Chapter 1124: Chapter 1124 Reaching a Settlement
Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation
Yuan Huan scurried forward, his hand outstretched to clasp Zhao Qingyas in a shaky handshake. I brought him here, he mumbled uneasily. Whatever happens next is entirely out of my hands.
He cast a nervous glance at Yi Tianheng, then urged him with a strained smile, Go on, apologize! Apologize to him, or youre toast!
Yi Tianheng, however, puffed out his chest and planted his hands on his hips.
Apologize? Why in the world should I apologize? Im the young master of the Black Gold Chamber of Commerces president! No matter what, I wont bow my head and apologize to some n.o.body. My apology isnt something just anyone can accept!
Yuan Huan threw his hands up in exasperation, pointing a finger at the stubborn young master.
Words seemed to fail him, and after a frustrated sigh, he muttered, Alright, alright, you win. Youre incredible. I cant waste my breath on you.
Yuan Huan, arent you usually quite carefree? Why are you acting like youre going to die here?
I cant be bothered to say anything more to you. Just continue to be stubborn.
Dont apologize. Please dont!
Dont worry, its definitely not happening.
Suddenly, Lu Yu rose from his chair and approached Yi Tianheng. The young master, sensing a s.h.i.+ft in the atmosphere, glanced nervously at him, then quickly averted his gaze.
Whats wrong? Yi Tianheng mumbled, trying to maintain a facade of nonchalance. You took something of mine. But hey, Im a magnanimous soul, so I wont hold it against you.
Lu Yu stared at him, a chilling silence hanging heavy in the air. Behind him, a shadowy form slowly materialized, growing larger with each pa.s.sing second.
A resounding boom echoed through the room as the colossal shadow solidified.
Yi Tianhengs mind reeled, his entire body trembling uncontrollably. A wave of terrifying pressure and murderous intent washed over him, stealing the strength from his legs. He slumped to the ground, his eyes wide with a primal fear.
He could vaguely make out the silhouette of a colossal dragon emanating from
Lu Yu, its immensity a physical manifestation of the overwhelming power Lu Yu wielded. The sheer force of it all left Yi Tianheng feeling utterly insignificant.
Lu Yu youre angry? He stammered, his voice barely a whisper.
Lu Yu answered with a chilling indifference, No, why would I be angry with someone like you? Youre not worth my anger.
Yi Tianheng swallowed hard, his throat dry with fear. In the next instant, desperation overcame his pride. He slammed his palms together in a desperate plea, I was wrong! Forgive me, Big Brother Lu! I take full responsibility for my actions! I shouldnt have provoked you! That evolutionary potion is yours, take it! Please forgive my blindness!
His voice trembled as he pleaded, the immense killing intent hanging over him a constant reminder of the potential consequences of his arrogance. He knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that if he didnt apologize sincerely, his status or family name wouldnt save him from a swift and brutal demise.
A faint smile played on Lu Yus lips. Now thats what I call a quick apology. Youre a bright one after all.
This ends here. As long as you maintain this respectful att.i.tude, I wont kill you.
Relief washed over Yi Tianheng as he slowly climbed to his feet. Despite the fear subsiding, a healthy dose of nervousness and apprehension lingered in his eyes.
Zhao Qingya turned to Lu Yu. Are you going to forgive him?
Of course, Lu Yu replied. He apologized quickly, and he seems to understand the situation.
Young Master Yi, Zhao Qingya addressed Yi Tianheng with a knowing smile, consider yourself fortunate to have escaped this ordeal unscathed.
However, before anyone could celebrate the seemingly peaceful resolution, Lu Yu lunged forward and landed a powerful punch straight into Yi Tianhengs gut. The young master doubled over in pain, crumpling to the ground with a pained grunt. His face contorted in agony, a stark contrast to his previous bravado.
Didnt you forgive him? Zhao Qingya asked, a hint of bewilderment in her voice.
Lu Yu swiveled in his chair to face her, a nonchalant shrug accompanying his reply. This is my way of showing forgiveness. Any objections?
He reeked of arrogance before, and frankly, I didnt like him. Consider that punch a lesson learned.
Zhao Qingya dabbed at the sweat forming on her brow. Alright, alright, water under the bridge. No further problems, I presume?
Lu Yu offered a curt nod. Of course not. I wouldnt stoop to killing over a petty squabble.
Yi Tianheng, clutching his stomach with a grimace, slowly pushed himself to his feet. The blow had left him nauseous, his insides churning uncomfortably. He knew, with chilling certainty, that Lu Yu had held back immensely. Perhaps not even ten percent of his true power went into that punch.
This sobering realization extinguished any remaining embers of arrogance that Yi Tianheng might have harbored. He wouldnt dare act smug with Lu Yu again.
So, were good then can I leave now? He inquired cautiously.
Lu Yu shook his head, a slight negative motion. Hold on a moment. I have a question for you.
A question? Yi Tianheng echoed, his voice barely above a whisper.
You hail from Black Gold City, born and raised, Lu Yu began. Id appreciate it if you could share your insights on the current situation there.
Black Gold City, huh? Zhao Qingya chimed in. Thats where were headed next, right? After all, that rampaging fire dragon escaped from near the city. We need to investigate the source.
Whats the situation there now? Lu Yu turned back to Yi Tianheng, his gaze intent. Tell me, whats happening in Black Gold City?
The fire dragon, you mean? I know about that escapee. Apparently, it broke free from some kind of strange nest.
After its escape, it seemed to be infected with some sort of parasite. Thats when its entire demeanor s.h.i.+fted, its usual habits gone. Normally, these dragons wouldnt just attack human settlements. Theyd stick to attacking outposts or camps in the wilderness.
But no, this rogue fire dragon decided to target Black Gold City itself. We managed to wound it, and thats when it fled in this direction.
Any specifics? Lu Yu pressed on. Details about the nest? What kind of parasite?
Yi Tianheng scratched his head in frustration. Honestly, Im in the dark too. My fathers already dispatched investigators, but for specifics, Id need to ask him directly.
Thats true, Lu Yu acknowledged, turning back to Zhao Qingya. We wont have all the answers until we get there.
His gaze s.h.i.+fted back to Yi Tianheng. Heres an idea: you come with us. With you as our guide, we can navigate Black Gold City much faster.
Yi Tianhengs jaw nearly hit the floor. He sputtered, pointing at himself in disbelief. Me?
You heard right, Lu Yu confirmed. Youll be our guide.
Well, its not impossible, Yi Tianheng stammered, but I came to Skyplume City for some errands. Itll take a while to wrap things up. When were you planning to leave?
Lu Yu pondered for a moment before replying, Lets make it tomorrow. Theres nothing left for us here.
Im not quite prepared vet, Zhao Qingva interjected with a grimace. My team and I will need to travel by carriage.
Then they can handle cleaning up here first, Lu Yu countered. The two of us can head out with him. We can discuss the details once we arrive.
His voice held a firm resolve. He was done wasting time in Skyplume City. Completing this quest was paramount, as it would pave the way for his journey to the capital and give him a chance to find Su Qing. Every pa.s.sing moment here felt like a lost opportunity..