Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 528

Chapter 528

Chapter 528 Well deserved!

Both perish!

The silent game world is empty.

Wang Ye and Xian Yuyan finally used their will and strength to attack powerfully, destroying everything.

No one left any chance for the other.

"How does this count? How about doing it all over again, I haven't watched it enough yet."

"Be an individual, this kind of peak battle that is enough to be recorded in the annals of history can never be repeated."

"We should look at the time of death, right? There must be a sequence, and the human virtual universe will soon have results."

"I think time is meaningless, and it's not a racing game. Life and death are only related to victory and defeat. Judging from the performance of the two, I think they both deserve a championship!"

Didn't have to wait too long.

In the anticipation of everyone, Infinite Slaughter World and Yuangu Star will soon announce the final result of this summit battle

Double Champions!

The names of Wang Ye and Xian Yuyan are recorded in the annals of history!

The first Supernova Tianjiao Contest is co-hosted by the two major seven supreme forces for the first time!

The first double champion!

The two of them, together, won the glory trophy of Supernova Tianjiao Competition!

At the same time, Wang Ye also set an unprecedented new record in the talent selection competition!

As a participant in the universe country, win the championship!

Created a record in the universe country star field!

Even created a record in the talent selection competition!

Name goes down in history!

"It's worth it, this is the best result, both of them deserve a championship!"

"Xian Yuyan, who performed perfectly throughout the whole process, and Wang Ye, who counterattacked and braved the wind and waves all the way, this time the Supernova Tianjiao competition is really exciting, especially in the finals, where the opponents compete with each other. It is more than addictive to watch!"

"Yes, including Misty Baibai, Gentle, Qingxuan, Donghuang Wanyi, Jiugedi, they can win the championship in any talent competition, and this competition is brilliant because of them. I dare say this The heaven's favored children who have emerged in one session will surely become the golden generation in the future!

"Congratulations to them! Especially Wang Ye, who has created miracles, has given us too many surprises and infinite possibilities! Now I know that even if innately inferior to others, without resources and powerful treasures, a small country's legacy can still reach the top of glory!"

Taishi Star Network, very excited!

Blue Star, Wangye Starfield, and Honghe Cosmos Country all fell into madness.

Wang Ye, win the championship!

Max out the record!

create a miracle!

He not only carved his name into the history of the human universe!

He even imprinted Blue Star, Honghe Universe Country and Taishi Starfield in the records along with him.

The future will be mentioned by countless people.

Once upon a time, a little person from the Taishi star field, a four-star life planet in the Red River universe country.

Passed all the way with a humble attitude, and won the very important Supernova Tianjiao Championship under the circumstances that everyone was not optimistic about!

Overcoming obstacles all the way!

What he relies on is not luck, but real strength!

Champion Wang Ye deserves his name!

"This competition, I will be able to brag about it for the rest of my life!"

"Wang Ye, is the eternal pride of our Honghe Universe Kingdom!"

"Don't want to say anything, join Honghe Universe Kingdom immediately, and follow in the footsteps of Ye Shen!"

"Who said that four-star colonial star cultivators can't stand out? As long as they have the opportunity, they can soar into the sky in the future!"

"Huaxia God of War, Wang Ye! The eternal pride of our Blue Star!"

Eternal Kingdom of the Eastern Emperor.

"Good job, Wang Ye!" Donghuang Wanwan couldn't help but praised.

After being eliminated by Xian Yuyan, what he most wanted to see was who could drag this tall woman down from the clouds.

What Qingxuan, Piaobaibai and him couldn't do, Wang Ye did.

Finally, Xian Yuyan figured out everything about Wang Ye, and when he started to fight back, he thought Wang Ye was dead.

Who would have thought that in the final desperate situation, Wang Ye would insist on turning the impossible into possible. Under the circumstances of certain death, relying on his tenacious and unyielding will, he would erupt with unimaginable strength and take Xian Yuyan away with him!

That feeling is so refreshing!

Xian Yuyan, this woman, is so f*cking difficult to deal with!

"This is determination and desire to win." Donghuang Wanwan sighed softly.

He knows what he lacks, and his will is not bad, but sometimes he just can't do it.

Because once born, he has everything.


"I lost to Xian Yuyan, and Wang Ye tied with Xian Yuyan, doesn't it represent me..." Donghuang Wanyi's expression changed suddenly.

It's over!

This time I am ashamed and embarrassing!

Mysterious Eternal Kingdom.

"Brother, the result of the competition is out!" Qing Yu ran over excitedly.

"Really?" Qingxuan held the Xuantian battle ax in his hand, sharpening his ax technique meticulously: "Xianyuyan won, right?"

"It's a double champion, brother!" Qing Yu said happily: "Wang Ye broke out at the last moment and killed Xian Yuyan together, and the two tied!"

The Qingxuan battle ax stopped in the air, slightly taken aback.

Wang Ye, tied Xian Yuyan?

He knew how strong Xian Yuyan was, and she deserved the championship, but he didn't expect...

Wang Ye, unexpectedly has such strength!

"There is one more opponent to defeat in the future." Qingxuan's pupils are bright, and his fighting spirit is even stronger.

The Xuantian Tomahawk roared proudly, causing time and space to vibrate.

Jiu Gedi, Piao Baibai, Dong Baiying, Chi Xuan, Ji Mengni, Nong Bi...

All the favored ones who have made their mark on the stage of the finals, like Qingxuan, have added a name that no one can ignore to their list of future competitors.

Wang Ye!

After watching this exciting final, they were full of fighting spirit.

The supernova Tianjiao competition is just the beginning.

The high-dimensional universe, the eight super groups, is their real battlefield in the future!

"Next time, I won't lose to you again!"

"Wang Ye, see you in the high-dimensional universe!"

"Scumbag! I will definitely get Ziyu back!"

Human virtual universe.

Wang Ye stood in the empty preparation space.

very quiet.

Just like his mood at the moment.

Obviously very excited, but extremely calm.

On the fluorescent screen, his and Xian Yuyan's names flashed.

Like the two names on the red book, the words "Double Champions" are engraved on the top.

The top glory recorded in the annals of the human universe.

He did it.

Looked around, but did not see Xian Yuyan.

She should have just left.

For me, the weight of this championship is heavy.

But for her, that might not be the outcome she wanted.

This woman has a calm appearance.

In the bones, no, the bones are full of arrogance!

If there is a rematch, I believe she will accept it without hesitation.

Fight again, knowing the basics, I guess it will be difficult to win.

Looking back on this battle, Xian Yuyan was stronger than herself, and her battle strategy was top-notch.

Scheme before acting, neither haste nor impetuosity, neither underestimate the enemy nor advance aggressively, and do not hesitate when it is time to make a final decision.

This woman is terrifying.

It's just that she didn't expect that she could finally touch the way of will.

"Very vague." Wang Ye felt it carefully now, but it was still a little vague.

It was just that the energy explosion of the star core that was on the verge of extinction in the life and death before barely touched that trace.

In terms of realm, it is probably the same as before Gentle comprehended the way of killing intent.

Thanks to Gentle, I taught myself a lot of perception and application of the way of will when fighting side by side.

I am also grateful for the improvement and cultivation of my will, and I have reached the foundation of the way of touching the will.

The final eruption was accidental, and to some extent inevitable.

Because, I am a genius.

"However, this woman is really amazing. She can still maintain such calmness in a desperate situation." Wang Ye admired Xian Yuyan very much.

Even though his last exhaustive attack had caused his will to collapse, and he could no longer use his undead talent and reorganize his physical body, Xian Yuyan still didn't leave any chance for himself.

The sword light before death filled the sky, enveloped and shattered the entire world, eliminating all possibilities.

Even if there is still a breath of her will, there are no flesh and blood cells that can escape her sword light blockade.

She is definitely a strong competitor in the future.

It's not just her.

A gentle look appeared in Wang Ye's mind.

After realizing Gao Wei's way, her strength has greatly improved. If she enters the finals, Xian Yuyan is likely to lose.

Losing to herself is just because gentleness can't really kill herself.

There is also Piaobaibai.

The highest bloodline is simply against the sky.

If Dong Baiying hadn't consumed him first, Xian Yuyan might have stopped in the quarter-finals.

Piao Baibai in its heyday may be the strongest supernova Tianjiao.

As for Dong Baiying, his understanding and speed of progress were completely underestimated.

Being able to force Miu Baibai to this level is a testament to his strength.

And he is very young, the future is limitless.

As young as him, there are two brothers and sisters, Qingxuan and Qingyu.

Congenital perfection, top-notch aptitude, extraordinary intelligence, combat prowess worthy of Xian Yuyan.

Especially Qingyu, a super star can already create her own cosmic energy technique, Thai pants are hot!

Thousand-year-old Erjiu Gedi has the will and comprehensive abilities of a supernova Tianjiao to compete for the top.

His low-key style makes people ignore his existence, but his combat power is second only to Xian Yuyan's stability.

If it wasn't for the gentle explosion, maybe my life would have been hanging by a thread when I met him in the semifinals.

Including Chi Xuan, Ji Mengni, who are equally astonishingly powerful and slanted their swords...

Recalling the proud sons of heaven who made him remember deeply, Wang Ye felt his heart jump with joy and his blood pulse.

After joining the seven supreme forces and stepping into the high-dimensional universe.

They will all be their strong competitors in the future!


"I won't lose." Wang Ye has self-confidence and fighting spirit.

He never underestimated himself.

Being able to win the championship is enough to prove his strength, worthy of anyone!

This is still based on the fact that I only have one top-grade treasure, and I am at a big disadvantage in the treasure ring!

Including his own level of strength, it is also the lowest among the crowd.

In the first round, he only ranked 100th on the universe ladder.

Started much slower than them.

But now, everyone is on the same starting line.

"Let's see who can be the first to cross the reincarnation after entering the seven supreme forces, and the achievement will never be destroyed!" Wang Ye smiled.

Hey, he seems to have forgotten who?

doesn't matter either.

"See you in the high-dimensional universe!" Wang Ye left the human virtual universe.

I think Wang Ye's current strength is in the first tier, but he is not the strongest. If he wins the championship alone, he doesn't deserve his name, but it will be uncomfortable for the runner-up plot, and he will be sprayed to death by you (dog head). This is very good, there is a lot of room for improvement, and the future is infinite. As for the description of the group portraits, Donghuang Wanyi, Xianyuyan, gentle, and Baibaibai are all future friends and wives, and we will meet soon.

(end of this chapter)