1859 Apr. 8 On the Apparent Projection of Stars upon R. Astr. Soc.
the Moon's Disc in Occultations. (Memoirs.)
1859 June 4 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.
1859 June 10 Abstract of Maxwell's Paper "On the R. Astr. Soc.
Stability of the Motion of Saturn's Rings." (Month. Not.)
1859 July 8 Corrections of the Elements of the Moon's R. Astr. Soc.
Orbit, deduced from the Lunar Observations (Memoirs.) made at the Royal Observatory of Greenwich from 1750 to 1851.
1859 Sept. 10 On the Invasion of Britain by Julius Caesar. Athenaeum.
(Answer to Mr Lewin.)
1859 Nov. 12 On Iron Ships--The Royal Charter. Athenaeum.
(Answer to Archibald Smith's Remarks.)
1859 Nov. Circular requesting observations of small Planets.
1859 Dec. 9 Notice of the approaching Total Eclipse of R. Astr. Soc.
the Sun of July 18,1860, and suggestions (Month. Not.) for observation.
1859 Dec. 12 Supplement to A Proof of the Theorem Camb. Phil. Soc.
that Every Algebraic Equation has a Root.
1860 Jan. 13 Description of the New Equatoreal at the R. Astr. Soc.
Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Also (Month. Not.) Abstract of an Essay by Gen. T.F. de Schubert on the Figure of the Earth.
1860 Jan. 28 On the Claudian or Plautian Invasion of Athenaeum Britain.
1860 Feb. 2 Examination of Navy 2-foot Telescopes at the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 1860, Jan. 31 to Feb. 2.
1860 Feb. 11 Report on the Instrumental Equipments Ho. of Commons.
of the Exchequer Office of Weights and (Parly. Paper.) Measures, as regards the means for preventing Fraud in the Sale of Gas to the Public; and on the Amendments which may be required to the existing Legislation on that subject.
1860 Mar. 9 Address on the approaching Solar Eclipse R. Astr. Soc.
of July 18, 1860, &c. (Month. Not.)
1860 May 10 Correspondence between the Lords Ho. of Commons.
Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, (Parly. Paper.) &c., and the Astronomer Royal, relating to Gas Measurement, and the Sale of Gas Act.
1860 June 2 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors. And Address to the Members of the Board in reference to Struve's Geodetic suggestions.
1860 June 7 Correspondence regarding the Grant of _1000_ to Prof. Hansen for his Lunar Tables.
1860 Sept. 13 Remarks on a Paper ent.i.tled "On the Polar Distances of the Greenwich Transit Circle, by A. Marth." Addressed to the Members of the Board of Visitors.
1860 Sept. 22 On Change of Climate, in answer to Athenaeum.
certain speculations by Sir Henry James.
1860 Oct. 20 Circular relating to the distribution of Greenwich Observations and other publications of the Royal Observatory.
1860 Nov. 9 Account of Observations of the Total R. Astr. Soc.
Solar Eclipse of 1860, July 18, made (Month. Not.) at Herena, near Miranda de Ebro; &c. &c.
1860 Nov. 17 On Change of Climate: further discussion. Athenaeum.
1860 Letters on Lighthouses, to the Commission on Lighthouses.
1860 Dec. 14 Note on the translation of a pa.s.sage in a R. Astr. Soc.
letter of Hansen's relating to (Month. Not.) coefficients.
1861 Feb. 9 On the Temperature-correction of Syphon Athenaeum.
1861 March Results of Observations of the Solar R. Astr. Soc.
Eclipse of 1860 July 18 made at the Royal (Month. Not.) Observatory, Greenwich, for determination of the Errors of the Tabular Elements of the Eclipse. Also Suggestion of a new Astronomical Instrument, for which the name "Orbit-Sweeper" is proposed. Also Theory of the Regulation of a Clock by Galvanic Currents acting on the Pendulum.
1861 June 1 Report of the Astronomer Royal to the Board of Visitors.
1861 June 5 On a supposed Failure of the Calculus of Phil. Mag.
1861 July Report of a Committee of the R. Soc. on R. Soc.(Proc.) the advisability of re-measuring the Indian Arc of Meridian.
1861 Sept. 21 Lecture at Manchester on the Great Solar Athenaeum.
Eclipse of July 18, 1860.
1861 Sept. 21 The same Lecture. London Review.
1861 Oct. Examination Paper for the Sheepshanks Exhibition.
1861 Nov. 1 Translation of Dr Lamont's Paper "On the Phil. Mag.
most Advantageous Form of Magnets."
1861 Nov. 8 Note on a Letter received from Hansen on R. Astr. Soc.
the Lunar Theory. Also Discussion of (Month. Not.) a Result deduced by Mr D'Abbadie from Observations of the Total Solar Eclipse of 1860, July 18.
1861 Nov. 16 Instructions for observing the Total Eclipse of the Sun on December 31.
1861 Dec. On a Projection by Balance of Errors for Phil. Mag.
1861 Dec. 28 On the Circularity of the Sun's Disk. R. Astr. Soc.
Also Table of Comparative Number of (Month. Not.) Observations of Small Planets.
1862 Jan. On the Direction of the Joints in the Phil. Mag.
Faces of Oblique Arches.
1862 Mar. 15 Review of "An Historical Survey of the Athenaeum.