Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 309

Chapter 309

Chapter 309 Is this God's punishment?

The barracks supernet radar has the most advanced detection system in the universe.

There are many possibilities for cosmic-level energy reactions.

Treasures, minerals, energy, thermal weapons, and

Cosmic level powerhouse.

Of course, avoiding supernet radar detection is not difficult.

Like treasures, stored in energy-isolated appliances.

Heat weapons, turn off energy reactions.

Cosmic level powerhouse, shielding his own breath.

But Otto Star, who knows nothing about the outside world, naturally cannot do these actions.

"It's my job." Yan Sanqi quickly changed into his armor and stood in front of the cabin door.

There was no expression on the cold and arrogant face like a sword cut. For her who was used to seeing big scenes, this was just an insignificant small task.

Neither cosmic-level thermal weapons nor cosmic-level powerhouses pose any threat to her.

Xulang 3 approaches Otto, and the hatch opens.

"I'll be with you." Wang Ye walked to Yan Sanqi's side.

Nodding slightly, Yan Sanqi didn't refuse, Sui Er stepped out from the open hatch, followed by Wang Ye.

Looking at the two people leaving, Ju Baiyao looked back and shook his head.


This is going to be replaced by the previous Yan Sanqi, who can only speak two words out of ten...

"Get out!"

Otto star.

A tall and erect temple stands tall and straight into the sky.

In front of the temple, there is a statue of a stalwart man with a height of 100 meters, with his arms outstretched, exuding a powerful aura.

As if telling everyone that this is his world!

There are devout believers all around, clasped their hands together, circle after circle.

The scene is spectacular and grand!

This is the only **** on the planet: Dou Xi!

He is the same age as the planet.

He, immortal, eternal youth.

Him, believers in millions, the seeds are scattered all over the earth.


In his own temple, he was beaten to the ground.

The apostles of the temple of the gods stared wide-eyed in amazement, looking at the invincible, aloof god, who was kicked to the ground by a woman with a terrible mark on her forehead, her facial features were painted with blood on the ground, and even her teeth were smashed...

what happened?

Has the **** lost its power?

Is this a punishment from God?

Immediately, another young man fell from the sky.

The temple has been destroyed with every move, and the statue is torn apart.

Lifting their fingers, the **** they revered floated into the air like a sheep, with panic and shock on their faces.

Click! With shackles on his hands, he was caught like prey.

However, it disappeared before my eyes.

The apostles of the temple of the gods seemed to be suffocated and stunned.

Short time!

They didn't even react.

is over.

Dou Yan was also confused.

He is the strongest **** on the planet!

Create a fighting spirit system, and fight all over the planet with all your fighting power!

The Temple of Dou established, even more so, covers all the kingdoms and dominates the entire planet.

No matter how the forces of all parties change, his Temple of Dou will not fall down, because

He is strong!

Power beyond everything!

He is in a good mood today.

was about to go to the apostles to sow seeds and spread the divine will, but unexpectedly, a pair of dogs and men descended from the sky!

Incredibly strong!

Beat him down in two or three hits!

The fighting power he is so proud of can't even break through other people's defenses!

Completely crushed!

A female warrior, even physically stronger than him!

The male is even more like a real god, bound by invisible forces!

The shackles on his hands blocked all his fighting strength, which was extremely terrifying.

what happened?

Dou Yan was taken to the spaceship with a dazed expression.

Looking at the unbelievable mechanical operation of this behemoth that has never been seen before.

There are also human beings coming and going, their heads are muddy and foggy as if traveling through time.

Afterwards, he was directly locked in a closed room.

There's water, there's food, and there's a weird helmet.

After being put on, enter a new world.

Xulang No. 3 is heading for the wormhole.

Tangerine and White Bean is still busy.

Wang Ye and Yan Sanqi are much more relaxed.

Reaching the next five-star life galaxy, there may be another battle.

"Will he be sent to the barracks next?" Wang Ye didn't know much about this.

"Look at his aptitude." Yan Sanqi said: "If you have a good aptitude, you will train it to see if you can pass the preliminary screening of the barracks. If you don't have a good aptitude, you can just throw it on the battlefield to fend for yourself or become a slave."


Wang Ye glanced at the confinement room.

He is currently learning the Universal Language.

Inside the helmet is a virtual small world provided by humans in the virtual universe, which allows people to quickly adapt and understand this universe.

Language is the first level.

This magic stick reminded him of Yao.

Of course, it has nothing to do with looks or personality.

is the situation.

Yao was the first to be taken away by Blue Star, and then seemed to be thrown directly onto the battlefield to fend for himself.

I don't know if I'm still alive now.

The treatment of this magic stick is better, and there is still time to learn the language and struggle.

After all, it was born on a five-star life planet, and its conditions are better in all aspects.

However, the ending will not change much.

"What will happen if I enslave him?" Wang Ye asked.

"You also want this kind of trash?" Yan Sanqi frowned.

Wang Ye smiled and said: "It's commemorative, and also has some fate. Take it with you for a job, and you can warn yourself at any time, how cruel the universe is."

"I don't know." Yan Sanqi shook his head.

"Just report it and pass the review." The busy Tachibana said: "Usually there is no problem with the cosmic level, but the dark energy level or the cosmic level with good qualifications need military exploits."

"Okay." Wang Ye nodded.

The land reclamation task went smoothly.

Ten cosmic days, quickly passed.

The time limit for the mission is one-tenth of it has passed.

Wang Ye pays attention to the task progress while paying attention to Yan Sanqi's mental health.

While seizing the gap in time, practice the evolution method to improve your strength.

5th-order dark energy warrior, 20%!

Based on the current progress, after halfway through the wasteland reclamation mission, the dark energy level fighter can be promoted to the sixth level.

Xiaobai, you should make the first contribution.

Without him taking care of everything and executing the tasks in an orderly manner, I guess I am very busy now.

After all, with Yan Sanqi's elm wood head, she couldn't do such fine work.

Even if you do it yourself, you may not be able to do it better than Xiaobai.

Mission progress: 3.96%!

Currently seventeen five-star life galaxies have been explored.

Discovered fifteen five-star life stars.

The discovery rate of nearly 90% is very high!

Based on 155 five-star life planets, the current progress is slightly ahead, with more fault tolerance.

After all, finding the main star of the Peppino Galaxy

The only six-star life planet, Planet Pippino, is the bulk of the land reclamation mission.

If you can find it, the minimum task completion rate is 50%.

If not found, the task completion rate is the highest and will not exceed 50%.

A six-star living planet is worth more than the other 155 five-star living planets combined.

Similarly, whether the only main star of the Hetuo galaxy, the seven-star life planet, Xinhetuo star can be discovered is also very important!

Based on the current route, in about 25 cosmic days, we will arrive at the original Pepino planet!

It will depend on luck.


The door of the confinement room opens.

Wang Ye stepped in slowly, raised his hand, and took off Dou Xi's helmet.

Breaking away from the small virtual world, Dou Yan shrank his pupils when he saw Wang Ye in front of him.

Universe humans!


Dark energy level powerhouse!

This is the big shot he can't reach!

Ten days of learning language knowledge, let Dou Yu, a frog in the bottom of the well, come into contact with a whole new world!

He is too small, too ignorant.

I used to think that I was destined by destiny.

It turns out that this world, this universe, is far from what he thought...

"What's your name?" Wang Ye opened his shackles.

A cosmic level, cannot escape the palm of your hand.

"Dou Yan, I have met my senior." At this time, Dou Yan has completely lost the appearance of the gods and spirits he used to, and is humble and respectful.

"How do you know about the universe?" Wang Ye asked.

"Beyond imagination." Dou Yan let out a long breath, with shock in his eyes, but he was no longer confused.

"Very good." Wang Ye nodded.

Dou Qi's attitude is fine.

Not to mention aptitude, I was able to adapt to the identity change in a short period of time, without self-pity, and in a good mood.

"Where is senior going to take me?" Dou Yan hesitated for a moment and asked.

"It depends on your own good fortune." Wang Yedao: "After the mission is over, you will be sent to the barracks with other cosmic-level humans to test your aptitude. According to the level of innate ability, the aptitude is graded."

"What's the worst?" Dou Yu used to be very confident.

But now his three views have completely collapsed.

The innate aptitude he considers is just the foundation of the foundation in the universe.

Fighting power?

Put it in the universe, that's called fighting spirit.

And he is only fivefold.

The female warrior who captured him was at least seven-fold!

The fluctuations in fighting spirit of this inconspicuous supernatural being in front of him are even more terrifying!

There are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky!

"Slave." Wang Ye said: "Throw it on the mine star to mine."

Dou Yan's complexion changed suddenly, and he suddenly remembered the slave mark on the female warrior's head, and asked, "Is she also here like this?"

"Don't ask what you shouldn't ask." Wang Ye glanced at him: "She is not."

"I'm sorry." Dou Yan said in panic, with a complicated expression on his face, and raised his head: "Please teach me, senior!"

Wang Ye looked at him: "You have two choices now, either go to the barracks to fight for your qualifications and luck, or become my servant. You can choose freely, and I will not force others to make things difficult."

"I would like to be a servant of the senior." Dou Yan did not hesitate.

He knew exactly where the barracks were.

Even if he passes the screening, what awaits him will be a narrow escape.

If it fails, it is a dead end.

Survive to have a chance!

At least, the status of servants is higher than that of slaves.

"Okay." Wang Ye looked at Dou Xi.

He doesn't need to be very talented in Dou Qi.

Servants, the key is flexibility, know how to handle affairs, and know how to advance and retreat.

Dou Qi, it fits well.

And can climb from nothing to the top in a newly born five-star life planet.

Dou Yu is the same as himself, except for a slight lack of innate conditions, other aspects will definitely not be bad!

Driving technique!

Wang Ye directly controlled it with coercion.

Compared with spiritual arts, it retains most of Dou Qi's will and beliefs.

"You are my first servant, you will be called Wang Yi from now on." Wang Ye looked at him: "Let go of the past and start all over again."

"Yes, master!" Wang Yi bowed his head.

(end of this chapter)