday Evening Post, August 29,1936. August 29,1936.

offered a "dagger of honor" and the title of "Honorary Commander of the SA": Schmeling, Erinnerungen, Erinnerungen, pp. 38283. pp. 38283.

"Nazi Max": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, December 20,1936. December 20,1936.

"champion chasers": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 29,1936. June 29,1936.

"When he went back to Germany and tossed himself": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, June 20,1937. June 20,1937.

"It would seem that Schmeling made a mistake": International News Service, January 9,1937.

"One nice thing about Joe": Detroit Free Press, Detroit Free Press, June 22,1936. June 22,1936.

"hiding behind everything except a set of false whiskers": Ibid.

"I saw the fight": New York Journal-American, New York Journal-American, December 24,1953. December 24,1953.

"the most outstanding athlete in the country": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, July 11,1936. July 11,1936.

"No angels sang": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, June 22,1936. June 22,1936.

"Detroit and its people still believe in you": Detroit Tribune, Detroit Tribune, June 25,1938. June 25,1938.

"What happened last Friday night": Walter White to Joe Louis, June 23, 1936, in NAACP papers.

"I wanted him to know": Walter White to John Roxborough and Julian Black, June 24, 1936, in NAACP papers.

"literally ill": Walter White to John Dancy, June 24,1936, in NAACP papers.

"Joe is human and is just a kid yet": Palmetto Leader, Palmetto Leader, June 27,1936. June 27,1936.

"Louis-Schmeling Fight": Rounder Records Corp., Rounder 82161-1106-2.

"maelstrom of flattery": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, June 27,1936. June 27,1936.

"Coney Island trimmings": Ring, Ring, September 1937. September 1937.

"We wish Joe well": Black Man, Black Man, July/August 1936. July/August 1936.

"would not have been worth": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, June 27,1936. June 27,1936.

"Too much Mrs."; "He should have married sooner": New York Post, New York Post, June 20,1936. June 20,1936.

"professional jinxer": New York Age, New York Age, April 16,1938. April 16,1938.

"slickster" had dropped a "deadening pill": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, July 2,1938. July 2,1938.

"daze producing chemical": California Eagle, California Eagle, July 3,1936. July 3,1936.

"specially prepared by a friend": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, July 11,1936. July 11,1936.

"What kind of dope was used": Indianapolis Record, Indianapolis Record, July 11,1936. July 11,1936.

"There was nothing wrong": Kansas City Call, Kansas City Call, July 3,1936. July 3,1936.

"Mr. Schmeling is a fine gentleman and a clean sportsman": New York Sunday Mirror, New York Sunday Mirror, July 5,1936. July 5,1936.

"The town is gabbing about Joe Louis": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, June 26,1936. June 26,1936.

"The mere fact that those back of": Collyer's Eye, Collyer's Eye, June 27,1936. June 27,1936.

"One thing I'm not going to write about": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, June 27,1936. June 27,1936.

"Joe Louis will be licked": New York Morning Telegraph, New York Morning Telegraph, June 21,1936. June 21,1936.

"the Negro is all right": Greensboro (North Carolina) Daily News, Greensboro (North Carolina) Daily News, July 9,1936. July 9,1936.

"Young or old, two hundred right hands": New York Sun, New York Sun, June 23,1936. June 23,1936.

"We think he will become": New York American, New York American, August 15,1936. August 15,1936.

"Negroes are now defiling": Atlanta Daily World, Atlanta Daily World, June 21,1936. June 21,1936.

"Don't be a Joe Louis": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, August 15,1936. August 15,1936.

"I have nothing but pity and sympathy": Philadelphia Tribune, Philadelphia Tribune, June 25,1936. June 25,1936.

"Joe Louis is not through!": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, July 4,1936. July 4,1936.

"Joe Louis We Are with You": Louisville Defender, Louisville Defender, June 27,1936. June 27,1936.

"the thunder of boos": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, September 26,1936. September 26,1936.

"Guess I got a bit swell-headed": Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, August 8,1936. August 8,1936.

"A carload of Jesse Owenses": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, July 18,1936. July 18,1936.

"After a long, difficult, and unprecedentedly": Volkischer Beobachter: Volkischer Beobachter: August 4,1936. August 4,1936.

"Pfennig uber Alles": Ken, Ken, June 18,1938. June 18,1938.

"Max Schmeling's business conferences": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, August 21,1936. August 21,1936.

"only with the greatest difficulty": Box-Sport, Box-Sport, August 2,1936. August 2,1936.

"I've heard lots about you!": New York American, New York American, July 30,1936. July 30,1936.

"Inwardly, many of us were trying to atone for Joe's loss": William J. Baker, Jesse Owens: An American Life Jesse Owens: An American Life (New York: Free Press, 1986), p. 84. (New York: Free Press, 1986), p. 84.

"exalted pews": Daily Express Daily Express (London), January 28,1938. (London), January 28,1938.

"popular justice to expiate"; "The white audience is cheering": Angriff, Angriff, December 1213, 1936; "The people expected to see us eat": December 1213, 1936; "The people expected to see us eat": Amsterdam News, Amsterdam News, August 22,1936. August 22,1936.

"How was the zeppelin thing?": New York World-Telegram, New York World-Telegram, August 10,1936. August 10,1936.

"A tractable Joe Louis"; "Now you are watching the real Joe Louis": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, August 15,1936. August 15,1936.

"Chappie heah got believin' all you newspapah": New York Evening Journal, New York Evening Journal, August 14,1936. August 14,1936.

"He has tried to cram ten years of boxing lessons": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, August 18, 1936. August 18, 1936.

"go in for thinking on an extensive scale": New York Times, New York Times, August 18,1936. August 18,1936.

"After they are through teaching him": Associated Negro Press, August 10,1936.

"a washed up old man and an overballyhooed": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, August 18,1936. August 18,1936.

A "burlesque": New York Daily News, New York Daily News, August 19,1936. August 19,1936.

"very capable opponent": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, August 19,1936. August 19,1936.

"Schmeling was the luckiest man in the world": Ibid.

"Joe's mad at Schmeling, but Sharkey paid for it": Nagler, Brown Bomber, Brown Bomber, p. 69. p. 69.

"one long sustained guttural chant of victory": Pittsburgh Courier, Pittsburgh Courier, August 22,1936. August 22,1936.

"they" were letting Louis be Louis again: Chicago Defender, Chicago Defender, August 22,1936. August 22,1936.

"Youth must be served": Detroit Evening Times, Detroit Evening Times, August 19,1936. August 19,1936.

"I want Max Schmeling next": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, August 19,1936. August 19,1936.

Louis was "alright"; Sharkey had fought a "stupid" fight; "I could beat him every time I fought him": New York Sun, New York Sun, August 20,1936. August 20,1936.

"Not fifteen minutes before, Harlem was as quiet": Baltimore Afro-American, Baltimore Afro-American, August 22, 1936. August 22, 1936.

"nice little Frankenstein monster": Daily Worker, Daily Worker, August 26,1937. August 26,1937.

"I hope the twenty-one doctors": New York American, New York American, August 22,1936. August 22,1936.

"By next June, some convenient excuse": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, September 6,1936. September 6,1936.

"dreadfully and gnawingly": Saturday Evening Post, Saturday Evening Post, August 29,1936. August 29,1936.

"A Red Mob in Dinner Jackets": New York Herald Tribune, New York Herald Tribune, August 23,1936. August 23,1936.

"men in the background": 12 Uhr-Blatt, 12 Uhr-Blatt, August 19,1936. August 19,1936.

"best friend among writers": Saturday Evening Post, Saturday Evening Post, August 22,1936. August 22,1936.

"Maxie stepped out from under again": New York Mirror, New York Mirror, December 13,1936. December 13,1936.