Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 308

Chapter 308

Chapter 308 She is tempted

In the training room.

Swords and lights crisscrossed, fighting again and again.

The competition of the dark matter body, the competition of sword intent!

Yan Sanqi didn't use the strengthening system, and Wang Ye didn't use Bailei Yuanyuan.

Only relying on the contest of weapons in hand, the fighting spirit is roaring, and it is still full of power.

If it weren't for the two of them controlling the power, the training room would have been demolished long ago.

After a long while, the figures parted.

"Good swordsmanship." Wang Ye praised.

Last time it was too fast, so I didn't savor it carefully.

Yan Sanqi is top notch in sword intent and fighting skills.

As expected, he has been honed in the barracks for decades, with rich experience and full of fighting spirit, which reminded him of Ruirui...

However, the size of the two is still quite different, Yan Sanqi is the type who has nothing.

Except for a face, there is nothing else.

It doesn't matter, anyway, I am a face control.

"Your saber technique..." Yan Sanqi looked at Wang Ye in amazement, a little in disbelief: "Why didn't I see you use it last time?"

"What do you think?" Wang Ye asked back.

"Just comprehended?" Yan Sanqi reacted almost subconsciously, and Suier shook his head again and again: "Impossible, this level of saber technique can be understood quickly, but it takes countless battles and comprehension to reach the fourth level. .

Well, I actually just figured it out.

Wang Ye naturally wouldn't tell the truth.

"You were letting me in before?" Yan Sanqi realized in an instant, and said in a daze, "Why?"

"Because we are the same kind of people." Wang Ye looked at Yan Sanqi, and said seriously: "The first time I saw you, I was very kind and familiar... Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that."

"I know." Yan Sanqi whispered, avoiding Wang Ye's eyes: "...Actually, I also think you are very kind."

Now that I know everything, can I be kind?

"You are the first person to know the identity of my colonial star." Wang Ye approached Yan Sanqi naturally, and sighed softly: "You may not know that I almost became a slave."

"Huh?" Yan Sanqi was surprised: "Then how did you escape?"

"It's a long story..."

Hold a long talk.

Beneficiating his heart, the distance between the two unknowingly narrowed.

Not only physically, but also spiritually.

Yan Sanqi also shared her experience with Wang Ye.

She comes from the Blue Mountain Cosmic Kingdom, the No. 1772 colony planet of the Voya tribe, and she was born as a slave.

Fortunately, she has a good talent for cultivation, so she was arranged to enter the melting pot of the colonial star to hone her skills. After ten years, she came out alive, under the pseudonym Yan Sanqi, and then entered the death star of the Voya tribe...

For three decades, I have been desperately trying to survive all the time.

Finally, he successfully passed the screening of the barracks and became a soldier, opening a window for his own destiny.

"You are the most resolute woman I have ever seen." Wang Ye sighed.

"So, what are you holding me for?" Yan Sanqi glanced at his right shoulder, wondering when he had an extra hand.

"I'm sorry, I may have been moved by your experience, and my hands resonated uncontrollably." Wang Ye didn't mean to stop at all, but extended the topic: "What do you plan to do in the future?"

Yan Sanqi raised her proud chin, and there was some longing in her eyes: "My parents died a long time ago, and I am the only one left, living for the sake of living, it doesn't make any sense, I will always be a slave of the Woya tribe, life after life. "

"Have you ever thought about getting rid of this fate?" Wang Ye looked at Yan Sanqi who was arrogant but had a low self-esteem in his bones.

Yan Sanqi had a self-deprecating smile on his face: "Is it possible to get rid of fate? Once the slave mark is imprinted, it can never be washed away."

"I can help you redeem your body and give you back your freedom." Wang Ye said.

Although the ninth-level slave of the dark energy level is expensive, it is affordable for him now.

It's just a question of whether you want it or not.

"What's your purpose?" Yan Sanqi was almost subconsciously vigilant, and his brows stretched slightly: "Thanks, I don't want to owe anyone a favor."

"Just let me borrow it from you." Wang Yedao: "Although the slave mark cannot be removed for the time being, at least you can be free, do whatever you want, and live the life you want."

"One day if you can break through the black hole and transcend reincarnation, the slave mark will naturally disappear and you will be truly free."

Yan Sanqi pursed her lips tightly and looked at Wang Ye with a complicated expression.

She is tempted.

Xu Lang No. 3, main control room.

Orange Baiyao, who was staring at the radar projection and detection screen meticulously, heard the opening of the training room hatch, and glanced away from the corner of his eye.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and his jaw dropped in shock.

I saw Wang Ye and Yan Sanqi walking side by side, talking and laughing happily, like Bi people.

There is no strangeness or distance between the two of them at all, as if they have known each other for many years... boyfriend and girlfriend?

Ju Baikang knows Yan Sanqi's personality very well.

This strong and tough woman has never looked down on anyone, let alone pretending to others, even...

He had never seen Yan Sanqi smile.

but now

Is this the Yan Sanqi he knew?

What did Wang Ye do to her?

Ju Baiyao had the feeling of losing to Wang Ye for the first time in his heart, and he couldn't see it through at all.

If he is the captain, he will definitely not be able to do this.

"Could it be that Wang Ye is really an executive from a universe company?" Ju Baiyao murmured secretly.

Too good at drawing cakes and winning people's hearts!

"How is the progress?" Wang Ye turned on the mission recorder.

The progress and harvest of your own team's land reclamation are recorded at the top simultaneously, and are synchronized in real time.

The screen lights up and the data is displayed.

"Mission time limit: 95 cosmic days."

"Task progress: 0.02%."

"Mission reward: 3 combat achievements."

Wang Ye let out a light snort.

Click to open the record details.

During the period when he and Yan Sanqi were imagining a better life in the future.

Ju Baiyao has discovered 11 four-star life planets in the Otto galaxy.

Among them, there are three first-level civilizations and one second-level civilization.

The birth time of other living planets is still not long, and they have not yet reached the first level of civilization.

This belongs to the task progress, not the task reward category.

On average, every five-star living galaxy has nearly a hundred four-star living planets.

Death, new birth.

The number of planets always remains the same as the total amount.

"I just discovered an energy star that is estimated to be a three-star." Ju Baiyong said while making notes.

"Yes." Wang Ye has already seen it.

As a land reclamation team, they only conduct preliminary surveys and investigations, and the specific exploration is not under their control.

Not so much time.

Energy Star is a planet rich in energy stones and energy crystals.

Cosmic energy gathers and condenses into energy crystals, which are commonly used in galaxy and universe civilizations.

Three-star energy star refers to the planet whose energy star currently only has three-star energy crystals.

A three-star energy crystal is worth 10,000 star points, not much.

But looking at the entire planet, the value is terrifying.

As a wasteland team, if you discover, record coordinates and upload mission recorder, you will be able to get extra military rewards.

"Good job, Xiaobai." Wang Ye praised.

In the limited mission time limit, it is still unknown whether the main star in the five-star life galaxy can be found.

Not to mention exploring the entire five-star life galaxy and discovering other valuable existences.

How to obtain more mission completion and rewards in a short period of time is the yardstick to measure the ability of the land reclamation team.

"Otto star has not been discovered yet." Tangerine Baikon was meticulous.

"The original Otto star has exploded, right?" Wang Ye said.

"Yes, just passed the coordinate point." Ju Baiyong looked at the general map of the Otto galaxy.

There are various marks densely marked on the top.

Intertwined like a railway.

Marks of different colors one by one, dazzling.

"What are you looking at now?" Yan Sanqi stood beside Wang Ye and asked.

"Look for the possible location of New Otto Star through the galaxy map." Wang Ye looked at Jubaiyong.

This is hard work.

In addition to a huge knowledge structure, it also requires considerable brains and experience.

Not my own director.

"There are seven points above, do we all need to go?" Yan Sanqi asked.

"Not so much time." Wang Ye said.

After completing all seven points, the exploration of the entire Otto galaxy has exceeded 50%, and it will take at least three to five cosmic days.

It is impossible to spend so much time in a five-star life galaxy.

After all, the entire Pippino Galaxy contains 155 galaxies with five-star life.

On average, each five-star living galaxy cannot consume more than 1 cosmic day at most.

Crack, crack.

On the Otto galaxy map, two of the seven dots light up.

Ju Baiyao turned his head: "According to the energy conservation shift, the reaction of dark matter and energy, there is a possibility of neo-Otto stars in these two coordinate positions, adding up to 44%, we only go to these two."

Yan Sanqi pointed to a red dot below and said: "This shows 27%, which is the highest among the seven points. Why don't you go here?"

"Because of wormholes." Wang Ye looked at the map: "This place is too far away from possible wormholes, and it is likely to waste more than half a cosmic day, affecting the exploration of the next five-star life galaxy."

"On the contrary, although the total here is only 44%, the wormhole is on the upper right side. We only need to walk a Z to enter the next Otto galaxy. The estimated total time spent in the Otto galaxy is planned. in time."

Yan Sanqi nodded suddenly, looked at the general map of the Otto galaxy, and studied new knowledge seriously.

Ju Baiyao glanced at Wang Ye, with a little affirmation in his eyes, and continued to work.

This captain still has a lot of goods in his stomach.

The first target point, explore soon.

The supernet radar of the barracks cannot search for the breath of five-star life, which means that there is no five-star life planet.

Ju Baiyong really gave up.

On the way, he took a detour and found another two-star energy star, so Suier went straight to the last target point.

Whether or not Neo-Otto can be found, this is the last attempt.

cannot affect the overall situation.

"Yes." Tangerine Baikon has an elegant demeanor, and is not in the slightest surprised by finding New Otto Star.

Furui did not wave, swiped his finger lightly, calmly drew the coordinates on the galaxy map, and recorded the coordinates.

Wang Ye looked at the mission recorder.

The task progress soared.

From 0.03% to 0.28%.

Otto Star is the core of the entire five-star life galaxy.

Finding it means that the mission progress of the galaxy has been scored 80%.

A good start!


"Drip." The super network smart voice sounded, and the red light was on.

"Cosmic level energy reaction detected."

(end of this chapter)