Awakening The Weakest Talent: Only I Level Up - Chapter 1122 Trouble Arrives

Chapter 1122 Trouble Arrives

Chapter 1122: Chapter 1122 Trouble Arrives

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

How much do you need this time? Zhao Qingya inquired, raising an eyebrow at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu furrowed his brow, contemplating for a moment before offering casually, One million. Just a casual allowance for now. Ill ask for more if its not enough.

Zhao Qingya chuckled. Alright, a million isnt a huge sum for me. Spend it as you please, but avoid such lopsided deals in the future. My money isnt exactly printed.

Lu Yu flashed a grin and nodded. Absolutely. By the way, will the transfer be made to my card?

Of course. You can relax and head back. The money will be in your account soon.

Lu Yu offered a curt nod. Sounds good. Ill return and wait for the transfer. Then, I can head out for some shopping.

Just as Lu Yu was about to leave, his phone rang. Zhao Qingya answered the call, her voice adopting a professional tone.

City Lord Yuan? What brings you on the line at this hour?

A brief pause followed.

Someone offended you? Who is it?

Another pause.

Then handle it yourself. Why involve me?

A hint of exasperation crept into her voice.

The other party is a minor power, but not insignificant. You dont have the energy to deal with them right now?

Understanding dawned on her.

Alright, I see youre still recovering from your injuries. In that case, let me handle it. But remember, Im leaving in a few days. Dont come crying to me for help if you cant settle things yourself then.

Zhao Qingya sighed and hung up the phone.

Yuan Huan will be here shortly, she explained to Lu Yu. He needs my help dealing with someone. Apparently, his injuries are still bothering him, so he wants me to step in.

Seriously. It sounds like the guys just plain lazy. His injuries probably arent that bad; he just doesnt want to be bothered. Typical.

So, why help him? Lu Yu questioned.

Just a favor, she shrugged. Since hes leaving soon and I have nothing pressing on my plate at the moment, I might as well. Besides, if I ever find myself back in Skyplume City, I owe him one.

Lu Yu nodded in understanding. He pulled a chair closer and settled in.

Then Ill stick around and see who this troublesome person is. Someone bold enough to ruffle feathers in Skyplume City definitely isnt a n.o.body. Indeed, Zhao Qingya agreed. Theyre likely no pushover. Will you lend a hand?

Lu Yu shook his head. Not unless he paused, a mischievous glint in his eyes,

they pay me.

And the pay is substantial, of course.

Knew it, Zhao Qingya chuckled. I doubt Yuan Huan can whet your appet.i.te.

He probably cant afford your rates.

No potential reward, no show, Lu Yu declared with a playful shrug. Guess Ill just be a spectator then.

A short while later, Yuan Huan shuffled into the office, leaning heavily on a walking stick. The sight of Zhao Qingya brought a wide smile to his face. Mayor Zhao, youre a lifesaver! Please help me with this. If it works out, Ill forever be in your debt.

Cut to the chase, Yuan Huan, Zhao Qingya said, her tone laced with impatience. Tell me whats going on. Why do you need me?

A friend of mine is in a bit of a bind, Yuan Huan explained. Someones been giving them a hard time. Now, this friend is a distinguished individual but lacks influence in the local area. So, they came to me for help. If you could intervene and settle this matter, Id be eternally grateful.

Zhao Qingya frowned, her gaze turning serious. Your friends name? Surely you can share that much? Dont you have a shred of sincerity in this request?

Well, you see, Yuan Huan stammered, his entire demeanor s.h.i.+fting nervously, theyre quite private about it. They wouldnt let me disclose their name.

Is that so, or are you simply afraid Ill take credit for resolving the issue?

Zhao Qingyas pointed question sent s.h.i.+vers down Yuan Huans spine. He fidgeted in his seat, his carefully constructed facade crumbling.

Mayor Zhao, please dont misunderstand, Yuan Huan pleaded, his voice laced with desperation. Thats not what I meant at all.

This persons ident.i.ty is truly sensitive, he continued, his expression troubled.

Zhao Qingya tapped her fingers impatiently against the desk. Yuan Huan, Im willing to help, but I need more details. How strong is this person? What does he look like? Where is he now? Without any information, itll be impossible for me to do anything.

Yuan Huan sighed helplessly. Truth be told, I dont have many details myself.

When this person entrusted me with the task, he was rather tight-lipped. However, from what I gathered, their strength is likely average. As for appearance well, according to his description, theyre quite unattractive. Is that all you have? Zhao Qingya pressed.

Theres one more thing. This person apparently purchased a bottle of evolutionary potion for a whopping 250,000 Dragon Coins at the auction.

Seems like they have money to burn, or maybe they were just trying to outbid someone.

A flicker of surprise crossed Zhao Qingyas face as she listened to Yuan Huans description. Her gaze darted towards Lu Yu.

Wasnt this a clear case of mistaken ident.i.ty? Lu Yu had mentioned buying an evolutionary potion at the auction earlier. It had to be him!

Is there any truth to what this person said? Zhao Qingya cleared her throat and asked. Specifically, the description of the persons appearance. If its inaccurate, locating them will be a challenge.

Yuan Huan furrowed his brow in thought. There might be a slight discrepancy. He asked me about the targets appearance, and his response was that the target wasnt as good-looking as him. Now, considering him He trailed off, gesturing vaguely towards himself. If he wasnt as good-looking as him, then yes, they must be quite unattractive.

Perhaps he simply cant accept his own looks and has resorted to putting down the other persons appearance? Zhao Qingya offered a skeptical look. Yuan Huan frowned. Thats a possibility But does appearance really matter?

Then what does matter?She countered.

Strength, of course! Yuan Huan declared with a puff of his chest. With enough power, who dares to call you ugly? Certainly not me. Even if you were the ugliest person in the world, n.o.body would have the guts to say otherwise!

Lu Yu coughed lightly, interrupting their exchange. Speaking of looks, am I considered unattractive in your esteemed opinion?

Absolutely not! Yuan Huan spun around, a servile smile plastered on his face.

Young Master Lu, your strength speaks volumes. And lets not forget your appearancetruly handsome! He chuckled awkwardly.

Lu Yu leaned back in his chair, his voice turning cold. Yuan Huan, is the person who approached you Yi Tianheng?

A jolt of surprise ran through Yuan Huan. What? You know him? Yi Tianheng?

Youre acquainted with Yi Tianheng? His voice grew increasingly frantic. Could it be

He narrowed his eyes, suspicion coloring his features. Are you from the Yi family? Is Lu Yu a fake name?

Lu Yu shook his head slightly. The only thing between Yi Tianheng and me is what transpired at the auction.

Realization dawned on Yuan Huans face. He gulped nervously.

About the auction he stammered. Did the two of you have a disagreement?

I think you already know the answer, Lu Yu replied coolly.

Yuan Huan acknowledged his statement with a defeated sigh. Yes

He took a deep breath, his voice barely a whisper. Could it be the person Yi

Tianheng wants me to eliminate is you?

Lu Yu offered a curt nod. Youve finally figured it out. Thats right, its me.

A yelp of surprise escaped Yuan Huans lips