Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 310

Chapter 310

Chapter 310 Star Pippino

Wutata galaxy, in front of the cosmic wormhole.

Four spaceships land.

Five Cosmos National Alliance!

Huerte Oles, Yinhang Zuohu, Xiongqin king of bear bile, Akayi king of red amber, four superpowers who came from afar gathered together.

In order to be the same purpose

Hunt Wang Ye!

Earning face for the family is a small matter, but treasures are a big matter!

Wang Ye has too many treasures!

What he owns is the treasures of the black world that he took away from their five great cosmic country families!

Total value, difficult to estimate.

Even if they are placed among the super star powerhouses, they will fight for their heads.

Fortunately, at present, only their five major cosmic country alliances know Wang Ye's movements and information.

"After entering the Pippino Galaxy, kill Wang Ye, everyone depends on their own abilities." The superstar seventh-level Yinhang Zuohu has the strongest aura among the crowd, "Remember, don't reveal your identity."

"We just lost our way in the Wutata galaxy and happened to enter the Pippino galaxy!"

"Then, I happened to meet my enemy Wang Ye!"

If it is not the Pippino galaxy, it is just at the edge of the southwestern part of the Hetuo galaxy.

Give the great courage to the five great cosmic countries and families, they dare not challenge the prestige of the barracks.

Even so, doing so is extremely risky.

Because the Blue Mountain Galaxy Army has officially ordered to occupy and open up the Hetuo galaxy.

"Don't worry, we know how to do it." The sixth-level superstar bear bile king Xiongqin is physically strong, and his majestic voice reveals heavy strength. Although he is tall and big, he is not dull.

"After killing Wang Ye, we will leave immediately!" Red Hu King Aka looked grim.

"Everyone keep in touch." Huerte Oles has blond hair and a smile on his face.

Compared with the three super-star powerhouses, he is a bit out of place as a ninth-level dark energy powerhouse.

But in terms of reputation and hidden combat power, he is not in vain.

Even, more than that.

He is the infinite killing world arena, a hundred-star powerhouse!

The best in the dark energy level!

Not only that, Huerte Oles is one of the future helmsmen of the family.

Received elite training from an early age, wise and strategic judgments, all of them are masters.

The Huerte tribe sent him out, naturally wanting to seek the greatest benefit.

Watching the three spaceships enter the wormhole one after another, a smile appeared on the corner of Huerte Oles' mouth.

Dock the spaceship directly, without any intention of taking any action.

"Three stupid guys." There was some disdain in Huerte Oles' eyes.

He would not risk offending the barracks.

Moreover, Wang Ye is quite powerful, no one knows what cards he hides.

Let three idiots try it out.

If they can kill Wang Ye, they will definitely pass through the only cosmic wormhole and return to the Wutata galaxy when they come back.

When the time comes, go directly to the killer!

After investigation, it can be said that he was hunted down by the barracks, and he was completely wiped out.

If none of the three of them can kill Wang Ye...

Then he doesn't need to take risks.

This is what a really smart person does.

"It will take at least dozens of cosmic days. There is nothing to do just waiting. Go explore the surrounding galaxies and see if there are any valuable planets." Huerte Oles immediately set off.

The Wutata galaxy is currently in the center of the territory of the three races of demons, demons, and humans.

All ethnic groups are cautiously tempting, and a single hair will affect the whole body.

Although spaceships come and go from time to time, there is not much exploration.

If you find something good, you can make a fortune.

Xu Lang No. 3, practice room.

Wang Ye, who was practicing, had slight changes in his physical body.

In the cosmic space, invisible tiny particles penetrate an invisible membrane and merge into the physical body, full of powerful energy.

Dark Matter!

The physical body and the black world are all improving.

Breath is enhanced!

Wang Ye opened his eyes, and a personal panel appeared in front of him.

Breakthrough! Sixth-order dark energy fighter!

It has been 36 cosmic days since the mission started, exactly one cosmic year.

Complete the last leap of the middle-level dark energy warrior, and reach the current life level and peak strength.

"My physical body is innately perfect now, and there shouldn't be a second threshold of the dark energy level. Even if there is, it will only slightly reduce the efficiency of cultivation." Wang Yexin thought.

However, there is still a long way to go before becoming a seventh-level dark energy fighter.

Unless the Leigu Evolution Method is upgraded by one level, it will take at least 80 cosmic days.

It is impossible to upgrade before the land reclamation task is over.

"The next step is to raise the superhuman to the fifth level of the dark energy level." Wang Ye got up.

As the captain, he must always pay attention to the task trend.

Although he didn't need to go through the tedious land reclamation process, Xiaobai, Sanqi, Wen and Wu helped him handle it very well.

But still have to show up every Cosmic Day.

Even if you don't do anything, you have to put on a show.

Occasionally accompanying Sanqi, descending on the five-star life planet like a god, also gave Wang Ye a lot of insight.

Various planets with different life forms!

There are civilizations that have taken the path of cultivating immortals.

There are civilizations that take the route of vindictiveness.

There are civilizations that have taken the technological route.

The most outrageous thing is that the civilization is still stuck in the barbaric era!

Different life planets breed different intelligent life, and even each time they breed is different.

"Blue Star, I don't know how many generations of civilization it is..." The more I explore the universe, the more I feel my own insignificance.

When the power is strong enough, it can easily destroy a civilization of thousands of years.

Advanced technology makes them look like gods, overlooking the civilizations of living planets without being discovered.

In just 36 cosmic days, Xulang 3 has discovered thousands of four-star life planets.

But it didn't come and didn't bother.

Just did a preliminary survey quietly, then recorded the coordinates and uploaded them to the mission recorder.

Wait for the Hetuo Galaxy to be fully occupied, and after confirming its safety.

The Blue Mountain Cosmic Congress sells each galaxy or planet or entrusts major families to bid for management.

Like the solar system of the day.

You never know, in the unknown sky, in the invisible universe, who is silently watching you, even...

The price has been marked, and the fate is determined.

"We are about to arrive at the position of the main star."

Smart voice sounds.

Wang Ye stood in front of the radar projection and stared at the screen.

The driver, the engineer and everyone else were a little nervous.

Whether or not Planet Pippino can be found will directly affect the progress bar of the land reclamation task and determine their salary.

But after the big bang, it is still unknown whether Pepino's star still exists.

Like the main star of the Hetuo galaxy, it has been destroyed.

"Tick, tick." The barracks radar made a detection sound, and the green light flashed.

represents the successful discovery of the energy response and locking the target.

Ju Baiyao was calm and composed, and gracefully completed the task record, without any excitement because of it.

Yan Sanqi clenched his fists, looked at Wang Ye, and nodded heavily.

found it!

Good luck!

The first land reclamation task has been basically completed!

All the crew members were relieved, their faces were filled with smiles, and they were very happy.

"Congratulations, Captain!"

"Come on, open a bottle of wine to celebrate!"

"If you don't get drunk today, you won't go home!"

All the crew members had already become one with Wang Ye.

This approachable captain has no airs and is very easy to get along with.

"Cough, cough." Behind Wang Ye, the servant Wang Yi coughed a few times to remind him.

All the crew shut their mouths, retracted their heads and continued to work.

The captain is easy to get along with.

But the team members are not easy to get along with!

Especially that seemingly gentle and elegant young man, who is even more hygienic!

If they dare to drink in the boat...

It's no wonder if you don't tear them up!

"The progress of the mission is 55%, we are ranked 23rd!" Yan Sanqi's eyes lit up: "Xu Langwei ranks second, only the sixth team is higher than us!"

"The galaxy they opened up is closer than ours, and there are eight newcomers in the sixth team." Ju Baiyong said with a bit of arrogance in his calm words: "It doesn't matter, once we completely explore and occupy Planet Pippino, our mission can be completed quickly." Reaching 68%, surpassing them and entering the top ten."

Wang Ye glanced at the orange and white yam.

This kid looks weak, but he has a strong self-esteem inside.

Even better than Yan Sanqi, who is covered in iron from head to toe.

"Star Pippino was not destroyed in the last explosion, so it is difficult to deal with." Wang Ye said: "The barracks supernet radar shows a super-star energy response, and it is likely to be a super-star powerhouse."

"Want to take risks?" Ju Baiyao looked at Wang Ye.

As the land reclamation team, they have the right to choose. They can investigate or report directly, which is determined by the captain.

But if you give up the exploration, the task completion will be 10%-15% less.

"Yes." Wang Ye nodded.

"Leave it to me." Yan Sanqi showed no fear on his face.

As a general of the barracks, her combat power at the ninth level of the dark energy level is not inferior to that of a super star.

This kind of isolated, super-star powerhouse in the five-star life planet, like the natives, is not much stronger.

"One person is not enough, let's take care of multiple people together." Ju Baiyong stood up gracefully and calmly.

As if the preparations were complete, Wang Ye's decision had already been guessed.

"Let's go!" Wang Ye gave the last order.

The hatch opens.

Wang Ye and the three of them galloped out.

Servant Wang Yi is stationed on the spaceship and manages the crew.

Not for a while.

The three of them are approaching their destination.

Six-star living planet, Planet Pippino.

"There is no development of technology?" Ju Baiyong was a little surprised.

Wang Ye swept across the entire area centered on Planet Pippino.

The surrounding planets and satellites do not have any traces of development, and are empty and silent.

If Pepino's star is a new life planet after the explosion, no problem.

But if it is a living planet left over from the war five thousand years ago, there will be a problem.

Even if the development of science and technology stagnates, humans in the universe should use resources to develop and strengthen themselves.


Wang Ye was moved by his heart.

"Boom!" In an instant, Yan Sanqi's aura was fully activated, and he went straight to the Pepino star.

Amidst the loud shouts, a huge fighting spirit roared!

In an instant, the earth and the earth fell apart, and the hurricane and tsunami shook the entire planet Pippino.

Tangerine and White Bean is quite helpless.

Too reckless.

Wang Ye knew his personality early and followed him.

Flying from above to Star Pepino, the moment he sensed the atmosphere around him, he suddenly saw all kinds of weird buildings, which seemed familiar.

Boom boom boom!

In Planet Pippino, a strong native appeared!

Amazing physique, with scales and tails, many with horns!

Kurosawa's transparent flesh body has been tempered to the extreme, releasing a completely different breath!

Demon Race!

"Come on!" Wang Ye burst into battle.

A lot of potential points have appeared!

(end of this chapter)