Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 311

Chapter 311

Chapter 311 He is the notorious Bai Lei Hades!


Wang Ye's fighting spirit erupted in an instant.

The strong and majestic Demon Race powerhouse raised his battle ax and struck out impressively!

He opened his eyes wide and saw a ray of saber light break through the pure magic energy and cut him in half from the front!

Kill the Dark Energy Level 4 Demon Leader

Potential points: 33.05 million 33.3 million

Got it!

Light and shadow flashed in front of my eyes.

Wang Ye felt his eyes filled with enthusiasm.

After several years, he was finally able to kill demons on the battlefield and earn potential points!

Who knows his suffering!

You can only kill those demon slaves all day long!

Not even a little resistance, no challenge.

To be treated as a heart disease, bloodthirsty, perverted human being by the slave owner...

Although the potential points earn more.

But that's just a cosmic level demon slave.

The dark energy level is super expensive.

And the stronger the level of slave strength, the fewer the number!

Especially the demons!

Because demons are similar to humans.

After the cosmic level reaches genetic perfection, the demon warrior's soul and body fit perfectly, which can stimulate the power of the soul and achieve effects similar to various strengthening systems.

Dark energy levels, super stars, the use of the soul, and the strengthening of the physical body are getting more and more extreme!

"Boom!" The strong demon in front of him had a ferocious face, his eyes were blood red, and his whole body seemed to be burning.

Every attack carries a soul-stirring power, and the explosive attack shakes the world and shakes the earth.

Thunder combined technique!

Casting the power control technique, Wang Ye merged with the source of thunder.

The secret lines of the Nine-Sharp War Saber are shining, breaking through the tough scales of the strong demons.

But the body of the latter seems to be made of extremely refined dark matter, which is difficult to tear.

In an instant, terrifying power fell on Wang Ye's shoulder.


Bailun Yanjia appeared, blocking the attack of the strong demons, while Bailei's original protection was counterattack.

The strong demon roared in pain, and the next moment the knife flashed, and his head fell to the ground.

Kill the seventh-level demon leader of the dark energy level

Potential points: 33.3 million 34.7 million


A layer of water ripples fell on his body, and Wang Ye instantly felt comfortable.

The shoulder that was injured by the powerful impact of the demon powerhouse recovered in the blink of an eye.

Orange and white konjac.

Proficient in elements.

Without stopping, Wang Ye continued to kill.

In front of me, there are countless potential points!

"Very good." Tachibana was in the rear and did not directly participate in the battle.

Instead, look at the overall situation and assist Wang Ye and Yan Sanqi.

He doesn't like fighting.

Because of blood.

"Although he is not a serious person at ordinary times, he looks like a captain in battle." Ju Baiyao raised a little impression of Wang Ye.

On the battlefield, he is a different person in peacetime.

Resolute and ruthless, not inferior to Yan Sanqi, not like a recruit at all.

Even, Yan Sanqi didn't kill as many as him.


The battle field with a huge fighting spirit ahead suddenly appeared.

Wang Ye's fighting spirit completely exploded, covering the entire area of strong demons!

With one enemy dozens, but control the overall situation.

"It seems that I don't need my help." Tangerine Baikang looked around the battlefield.

A steady stream of strong demons came from all directions on Planet Pippino.

However, the super star powerhouse seems to have not arrived yet.

"Do you want to use up our combat power first?"

"I'm afraid he's going to be disappointed."

Ju Baiyao's eyes fell on Wang Ye, who was killing all directions, and his eyes flashed away.

Until now, Wang Ye has not shown his real kung fu.

Just warming up.

He is the notorious Bai Lei Hades!

Boom boom boom!

Wang Yesha was cool.

A wave of group kills, the potential points directly broke through the 4000 mark, and then another wave came.

Lock air battle area coverage, occupying an absolute advantage.

Wang Ye is invincible!

These powerful demons are not difficult to deal with, and almost all of them practice physical bodies.

Even the blood is very similar!

There are very few people who cultivate the magic core, which seems to be related to the stronger physical body of the demon race.

Of the eight super groups in the universe, the demons are best at the way of the body!

In terms of the congenital conditions of the physical body, the demon race is no match for the dark race who are born to control dark matter and dark energy, the divine tree race with exuberant vitality, the innate cosmic beasts that seize the good fortune of the universe, and even the cosmic beasts Some demon clan systems inherited by blood.

But the demon body has a strong sustainable development, in short, it is potential.

Excellent body shape and potential!

Shaped step by step, after breaking through reincarnation and reaching immortality, you can even compete with the dark race!

This is the path that the demons are best at.


Thunder is overflowing, and the blade is sharp.

Wang Ye once again killed a demon leader with a ninth-level dark energy level.

Kill the ninth-level demon leader of the dark energy level

Potential points: 46.6 million 50.2 million

with full force!

No matter how good at the way of the physical body, it can't compare to Wang Ye, who is already a leader in the dark energy level.

Kill crazy!

Like a tiger out of the gate, facing a weak sheep, frantically rushing for food.

Where Wang Ye's double blades passed, one by one the strong demons were slaughtered.

After killing dozens of strong demons in three consecutive waves of locked air battles, the number of strong demons who came to support seemed to be much smaller.

Although the strong demons are not afraid of death, this is not a barracks battlefield.

It's just an isolated six-star life planet.

The number of strong demons is limited.

"He killed more than me?" Yan Sanqi also saw Wang Ye like this for the first time.

It's completely different from letting her go in normal times, and in sparring.

Now Wang Ye is like the bravest soldier on the barracks battlefield!

Lead the charge without fear!

Very friendly, comfortable, and familiar, like brothers fighting side by side.

Combined with the original closeness to Wang Ye, the time spent together caused ripples in Yan Sanqi's heart.

"What are you thinking, I'm just a slave, he can't possibly take a fancy to me." Yan Sanqi snorted and gritted his teeth.

The inferiority complex in his heart became even worse, and he turned into monstrous anger and vented it on the powerful demons.


Facing the surging demon powerhouses, Yan Sanqi's super physical skills exploded.

The fighting spirit is soaring, and the sword is full of spirit!

Form a killing field on the battlefield.

"Too reckless." Ju Baiyao followed Yan Sanqi closely.

Exercise of super body technique means that Yan Sanqi has almost revealed half of his hole cards.

Although she is surrounded now, there is nothing wrong with her performance.

But the best response should be to defend and wait for an opportunity.

Whether Wang Ye or him will help quickly.

But this is related to the way of fighting on the barracks battlefield.

All fighters will do their best, regardless of others.

Different from mutual assistance in team combat, the barracks battlefield is basically to fight to the end!

Exhausted the last bit of strength, burned the last bit of fighting spirit, and shed the last drop of blood!

Can kill one is one!

"He's here." The secret pattern of the superhuman weapon in Ju Baiyao's hand lit up.

He felt it.

Super star atmosphere!

Has been hiding in the galaxy without making a move, and the 'king' of Planet Pippino is here.

"Finally came out." Wang Ye was able to handle it with ease.

From the beginning to the end, he didn't reveal too many cards.

Only use the air lock battle zone when surrounded to improve killing efficiency.

Now the potential point has broken through 7000, and it is still increasing rapidly.

What he was waiting for was the one with the most potential

Super star magic general!


Bai Lei's origin exploded in all directions, Wang Ye no longer hides his strength.

All the powerful demons around them wailed.

Facing the infinitely powerful source of Bai Lei, he is completely irresistible.

The body that had always been strong seemed to be fake, vulnerable to a single blow and shattered.

One strike!


The energy of the white world gathers, and Wang Ye kills with a sharp blade.

Alone, enter the demon army headed by a super-star demon general.

Using incomparable strength to blow out a big hole, all the powerful demons were shocked.


White thunder billowed, covering the demon army.

Wang Ye's four-fold thunder combination skill is displayed, integrated into the original source of Bailei, like a heavenly soldier and **** will descend!

same time-


The source of endless water gathers.

With Origin Heart Technique as the core, the surrounding space becomes intricate.

A phantom of orange and white konjac appeared in the center, and the light in his hand was beautiful.

A series of water arrows condenses the essence of dark energy, bursting out from different spaces.

Chi! Chi! Chi!

Attack in all directions!

Every demon strongman was quickly locked.

Including the leading super star general, Heilun.

The difference is that other weaker demons can hardly resist the dark energy water arrows that appear from nowhere.

Super star magic general He Lun has no fear at all.

Blocking the water arrow with one hand, Helun's whole body was covered with a layer of black mist.

The magic energy is refined, and the dark matter is condensed.

His physical body has been tempered to perfection.

Not only is the physical body comparable to pure dark matter, but

Has been able to explode the dark force!


Super-star punching power, showing the might of a demon general.

He survived the Great War five thousand years ago by chance.

At the beginning, he was just an insignificant leader of the demon clan, who had been hiding on Planet Pippino for thousands of years, and finally broke through the limit and achieved the prestige of a demon general.

But that's all.

Lack of evolution method, no opponent, let alone combat skills.

Thousands of years, although he has multiplied thousands of times, he has successfully transformed Star Pippino into his own territory, the Demon World.

But he knew that this day would always come.

If it is a strong demon who comes, then he can still survive.

If the one who comes is a strong human race...

Chances are slim.

But he will never sit still!

The opponent is just a dark energy level!

Have the opportunity!

The demon general Heilun showed a majestic face, and his dark power exploded.

However, the moment was suppressed.

Kui Niu Liuyi!

Wang Ye is even more powerful!

With the support of Tachibana, he doesn't need to spend energy to deal with miscellaneous soldiers.

The Leihe skill broke out, and the sword intent turned into a violent Kui Niu, showing its power at this time!

Even if there is no fixed sword move, there is a move to win if there is no move.

The integration of the source of thunder makes the power of Kui Niu Liuyi reach a terrifying level.

Where the sword went, it severely suppressed the arrogance of the demon general Heilun.

Bang bang bang!

Wang Ye attacked continuously.

The devil turned Heilun from offense to defense, and resisted tenaciously.

His soul is burning, his body is constantly transforming, extremely tough, and invisible power and will support his explosive combat power.

However, Wang Ye's attack has not yet reached its limit.

Kui Niu Liuyi, the more you fight, the braver you are!

Bai Lei's original source is integrated!

In an instant, the power increased dozens of times!

The demon general Heilun's blue-black face revealed a look of despair, and the terrifying aura completely overwhelmed him.

The source of terror can make him powerless.

He was so naive.

He who has been isolated from the world for a long time is far inferior to humans at the dark energy level today.

"Ah!" The demon general Heilun let out an unwilling roar, burning his soul to the limit, and unleashing a crazy blow.


Kui Niu emerges, and the body is covered with white thunder.

Swallow the demon general Helun!

Boom! !

(end of this chapter)