Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 527

Chapter 527

Chapter 527 The Battle of the Strongest Peak!

In the preparation space, it was very quiet.

The countdown on the fluorescent screen is moving.

Both Xian Yuyan and Wang Ye are resting with their eyes closed.

Recover the state, cultivate the fighting spirit, and simulate the final battle of the supernova Tianjiao in his mind.

The human virtual universe is very lively.

The peak battles one after another pushed everyone's emotions to the climax.

One is Xian Yuyan, who has been hailed as the biggest favorite to win the championship since the beginning, and her performance in each round has never disappointed.

Not only is the most stable player in the Supernova Tianjiao competition, but he is also the most popular player!

The other is an unknown little country's legacy, which has never been favored by others.

But round after round of explosions, the thinking is meticulous and the layout is clear.

From the 100th place on the universe ladder list, all the way to the championship in the finals, it is embarrassing.

The duel between the Chosen Daughter and the Counterattack King!

"Let's go, Xian Yuyan! All stumbling blocks on the road to winning the championship have been removed! Go and win the **** champion!"

"Wang Ye is not your opponent! There is still a final battle, Xian Yuyan! Give it your all! Let us witness the glory of the ten eternal kingdoms!"

"Come on for Wang Ye! It's not easy to get here all the way! He has witnessed the miracle of a small person! Even if he doesn't have good resources, treasures, and a mediocre background, he can still become a real strong man! It's so inspiring!"

"I hope Wang Ye can create a miracle! Break the unstoppable fate of the universe country star field! Leave an epoch-making stroke in the history of the talent challenge! Go down in history!"

Taishi Star Network.

Everyone is frantically swiping the screen!

They, so excited!

Never imagined that Wang Ye could make it to the finals!

"Brothers, in my lifetime, I will witness the birth of a miracle, and I will die without regret!"

"Me too! Following in the footsteps of Ye Shen all the way to the present, my whole body is shaking now!"

"Universe Starfield broke into the finals of the talent selection competition, and Wang Ye has already tied the historical record! Just one step further, we can create a new history of Universe Country Starfield!"

"We all have a wish, to defeat Xian Yuyan and bring the champion back to Taishi Starfield, Ye Shen!"

Blue Star.

The whole of China is looking forward to it.

Their God of War is creating another miracle!

A great miracle at the cosmic level!

He proved with practical actions that ordinary humans born on Blue Star can also compete with the strongest geniuses in the human universe!

Everyone is cheering for the hero in their hearts.

Looking forward to the final battle, igniting the entire human universe!

Create their Blue Star, the strongest legend in China!

At this moment, in every corner of the Taishi Starfield, Wang Ye's relatives, brothers, and friends are all cheering for him.

In the starry sky, Wang Liang was sitting in the spaceship, handling official duties while waiting for the decisive battle to begin.

In Taiwu No. 1 Academy, Wang Yu was standing in the Martial Arts Field, clenching his fists, watching the big screen, almost suffocating with tension.

On the battlefield of the Prady galaxy, Marshal Bian Jing, Le Dunchun, Yi Shiwu, Fang Yibo and other millions of people will be watching the battle, cheering for the brothers who fought side by side.

Wang Ye.

A little man from an ordinary four-star life planet is creating his own legend.

It's dreamy, incredible, unbelievable.

But now he is already standing on the highest stage of the supernova Tianjiao competition.

Only one step away from creating a miracle!




The countdown is over!

In the preparation space, Wang Ye opened his eyes and looked at Xian Yuyan from afar.

Didn't speak, but his eyes told everything.

Last battle, let strength speak!

Step! tread!

The two entered the final space channel and entered the competition world.

The light disappears.

Final, open!

No. 1 race world.

Wang Ye and Xian Yuyan confront each other.

This is the existence that he has been looking up to since he participated in the Supernova Tianjiao competition.

Now, it is within easy reach.

Go get her!

Didn't have any other thoughts.

Now is the moment when his fighting spirit and fighting spirit are the strongest!

He, wants to win!

Boom! boom!

The two sides broke out almost simultaneously.

Triple Top Inner World vs. Triple Top Inner World!

8100 times duel 8100 times!

Top Clash!

The two sacred trees of life released huge life energy, and the treasures of the world in the bodies of the two sides clashed again and again!

Since breaking through the triple top internal body world, Wang Ye was at a disadvantage in the internal body world confrontation for the first time, due to the quality gap of the internal body world treasures.

clang! The top-grade indestructible artifact, the black gold Sumeru Pagoda, is used as a defense.

"As expected of Xian Yuyan." Wang Ye didn't panic.

Slight gap does not affect the battle, the key to victory is the head-on confrontation with Xian Yuyan.

Use offense to open up the situation!

Wang Ye used the time domain of light and shadow, and the power of the ultimate treasure can be displayed.

Hundreds of light circles appear from all directions, time overlaps, and attacks from a long distance.

The first cosmic secret, Hundred Shadows!

The sword flower in Xian Yuyan's hand flickered, Bai Yu's figure was ethereal and changing, and she was able to block and dodge with ease.

Her attainments in the way of time are very high.


Bai Lei's source and Blue Flash's source appeared at the same time.

Wang Ye quickly launched a frontal attack, and the enhanced supernatural power was released when Xian Yuyan was restrained by Baiying.

Divide one into two, split up!

Xian Yuyan fought very steadily.

She prefers to patiently force out the opponent's hole cards little by little, and then win it safely.

Thanks to her strongest defense and comprehensive comprehensive ability.

Chi! Extinguishing Samsara Saber Art, Wang Ye's top-level sword heart is amazingly powerful.

Xianyu Yanjian bursts of light, and the defensive sword array built with a perfect sword heart is unbreakable, blocking all attacks.

Even if the space secret of the streamer wing blade lights up, and the flame of the Nether Flame Demon Knife burns, they all disappear invisible.

Wang Ye now feels the situation of Donghuang Wanyi.

This woman is so defensive!

Her defensive swordsmanship has only been broken twice.

Once it was split open by Qingxuan with the innate treasure, and once it was the eruption of Baibaizhigao's blood.

I can't do it by myself, I can only slowly erode her defense in the constant attack like Donghuang Wanyi, and strangle her defense step by step!

The secret of the third universe, a domain!

The source of light descends, bursting with light and shadow!

At the same time, the sapphire blue ball in Xian Yuyan's hand bloomed, and the space-time domain was cast.

Collision between the best treasure fields!

The energy exploded!

Xian Yuyan's beautiful eyes lit up, and her sword skills changed instantly.

Turn defense into offense!

In an instant, it is like mercury pouring down the ground, beautiful and magnificent.

The same is the unity of the sword, the degree of fit and the power of the sword are much stronger!

"Boom!" Wang Yeyuan fought back vigorously.

The powerful physical body is not afraid of harm, and it attacks with attack.

Xian Yuyan is very smart, she chose the second set of swordsmanship that combines both offense and defense, and with the defense of the White Feather Supreme Treasure, she can advance and retreat freely.


The two sides fought again and again.

Wang Ye was at a disadvantage because he didn't dare to use his source power too much.

He is not as brainless as Chi Xuan.

Once the source power is exhausted, there is no doubt that you will lose.

"Her sword is really strong." Wang Ye darkly.

Although she has a stronger physical body, Xian Yuyan's sword heart, sword skills, and even the quality of treasures are all above him.

His time attainment is higher than Xian Yuyan's, but Xian Yuyan's space attainment is higher than him.

Continuous fighting, repeated injuries.

Unable to display the talent of immortality, because he cannot control Xian Yuyan.

With Xian Yuyan's strength and sword intent, she can easily shatter all the cells in her body.

"Fight!" Wang Ye had no choice.

This woman is too careful, she is so stable that it makes people heinous, and there is no flaw to be found.

The blue flash fan cage cast, quickly enveloped.

Wow! Xian Yuyan's space treasure is displayed, and time and space are criss-crossed.

Give no chance of control.

Then destroy!

Wang Ye destroyed the Lanshan cage without hesitation,

The third cosmic secret lights up, roars violently, and shakes the whole world violently!

The instantaneous burst of energy destroyed the space, and Xian Yuyan retreated quickly.

when! The ancient clock struck.

Time stops.

The ring in Xian Yuyan's hand shone brightly.

Wang Ye saw her perform it earlier in the morning.

Phew! Jin Yan's soul-eating arrow shot out and hit instantly.

Three Time Treasures Bombarded Simultaneously!

Wang Ye's series of attacks erupted, ringing the counterattack bell!

Bang bang bang!

Xian Yuyan retreated and blocked.

Wang Ye's attack increased sharply, his source power was consumed rapidly, and when he cast the willpower technique, the burst of double knives was even more powerful!

Chi! Entering the Xianyuyan sword formation with physical strength, breaking the balance.

Xian Yuyan didn't expect that Jian Guang was a little slower.

Boom! The Underworld Flame Demon Saber burned violently, destroying the sword array.


The streamer wing blade lights up.

A terrifying and powerful force, accompanied by the appearance of the top sword heart, Wang Ye blasted the strongest limit-breaking technique in front of him


Yuanli bombarded wildly!

For the first time, the double-knife attack forcibly broke through Xian Yuyan's defensive sword array, broke through the white feather coat defense, and splashed blood.

The source of the double thunder was released suddenly, and Wang Ye invaded Xian Yuyan forcefully!

Boom boom boom!

Xian Yuyan fights and retreats, not chaotic in the face of danger.

Jian Guang fought back step by step, stabbing Wang Ye constantly.

The two fought for more than a hundred rounds in an instant, and the fight was fierce.

clang! Static World casts again.

As if it was a signal to attack, the Xianyuyan Sword Formation reappeared to defend.

Suddenly, Wang Ye quickly retreated.

Peng! Self-destruct.

"Talent is immortal." Xian Yuyan responded quickly, turning defense into offense.

But the moment blocked by the time domain, Wang Ye was quickly reborn and restored.

Wow! The monstrous sword light enveloped.

Tear apart the defense, revealing the crystal illusion suit that Wang Ye has never used.

"Come together!" Wang Ye erupted.

It was the first time to use this defensive boutique treasure that fit him very well.

Eighty-eight pack abs suddenly appeared!

At this time, he didn't care about being ashamed or not.

The only chance of immortality and rebirth has been used up, Xian Yuyan will never give him a second chance.

Although the source power cannot be restored, the physical strength, dark power and soul energy are all restored, enough to fight again!

Bang bang bang! Xianyu Yanjian's light fell on the crystal illusion suit.

The first space secret was shining, but the powerful destructive power of the super treasure and the destructive swordsmanship still tore his body apart.

Breaking Limit Skill: Reincarnation!

Wang Ye ignored the damage and attacked violently!

Chi le! While tearing up Xian Yuyan's defense, her body was crushed by Xian Yuyan's sword light.

Horror sword energy shrouded, destroying all flesh and blood cells.

This woman is very ruthless.

Wang Ye, lost?

This is the thought in the minds of all watching humans at the moment.

"He's not dead." Xian Yuyan frowned slightly, and the sword shined again.

The game is not over yet.

Boom boom boom!

Xian Yuyan's attack speed is amazing.

King of the Void, Ye Damuba was continuously injured, broken and reorganized, and his eighty-eight-pack abdominal muscles were refined, containing the source of light.

Crystal Fantasy Combined Suit Third Cosmic Secret!

After the fusion, the energy of the crystal fantasy fusion suit will not be exhausted, and the physical body will not die, just like a low-end immortality.

But in a short period of time, nearly half of the energy has been lost.

Xian Yuyan is too smart.

There is no retreat.

Wang Ye's star core flashed.

Using the indestructible artifacts of star core alignment, the four beast totem poles are used.

Time light wheel shrouded!

Wang Yetai's burning blood technique was cast!


"Roar!" The appearance of a berserk cosmic beast was revealed, Wang Ye's skin was blood red, and infinite power emerged from his body.

Combined with the crystal fantasy suit, the effect is extremely explosive, and the burden on the physical body reaches the limit in an instant!

If it was the body that was seriously injured just now, it would have already been shattered and broken.

But at this time, the physical body is at its peak!


The recovered dark energy casts supernatural powers again.

Boom! Wang Ye's attack was stronger than when it exploded for the first time!

Jedi strikes back!

"Zheng!" Xian Yuyan's beautiful eyes sparkled, and the apostle of the sword spirit melted into the white jade sword.

She could feel Wang Ye's fighting spirit and determination, which were much stronger than in case.

This will be the decisive battle of Chengren if he fails in the end.

She is never afraid of challenges!

Boom boom boom!

The two fought frantically at close range.

Time and space are shattered, and the world is shaken.

Under the fierce fighting, blood splattered everywhere.

The two pairs of eyes were full of persistence and madness, and the confrontation of swords moved the entire human universe.

This is the final battle of the supernova Tianjiao, full of gold!

The battle of the strongest peak!

Evenly matched!


Xian Yuyan is even better!

"Hoo!" Jian Guang faintly surpassed the realm of unity, and Wang Ye's crystal fantasy suit finally shattered.

White feathers fluttered, and at this moment, Xianyu Yanjian's light suddenly changed, and his attack power increased dramatically!

The third set of swordsmanship!

The strongest attack swordsmanship!

She wants to make a final decision!

Wang Ye's pupils were bloodshot, and his physical body was broken.

The energy of the crystal illusion combined suit was exhausted, and Taiyuan's blood burning technique was pushed to the extreme. This is already the limit of his limit!

The vast sword light enveloped him, and now Xian Yuyan is the strongest, she has no reservations when turning from defense to offense.

Qingxuan was defeated by this set of incisive sword techniques.

Now she is no longer calm and beautiful, her eyes are decisive, and she is truly gentle!

So strong! This woman!

I really want to beat her! !

He wants to win!

Wang Ye roared in his heart, full of unwillingness.


He wants stronger strength!

He doesn't want to lose!

Strong will burst!

The mystery between life and death, the star core blooms!

The number 6 shines brightly!

At that moment, Wang Ye felt the supreme and huge energy in the extremely distant high-dimensional universe.

Boom! There was a roar in his head, and he was enlightened.

In an instant, the will is like a metamorphosis, grasping the vague way of will, and suddenly enlightened!

Wang Ye's pupils were blood red, and the two blades in his hands erupted into an unprecedented fit!

Show the power of the boutique treasure!

The culmination of mind-only art!

Thai Ape Burning Blood Art Limit!

Boom! boom! Wang Ye performed the strongest sword move!

Domineering and persistent, keep moving forward!

Fearless of will and physical breakdown.

The blade broke through Xian Yuyan's white feather coat, and the protective necklace shattered.

Chi! The sharp sword light tore through Wang Ye's body at the same time, and the sword energy enveloped him, shattering everything.

In Xian Yuyan's eyes, there was determination.

She will never lose!

Bang bang bang!

Two ancient powerful forces bombarded wildly!

Spread to all around.

The sky is falling apart!

The terrifying blasting power razed the whole world to the ground.

Time and space are broken, and there are many dimensional cracks.

Everything is silent.

The shocking battle came to an end.

Don't procrastinate, end the climax cleanly, four thousand words, revised three times, is it enough sincerity, brothers!

(end of this chapter)