1850 Dec. 13 On a Method of regulating the Clock-work R. Astr. Soc.
for Equatoreals. (Month. Not.)
1850 Dec. 13 Supplement to a Paper "On the Regulation R. Astr. Soc.
of the Clock-work for effecting Uniform (Memoirs.) Movement of Equatoreals."
1850 Dec. 27 On the Relation of the Direction of the Phil. Trans.
Wind to the Age of the Moon, as inferred from Observations made at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, from 1840 Nov.
to 1847 Dec.
1851 Jan. 14 Remarks on Mr Wyatt's Paper on the Inst. C.E.
Construction of the Building for the (Minutes.) Exhibition of the Works of Industry of all Nations in 1851.
1851 Feb. 15 Address on presenting the medal of the R. Astr. Soc.
R. Astr. Soc. to Dr Annibale de (Month. Not.) Gasparis.
1851 Mar. 28 Letter to Professor Challis regarding the Adams Prize.
1851 Mar. 29 On Caesar's place of landing in Britain. Athenaeum.
1851 Suggestions to Astronomers for the Brit. a.s.soc.
Observation of the Total Eclipse of the Sun on July 28, 1851.
1851 Apr. 11 On the Determination of the probable R. Astr. Soc.
Stability of an Azim.u.t.h.al Circle by (Month. Not.) Observations of Star and a permanent Collimator.
1851 May 2 On the Total Solar Eclipse of 1851, July 28. R. Inst.
1851 May 9 On the Vibration of a Free Pendulum in an R. Astr. Soc.
Oval differing little from a Straight Line (Memoirs)
1851 June 7 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.
1851 July 2 The President's Address to the Twenty-first Athenaeum.
Meeting of the British a.s.sociation for the Advancement of Science, Ipswich.
1851 Oct. 17 On Julius Caesar's Expedition against Naut. Mag.
England, in relation to his places of departure and landing.
1851 Nov. 14 Account of the Total Eclipse of the Sun on R. Astr. Soc.
1851, July 28, as observed at Gottenburg, (Memoirs.) at Christiania, and at Christianstadt.
1851 Dec. 13 On the Geography of the Exodus. Athenaeum.
1852 Jan. 9 On the Solar Eclipse of July 28, 1851. R. Astr. Soc.
(Month. Not.)
1852 On the place of Caesar's Departure from Soc. of Antiq.
Gaul for the Invasion of Britain, and (Memoirs.) the Place of his Landing in Britain, with an Appendix on the Battle of Hastings.
1852 On a New Method of computing the Naut. Alm. 1856, Perturbations of planets, by J.F. App.
Encke--translated and ill.u.s.trated with notes by G.B. Airy.
1852 June 5 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.
1853 Feb. 3 On the Eclipses of Agathocles, Thales, Phil. Trans.
and Xerxes.
1853 Feb. 4 Lecture on the results of recent R. Inst.
calculations on the Eclipse of Thales and Eclipses connected with it.
1853 May 3 Address to the Individual Members of the Board of Visitors of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. (Lunar Reductions.)
1853 May 14 On Decimal Coinage. Athenaeum.
1853 June 4 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.
1853 June Lecture on the Determination of the R. Astr. Soc.
Longitude of the Observatory of (Month. Not.) Cambridge by means of Galvanic Signals.
1853 Sept. 10 On Decimal Coinage. Athenaeum.
1853 Dec. 14 Description of the Transit Circle of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. (App.
Gr. Observ. 1852.)
1853 Dec. 14 Regulations of the Royal Observatory, Greenwich. (App. Gr. Observ. 1852.)
1854 Jan. 14 On the Telegraphic Longitude of Brussels. Athenaeum.
1854 Feb. 10 Address on presenting the Gold Medal of R. Astr. Soc.
the R. Astr. Soc. to Mr Charles Rumker. (Month. Not.)
1854 Feb. 25 On Reforms in the University of Cambridge. Athenaeum.
1854 Apr. 15 Letters relating to "The Late M. Mauvais." Liter. Gaz.
1854 June 3 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.
1854 Sept. The Deluge. Private.
1854 Oct. 28 On the Correction of the Compa.s.s in Iron Athenaeum.
Ships. (Scoresby's Experiments.)
1854 Nov. 10 On the Difference of Longitude between R. Astr. Soc.
the Observatories of Brussels and Greenwich, (Memoirs.) as determined by Galvanic Signals.
1855 Jan. 1 Lecture at S. Shields on the Pendulum Experiments in the Harton Pit, and Letter on the Results.