Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1123 Dealing With It Personally

Chapter 1123 Dealing With It Personally

Chapter 1123: Chapter 1123 Dealing With It Personally

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Yuan Huan gaped at Lu Yu, his voice tinged with disbelief. No way! It really is you? What crawled under Yi Tianhengs skin? He dared to offend you of all people!

Lu Yu crossed his arms. The kids got a real superiority complex. He actually tracked you down. So, are you gonna help him with this little vendetta?

Yuan Huan chuckled nervously, shaking his head. Absolutely not! I wouldnt touch this with a ten-foot pole. I barely know the guy, and the Yi family? Please, the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce is a joke compared to you. He scratched his head sheepishly.

Lu Yu offered a curt nod. At least you have some sense.

Of course! Yuan Huan puffed out his chest. Now that you know its Yi Tianheng after you, whats the plan?

Revenge? Nah, not worth my time. He hasnt done anything truly unforgivable, but a little lesson wouldnt hurt. Lu Yu leaned back in his chair. Tell him to come here. Ill wait.

Yuan Huans eyes widened. Here? You want to kill him here?

Lu Yu rolled his eyes. Did I stutter? I said Im not a murderer. Just a little discipline to make him understand the consequences of messing with the wrong person.

Relief washed over Yuan Huan. Alright, alright. Ill head back and fetch him.

Just tell him to come here; thats it. No need to mention anything else.

Dont worry, Im not stupid, Yuan Huan muttered under his breath, nodding rapidly. With that, he practically scurried out of the office.

Lu Yu turned to Zhao Qingya, a curious glint in his eyes. So, tell me about this

Black Gold Chamber of Commerce.

Zhao Qingya sighed. Its exactly as it soundsa chamber of commerce based in Black Gold City.

That much I gathered, Lu Yu chuckled. But whats the real deal?

Their reach extends far beyond Black Gold City, Zhao Qingya explained. They have their fingers in many pies across the region.

But their true claim to fame is their prowess against dragons. They specialize in hunting them and selling the spoils.

They even boast the Black Gold Squad, supposedly the strongest dragon-hunting squad in the southwest region. Of course, strongest regionally doesnt mean strongest overall.

Think of them as a heavily armed civilian patrol. They settle disputes with brute force, and you cant deny their effectiveness. Dont underestimate them,

Relax; I wont go picking fights unless they start something. But thanks for the heads-up.

Zhao Qingya nodded. Good. When Yi Tianheng arrives, Ill try to reason with him so he sees sense.

Meanwhile, back in the City Lords Mansion, Yuan Huan practically burst into his office. To his surprise, Yi Tianheng was lounging in a chair, casually sipping a beverage.

Young Master Yi, up you get! Yuan Huan barked.

Yi Tianheng jolted upright, a hopeful glint in his eyes. City Lord Yuan, did you find him?

Found him, alright, Yuan Huan grumbled. And I can take you to him right now.

Yi Tianheng stroked his chin thoughtfully. Nah, I cant be bothered. You handle it. Theres no need for me to personally meet him. I trust you to get the job done. Consider it a favor, and Ill owe you one.

He stared intently at Yuan Huan, completely oblivious to the darkening storm on the City Lords face.

You have to follow me over.

City Lord Yuan, why the sudden change in att.i.tude? How can we work together in the future if you act like this?

Yuan Huan leaned forward, his voice laced with urgency. Yi Tianheng, listen closely. The person you messed with is no ordinary chump. Its in your best interest to go over there and smooth things over yourself. If you dont handle this delicately, things could get very messy.

Yi Tianheng burst into a fit of laughter. City Lord Yuan, you must be jesting! Who in this city dares to cross me? My father, after all, is the president of the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce!

A glint of defiance flickered in his eyes. Enough talk. Take me to this guy. Ill handle him personally.

What kind of city lord are you? He scoffed, pus.h.i.+ng himself out of the chair. You cant even settle a simple matter like this? What a waste of my time. I might as well take care of it myself!

With a disgruntled grumble, he followed Yuan Huan out of the office, heading towards the Patrol Department.

Here we are, Yuan Huan announced, gesturing towards the building.

Yi Tianhengs brows furrowed in confusion. The hunting team? Are you saying hes some kind of law enforcer?

Indeed, Yuan Huan confirmed.

This is ridiculous! Yi Tianheng sputtered. If you told me he was captured by

the hunting team, I might believe it. But a member of the hunting team?

Absolutely not!

Not just a member, Yuan Huan countered, a hint of seriousness in his voice.

He holds a rather high position.

High position? How high can it possibly be? Yi Tianheng scoffed. My good friend is the deputy mayor. He cant possibly be higher than that. Unless, of course, youre talking about Zhao Qingya.

Yuan Huan offered a curt nod. Youre correct. He is the deputy mayor.

Yi Tianhengs face contorted in disbelief. Impossible! You must be out of your mind! I know the deputy mayor; hes a friend! We even went hunting together back in Black Gold City!

The deputy mayor youre referring to was replaced, Yuan Huan explained calmly.

Yi Tianheng froze, his eyes widening in shock. Replaced? You cant be serious!

This has to be a joke!

Absolutely not a joke, Yuan Huan insisted.

Theres no way! This cant be happening! Yi Tianheng sputtered, his voice laced with panic. Why didnt anyone tell me about such a crucial development?

Why would we inform you? Yuan Huan countered. You have no affiliation with the hunting team.

Yi Tianheng slumped back in his chair, defeated. Ugh, really? His bravado had completely evaporated, replaced by a sense of helplessness.

Just come with me, and youll see for yourself, Yuan Huan urged, his voice laced with exasperation.

What in the world did this guy do? Did he single-handedly save the world or something? Yi Tianheng scoffed.

Yuan Huan rolled his eyes. Not quite the world, but he did save the city.

Yi Tianhengs jaw dropped. Are you serious?

Stop questioning everything and just come along. Youll see for yourself. Why would I lie to you?

Yi Tianheng followed reluctantly, muttering under his breath the entire way.

Savior of Skyplume City? Thats a bit much, isnt it? This whole city needs one person to save it? Did his strength suddenly skyrocket past everyone elses?

A glimmer of grudging respect flickered across his face. Well, if thats the case, then I suppose he has some redeeming qualities. Maybe I can even consider forgiving him

What did you just say?! Yuan Huan whirled around, his eyes wide with horror.

Forgive him? Are you out of your mind?

Yi Tianhengs brow furrowed. Whats the big deal? I can apologize if I want to.

Absolutely not! Yuan Huan hissed. Theres no way you can offer some half-hearted apology! Dont even think about going against him!

Why not? Im the young master of the Black Gold Chamber of Commerce. Do I have to grovel like some peasant?

Yi Tianheng let out a condescending chuckle.

Yuan Huan, seeing further attempts at reason as futile, simply sighed and continued leading him towards Zhao Qingyas office. As they entered, the first thing Yi Tianheng saw was Lu Yu, and his bravado instantly evaporated, replaced by a wave of nervous gulps.

Ah, you two are here, Zhao Qingya greeted with a warm smile, oblivious to the silent tension in the room..