Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 250

Chapter 250

Chapter 250 All can enter!

Yongshi galaxy, outside the black world.

Headed by the Yincuihu universe country, the Honghe universe country, the Yushan universe country, the Daming universe country, and the Lanshan universe country chain blocked the entire area.

The entrance to the black world is guarded by super star powerhouses.

The entrances of the wormholes leading to the black world, the five universe countries are stationed separately, blocking all passages.

If you don't go through the wormhole, even if you travel at the speed of light, it is difficult to reach the wormhole in a short time.

At the same time, the spaceships of the five cosmic families appeared one after another and entered the black world.

"It's a little troublesome, I don't know where the exit of the black world is yet."

"Yes, if you know the location of the exit, none of the starry space adventurers and humans from other universes who entered before can leave. The treasures of the black world must belong to our five universes."

"Heh, don't be too self-righteous. Many starry sky adventurers have big backgrounds. Are you sure you can afford to provoke them? Didn't the Shanya Universe Kingdom offend a big man one hundred thousand years ago, and finally the entire Universe Kingdom was destroyed."

"After all, this is a minority. Most of the starry sky adventurers have no backing, just like the first batch of space pirates. How could those cosmic humans who were guarded by someone take such a big risk to open up wasteland."

"The main reason is that our super star powerhouses can't get in. Otherwise, there will be so many things, and they will go directly to the black world, and there will be a fight to get these dark energy level garbage."

"I don't know what treasures are hidden in it. If you have top-level dark energy equipment, tsk, you will be at a loss."

Black circle, the periphery of the entrance.

Lingling was wearing a one-star adventurer badge, and more than a dozen one-star adventurers gathered around him.

Including the reserve adventurers, the number of the team exceeds one hundred, which is enough to be called a relatively strong small force in the peripheral area.

"Fortunately, sister Lingling has the foresight."

"Yes, the five cosmic country families that appeared later, like robbers, directly coerced and robbed the dark crystal, which was more ruthless than space pirates."

"Unless you are strong enough, if you don't join the camp, you will die now."

All the adventurers in the starry sky are in a happier mood.

Most of them make a lot of money, and the rest make a little money, and everyone gets paid.

Compared to other cosmic humans who were robbed and killed, the situation is much better.

Although the harvest has begun to decrease, as long as you leave safely and finally, you will earn enough.

Ling Ling, dressed in a white battle suit, brought Asheng and Lulu along, and was still tirelessly looking for Dark Crystal.

Up to now, the harvest has exceeded 15,000 cosmic elements.

"I don't know what happened to brother-in-law?" Ling Ling's eyes fell into the distance.

Batch after batch of cosmic countries and families entered, the situation has undergone tremendous changes compared to the beginning of the black world.

She knew that Wang Ye was currently stuck at the barrier of Lei Yuanxin.

No danger for now.

But as time goes by, if there is still no progress, wait for the second batch of entering universe family to arrive...

Not only will the harvest of the black world come to an end, but it is also likely to face the plunder of the cosmic country and family.

The situation is not optimistic.

"It must be fine!" Lingling was encouraging himself, and secretly cheering for Wang Ye.

She believes in her brother-in-law's ability, and she will definitely find a correct path and break through the barrier!

Gathering place, outside the barrier of Lei Yuanxin.

Three cosmic days pass quickly.

Wang Ye and Rand have already arrived.

Harvesting naturally occurs.

Including Wang Ye himself, he tried several times later, and had a better understanding of the barrier of Lei Yuanxin.

However, he did not find a way to pass through the Thunder Origin Heart barrier unscathed like the previous space distortion.

But the Information Sharing Alliance was established for this purpose.

Everyone shares information, brainstorms, and finds an exact and feasible solution.

"By the way, Wang Ye, how should we deal with the arrival of a large number of cosmic nations and families?" Rand asked.

"At present, it is still mainly to find a way to pass through the barrier of Leiyuanxin." Wang Yedao: "The second batch of cosmic country families entering here will take 5-7 cosmic days at the earliest, so don't think too much now .

"What if there is no way by then?" Rand asked.

Wang Ye smiled and said: "Isn't there Yin Naier? No one in the five universe kingdoms will dare to touch her unless they are blind."

"No wonder you took Yinaer to act together these three days, I thought..." Lante suddenly realized: "But what if Yinaer goes in and we stay outside?"

"Ask her to borrow a few slaves of the ninth level of dark energy level." Wang Ye said.

Rand gave a thumbs up.

Regardless of whether it is right to eat soft rice or not, he admires Wang Ye's thoughtfulness.

Unknowingly, the back road has been paved.

"What are you talking about?" Yin Nai'er, who was dressed in jewelry, walked over with a smile.

Rand saw her now as if she was looking at a walking vault, every piece of dark energy equipment on her body was priceless.

"Let's talk about how to break the barrier of Lei Yuanxin." Wang Ye said.

"Well, what are you going to do?" Yin Naier's pupils flickered.

"We'll talk about it when we're all together." Wang Ye smiled.

During these three days of getting along, the relationship between him and Yin Nai'er has grown by leaps and bounds, and she has almost got out of her old ways.

Her father holds a high position in Planetary Energy Company, one of the top 18 powers. She is rich for several generations, but she is definitely a little rich woman with a strong background.

His own strength should not be underestimated. With the addition of dark energy equipment, it is estimated that he will not be much inferior to Hayat, not to mention that there is a full team of slaves at the ninth level of dark energy.

Soon, five dark energy level teams gathered.

The one from Lugao is missing.

"It's time, let's start discussing without waiting for them." Wang Ye stood up.

The reason why Lu Gao and the others didn't come is probably because they didn't have confidence in the information sharing alliance, or they disdained themselves as a 'commander', so they thought of other ways to go.

Doesn't matter.

"Let me share first this time." Hayat, as the "backbone" of the information sharing alliance, was the first to stand up: "Let me make a conclusion for Wang Ye's previous inference."

"If the defense is strong enough, it is indeed possible to forcibly penetrate the Thunder Origin Heart Barrier!"

Hayat's eyes flashed brightly: "I met friends from the Yushan universe country family, and they told me that the gate of the Tangyu tower crossed the barrier of the source of thunder, and only suffered minor injuries."

Everyone sighed.

Dark energy level, crossing the Thunder Source Heart barrier with super star attack power!

This strength is too strong.

"According to the strength of Tangyu Loumen, it can be basically inferred that as long as the physical strength and equipment defense power are combined, they can reach the level of an intermediate superstar fighter, and they can cross the Thunder Source Heart barrier."

Hayat said: "There are not many who can traverse now, but in the second batch of cosmic country families, there will be a large number of dark energy level fighters with such strength."

The atmosphere is a little frozen.

Everyone seems to be able to hear footsteps coming from behind.

more and more urgent.

"Let me add a detail." Wang Yedao: "If you have a special thunder bloodline, or if your physical body has a strong fit with the origin of thunder, you can reduce the need for crossing."

"If it is strong enough, it only needs to reach the limit of the dark energy warrior's defense strength to succeed."

These three cosmic days, Wang Ye has tried many times and has a lot of experience.

If he can practice Chengyuan combined skills, or upgrade Lei Gu's evolution method to another stage, the demand can be reduced.

But in any case, this method is not suitable for him now.

No matter how low the demand is, he is still only a senior space fighter.

In terms of defense alone, it cannot reach the limit of the dark energy level.

This is not what he is good at.

Everyone discussed with each other.

While it is the sure way to go, but

They are not strong enough.

"Do you think I can do it, Wang Ye?" Yin Naier leaned closer and asked, breathing like blue.

"Your dark energy equipment defense is fine." Wang Yedao: "But your body is not strong enough, and your comprehensive defense can indeed reach the level of an intermediate superstar fighter, but because your body is weak, you may suffer serious injuries and even leave sequelae .

"The Thunder Origin Heart Barrier may only be the first obstacle in the Black Realm. If you want to get seriously injured here, it's better not to enter."

Yinaier nodded thoughtfully, and smiled at Wang Ye: "Listen to you."

Rand sighed softly beside him.

He has seen too much.

Many girls fell into Wang Ye's clutches step by step...

After Hayat started, other dark energy teams also shared.

But more inference and information, there is no accurate shaping method.

Except for the blue-eyed youth who shared the message last time.

"I understand the control of time, and can pass through the barrier of Lei Yuanxin." The blue-eyed youth said unsurprisingly: "This is what I saw with my own eyes, and it is the same as the space distortion that Wang Ye mentioned last time, but time control does not need to be advanced. The way of time can be passed through only by perception."

Everyone looked at each other and smiled wryly.

Advanced way of time?

Black hole-level powerhouses dare not say that they understand the way of advanced time!

Space control, basically at the universe level.

Time control is only realized when you are a super star!

It's too far away.

"Strength, realm." Wang Ye sorted out all the information.

Currently known methods are basically inseparable from these two, and of course special constitution blood.

The remaining consciousness of the master of the black world seems to be inferred.

At least it is good news, the master of the black world is not malicious.

But what is known so far...

There is still no possibility for myself and Rand to pass through.


A flash of lightning flashed across Wang Ye's mind.

"Perhaps, this method is feasible..." Wang Ye went through all the information in his mind.

Like all rivers returning to the sea, a complete plan is formed.

At this time, the five dark energy level teams have all shared.

Pairs of eyes focused on Wang Ye.

Full of hopes and expectations.

They're really weak, but now that they're here, who wouldn't want to go further?

Opportunities are in front of us, no matter how dangerous it is, no one will give up easily.

Perhaps, this is the greatest opportunity in their lives!

"I have an idea." Wang Ye stood up and glanced at the crowd: "This is a possibility I deduced based on the information and my own experiments."

"But I think it's doable."

"And for everyone!"

"If successful, everyone present"

"Everyone can enter!"

(end of this chapter)