Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 529

Chapter 529

Chapter 529 I am a warm man

Huangye Manor is decorated with lights and festoons.

There was an endless stream of visitors who came to congratulate, all of them were high-ranking officials and nobles from the Honghe Universe Kingdom, and Ling Ling was so busy that he was dizzy.

For three consecutive days, no one was broken.

"Brother-in-law has created too much sensation this time." Lingling said with emotion while counting the gifts happily.

"In the era when the superstar of the human universe is number one, overpowering the top ten favorites of the eternal kingdom, invincible!" Xia Wuguang's eyes were full of heat, and after watching the game, his whole body was full of enthusiasm.

"The next era, look at me." Rand was full of spirits.

"It's up to you?" Xia Wuguang hehe.

Rand stared: "Could it be possible to see you, fight a fight if you don't accept it!"

"Fight as soon as you fight, whoever is afraid of whom!" Xia Wuguang was full of fighting spirit.

"You two just rest for a while." Lingling raised her head and gave the two of them a white look: "Now the time and place are right and people are right, so hurry up and break through the super star first. By the way, sister and wife? Why haven't you been here for a few days?" see him?"

"Cultivate?" Xia Wuguang hesitated, "Wang Ye doesn't like socializing very much."

"That's because these dignitaries are stupid." Rand sneered coldly: "If I were to visit, I would definitely bring all the most beautiful sisters, daughters, and granddaughters in the family. Let's see if Wang Ye will come and pay."

Lingling glanced at him: "When my brother-in-law comes back, I will tell him everything you just said."

Rand shook his fingers triumphantly: "Sister-in-law, you can't provoke our brotherhood. Besides, Wang Ye won't stay in Honghe Universe Kingdom for long, so he will leave soon."

"I don't know if Wang Ye has chosen well." Xia Wuguang wanted to know.

"Don't worry about him." Ling Ling said: "Brother-in-law will definitely choose the path that suits him best."

Millions of Customs Museum.

Wang Ye and Xi Yan rested comfortably, enjoying the aftertaste after the low tide.

"When are you leaving, brother?" Xi Yan ate the fruit.

"It's still early." Wang Ye said leisurely: "Let's rest for a while, and watch after we get engaged."

"Sure, you really want to give up a large forest for a few small trees?" Xi Yan admired.

"You don't know me too well. Am I the kind of person who starts messing around and ends up abandoning me?" Wang Ye looked at Xi Yan with a straight face: "Men still have to be responsible, besides, it's just an engagement, it's just a matter of status deal."

"When will you get married?" Xi Yan asked.

"It's still early." Wang Ye said.

Xi Yan: "..."

Wang Yedao: "It's not that I don't want to get married, it's that there are not enough people."

Xi Yan glanced at him: "Are some wives still in kindergarten?"

Wang Ye: "...change the subject."

Xi Yan looked like I didn't know you yet, and ate a grape: Go to Yuangu Planet or kill the world infinitely?

Wang Ye shook his head: "Still thinking about it."

Xi Yan said: "I remember that you decided to go to Yuangu Star early in the morning? And the Lord of Star Wish Gaowei brought you a message before, if you win the championship, she will accept you as a personal disciple. This kind of opportunity is rare." You can't ask for it, brother!"

Wang Yedao: "This is her wishful thinking. I didn't agree to accept her as a teacher."

Xi Yan said: "Over 70% of the top 100 in the finals went to Yuangu Star, like Xian Yuyan, Gentle, Ji Mengni, Dongse Ziyu, they will definitely go to Yuangu Star, you guys will be at odds Are they together?"

Wang Yedao: "After the game, Rourou and Dongse Ziyu have already contacted me, and they will go wherever I go."

Xi Yan: "...you sea king."

Wang Yedao: "I am a warm man."

Xi Yan: "Where are you warm?"

"Not telling you."

Where are you going?

Wang Ye really hasn't made a decision yet.

Pros and cons.

Xi Yan was right, he wanted to go to Yuangu Star from the very beginning.

The oldest, most mysterious force in the universe, which claims to have the most opportunities, is his first choice.

It doesn't matter if the door is open and there are many beautiful seniors, seniors, seniors and uncles.

Purely because Yuangu star has abundant resources and many opportunities, which attracted him to be a man of righteousness and kindness in the world who is dedicated to cultivating.

The top 100 in the finals, the proud sons of heaven, many of them participated for the Yuangu star.

But the death of No. 4 sounded the alarm and made him hesitate.

The Yuangu star is not that simple.

As for the infinite killing world, it is very active in the high-dimensional universe.

Among the seven supreme powers of mankind, the number of disciples is the largest, which is almost the same as that of the human virtual universe.

The First Era held a talent challenge competition, and there was an endless stream of students.

They don't treat students equally in their training, but choose the best ones.

Those with outstanding performance in tasks and outstanding talents and aptitudes will get more abundant resources.

Entering the world of infinite killing, you have to fight and sharpen.

And the information I got from Ziyu is

Humanity is supreme, there are three infinite killing worlds.

There are two Yuangu stars.

"Think slowly." Wang Ye was not in a hurry.

He is still in the period of rapid growth, before making a choice to go to the high-dimensional universe.

First swallow the large number of slaves that the Red River Cosmos Nation brought in successively from the allied countries in the Taishi Star Region.

This is much faster than his own practice.

Going back and forth to the high-dimensional universe is a bit troublesome, after all, he is not an immortal life.

Even if you master space roaming, it will take a lot of time.

Not to mention not yet mastered.

Fix the engagement date.

Wang Ye was busy with other matters at the same time.

Finalize the exact date for Rand and Xia Wuguang to enter the Red River.

After discussing with Wang Ye, the Thirteenth Royal Family began to expand the Blue Star Domain with Blue Star as its core.

Send an army to attack the star field temporarily occupied by surrounding monsters.

For this reason, the Honghe Cosmic Country even established space teleportation coordinate points on the holy blue star, which is convenient to go to and has invested a lot.

At the same time, Saint Blue Star's talent training benchmark has been greatly improved, comparable to the main star.

With Wang Yezhuyu in front, the thirteen imperial families have high hopes for Blue Star's talents.

Even if there is no second Wang Ye, they are satisfied with one percent or one thousandth of Wang Ye.

As for the Wang Ye family, the treatment is basically the same as that of a super family.

The vastly expanded territory currently has the standard of an eight-star life galaxy, rich in resources, abundant meritorious service and dark crystals, and all aspects of development have been given the green light.

In the future, he will definitely become the best in the super family of Honghe Universe Country.

The current Wang Ye is not only the facade of Honghe Universe Kingdom, but also the future and hope!

Especially the marriage between him and Luo Erhan made Honghe Cosmos Nation feel more at ease and stud without hesitation.

This is a super genius who can overwhelm all the proud sons of the ten eternal kingdoms!

Enough to make Honghe Universe Guo take a big gamble!

Huangye Manor.

Wang Ye, Rand, and Xia Wuguang sat together.

"Haha, brother, congratulations, I'm engaged again soon, how about a high tonight?" Rand grinned.

"I don't want to be the best man..." Xia Wuguang's mouth twitched.

"It's a good idea, there is no bridesmaid for you." Wang Ye looked at the two of them: "It's business, I will discuss the future development with you."

The two looked at each other.

Rand raised his eyebrows: "You don't want to send us to Taiwu No. 1 Academy, do you?"

"University is not suitable for you." Wang Ye said to Rand: "Are you interested in Time and Space Island?"

Rand and Xia Wuguang were stunned.

The island of time and space among the 18 top forces of the human race?

"Stop joking, brother, I didn't make it to the main competition in the dark energy hidden dragon selection, how do I get there?" Lante shook his head.

"The thirteen royal family managed the outer island manager of Time and Space Island." Wang Yedao: "They reviewed your resume, background and talent, and decided to give you a Opportunity. But it's just outer island disciples, whether you can enter the inner island in the future depends on your own luck.

Rand stared closely at Wang Ye.

"I really didn't do anything." Wang Yedao: "But it is indeed God's will. The Red River Cosmic Country and Blue Star are so hot right now that it's hard not to be noticed. Besides, I don't have enough energy to make Time and Space Island accept you. Of course, Go or not is up to you."

"Go!" Lante said decisively, "I have decided to follow the path of time and space. Among the 18 top forces of the human race, Time and Space Island is the most suitable for me! Thank you, brother!"

"Thank you for what I did." Wang Ye smiled and said, "It's your own ability. If you don't stand out in the dark energy hidden dragon selection, no matter how brilliant I am, Time and Space Island will not look down on you."

"Hey." Rand grinned triumphantly: "Isn't it, they really have vision."

Wang Ye and Rand bumped their fists.

Among the Blue Star group, he and Rand have the deepest relationship.

Rand is very happy for him to be able to join Time and Space Island.

"Brother Xia, you..." Wang Ye looked at Xia Wuguang.

Brother Xia doesn't have any impressive records, and he is still a slave.

It is very difficult to enter the 18 top forces of the human race.

"Don't worry about me, the battlefield is my home." Xia Wuguang looked at Wang Ye with a burning gaze: "After watching your supernova Tianjiao's performance all the way, I have already made up my mind."

"In the future, I will also participate in the Genius Challenge!"

"On behalf of Blue Star, once again challenge the geniuses of the top ten Eternal Kingdoms!"

Rand raised his eyebrows and said: "Yes, Xiao Xia, you have a backbone! But don't even fail the audition in the Taishi Starfield, and you will lose face to Blue Star."

Xia Wuguang snorted coldly: "You should still worry about yourself, Wang Ye's aura won't protect you for long, when you show your original shape, be careful to be kicked out by Time and Space Island."

"What are you talking about! My rand relies on real strength!"

"It's not made by hugging your thighs and piling up a lot of resources."

"This is called judging the situation, having a clear understanding of yourself, what a smart person does!"

"Strength is everything, soon, I will be stronger than you!"

"Strong ball! If you have the ability, go heads-up now!"

Wang Ye smiled wryly as he watched the two people fighting each other.

The goal is clear, which is good.

Healthy competition is not a bad thing.


"You guys are fighting here because you want to demolish the manor?" Wang Ye helplessly persuaded the fight.

The two of them have such a violent temper, there is no one left.

Just as the two of them were pulled apart, the starry sky bracelet suddenly lit up.

Looking at the message he received, Wang Ye frowned slightly, regained his composure instantly, and stood up.

Rand and Xia Wuguang, who stopped, cast their eyes.

"It's okay, a prey that slipped away came back by itself." Wang Ye smiled slightly.

"It's just right, let's bring some joy to the engagement banquet."

(end of this chapter)