1855 Feb. 2 Lecture on the Pendulum Experiments R. Inst.
lately made in the Harton Colliery for ascertaining the mean Density of the Earth.
1855 Feb. 3 On the Correction of the Compa.s.s in Iron Athenaeum.
Ships. (Remarks on Dr Scoresby's Investigations.)
1855 Address on presenting the Medal of the R. Astr. Soc.
R. Astr. Soc. to the Rev. William Rutter (Month. Not.) Dawes.
1855 Feb. 15 On the Computation of the Effect of the Phil. Trans.
Attraction of Mountain Ma.s.ses, as disturbing the Apparent Astronomical Lat.i.tude of Stations in Geodetic Surveys.
1855 June 2 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.
1855 Oct. 18 Address to the Individual Members of the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. (Equatoreal.)
1855 Nov. 21 Remarks upon certain Cases of Personal R. Astr. Soc.
Equation which appear to have hitherto (Memoirs.) escaped notice, accompanied with a Table of Results.
1855 Nov. 22 Discussion of the Observed Deviations of Phil. Trans.
the Compa.s.s in several Ships, Wood-built and Iron-built: with a General Table for facilitating the examination of Compa.s.s-Deviations.
1855 Description of the Reflex Zenith Tube of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. (App.
to the Greenwich Obs. for 1854.)
1856 Jan. 9 On Professor Peirce's Criterion for Astr. Journ.
discordant observations. (Cambr.)
1856 Jan. 24 Account of Pendulum Experiments undertaken Phil. Trans.
in the Harton Colliery, for the purpose of determining the Mean Density of the Earth.
1856 June 7 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.
1856 Aug. 25 On Scheutz's Calculating Machine. Phil. Mag.
1856 Aug. 30 Science and the Government. (Reply to Athenaeum.
statements in the Morning Chronicle about the instrumental equipment of the Royal Observatory.)
1857 May 8 On the Means which will be available for R. Astr. Soc.
correcting the Measure of the Sun's (Month. Not.) Distance in the next twenty-five years.
1857 May 12 Knowledge expected in Computers and a.s.sistants in the Royal Observatory.
1857 June 6 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.
1857 June 12 On the Eclipse of Agathocles, the Eclipse R. Astr. Soc.
at Larissa, and the Eclipse of Thales. (Memoirs.) With an Appendix on the Eclipse of Stiklastad.
1857 June 18 Account of the Construction of the New Phil. Trans.
National Standard of Length, and of its princ.i.p.al copies.
1857 Dec. 5 Letter to the Vice-Chancellor of Cambridge University regarding Smith's Prizes.
1857 Dec. 7 On the Subst.i.tution of Methods founded Camb. Phil. Soc.
on Ordinary Geometry for Methods based on the General Doctrine of Proportions, in the treatment of some Geometrical Problems
1857 Description of the Galvanic Chronographic Gr. Obs. 1856, Apparatus of the Royal Observatory, App.
1858 Mar. 8 Suggestions for Observation of the Annular Eclipse of the Sun on 1858, March 14-15.
1858 Mar. 12 Note on Oltmann's Calculation of the R. Astr. Soc.
Eclipse of Thales. Also On a Method (Month. Not.) of very approximately representing the Projection of a Great Circle upon Mercator's Chart.
1858 May The Atlantic Cable Problem. Naut. Mag.
1858 May 20 Report of the Ordnance Survey Commission; together with Minutes of Evidence and Appendix.
1858 June 5 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.
1858 June 16 On the Mechanical Conditions of the Phil. Mag.
Deposit of a Submarine Cable.
1858 July Instructions and Chart for Observations R. Astr. Soc.
of Mars in right ascension at the (Special.) Opposition of 1860 for obtaining the Measure of the Sun's Distance.
1858 Aug. 20 On the Advantageous Employment of Photog. Notes.
Stereoscopic Photographs for the representation of Scenery.
1858 Nov. 6 On the "Draft of Proposed New Statutes Athenaeum.
for Trinity College, Cambridge."
1858 Nov. 20 Letter to the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge, offering the Sheepshanks Endowment.
1858 Dec. 6 Suggestion of a Proof of the Theorem Camb. Phil. Soc.
that Every Algebraic Equation has a Root.
1859 Manual of Astronomy--for the Admiralty. Parly. Paper.
1859 Feb. 1 Letter to Lord Monteagle relating to the Standards of Weights and Measures.
1859 Feb. 4 Remarks on Mr Cayley's Trigonometrical Phil. Mag.
Theorem, and on Prof. Challis's Proof that Equations have Roots.
1859 Mar. 11 On the Movement of the Solar System in R. Astr. Soc.
s.p.a.ce. (Memoirs.)
1859 Apr. 8 On the Apparent Projection of Stars upon R. Astr. Soc.
the Moon's Disc in Occultations. Also (Month. Not.) Comparison of the Lunar Tables of Burckhardt and Hansen with Observations of the Moon made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich.