Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 249

Chapter 249

Chapter 249 That's Fate!

Wang Ye looked at this beautiful girl who was over 1.5 meters tall and held a weapon of a supernatural being in front of him, and carefully sized her up.

Extremely high face value, exquisite and beautiful facial features, fair and translucent skin, make people want to-

Squeeze her face flat!

It doesn't make sense.

A loli girl of this level can't be forgotten at a glance, okay?

But why no memory?

It just looks familiar...

"Where are you being merciful again?" Rand had a accustomed expression.

"Do we know each other?" Wang Ye asked cautiously.

This beautiful loli girl, the energy of the supernatural weapon in her hand is very strong, it is probably a high-quality or even top-grade fifth-level dark energy equipment produced by Shenbing Tianjia.

There is also the thin battle suit she wears, and it is an unlimited dark energy equipment, and its energy is not inferior to that of a supernatural weapon.

Rings, necklaces, earrings

With this body, there are tens of millions of cosmic elements and it is impossible to get down.

The most frightening thing is that she is followed by a whole group of ninth-order dark energy slaves!

How much does it cost?

In terms of team strength, she alone can sweep the other five dark energy teams.

It is said that out of ten loli, nine are rich, and it is true.

"I'm Yinaier, don't you remember me?" Yinaier blinked at Wang Ye, and looked at Wang Ye's chest: "Hey, where is your starry sky adventurer badge?"

Starry sky adventurer?

Wang Ye caught a glimpse of the two-star adventurer badge on the chest of the little rich girl, and suddenly realized: "You are a friend I added before, Yinaier!"

When I sold the entrance coordinates not long ago, I added a lot of starry sky adventurer friends.

The memory of Yin Naier is still fresh.

Because she is very generous!

1000 Cosmos didn't even bat an eye, and called directly, not afraid of being cheated at all.

is the first local tyrant to be drawn into the two-star adventurer group.

"Yeah." Yin Naier smiled: "We are really destined to meet here."

The coordinates were sold to so many wronged species.

There are hundreds of friends in the black world, and it is not surprising to meet them.

"Yeah, I'm very lucky." Wang Ye walked over with a smile, and chatted with Yin Naier.

Since there is no emotional dispute, it is natural to get to know each other well.

He doesn't care whether Yinier has money or not, or whether she looks good or not.

If the black world is so big, you can meet it, that is fate!

Fate is naturally to be cherished.

Proficiently using the strike-up skills, Wang Ye and Yin Naier quickly became one and got along well.

Everyone around looked at her with a lot of envy.

Especially Lu Gao, the scarred man from before, was even more unhappy.

Before, he wanted to get close to Yin Nai'er, but ended up getting frustrated.

Yinier ignored him at all, and only chatted with Hayat for a while.

But now chatting with Wang Ye is very happy, laughing like silver bells from time to time.

Do you want to look at your face like this!

"You have a solution?" Yin Naier said in surprise.

In an instant, the eyes of the other five teams all looked over, mixed with hope.

"Well, I know two ways." Wang Ye smiled slightly at Yin Nai'er.

"Sell it?" Yin Naier excitedly asked.

This is too straightforward...

The way the little rich woman handles things is deeply in my heart.

"No, we are friends, I'll tell you directly." Wang Yelian said, glanced at the crowd from the corner of his eye, and said in his ear, "There are many people here, let's go to the side and talk."

"Wang Ye, you are really a good person!" Yin Naier smiled.

Watching the two whispering to each other and walking out with a smile, Rand couldn't help but sighed.

Young girl who is not deeply involved in the world!

"How do you know how to pass through the Thunder Source Heart barrier?" Hayat walked over.

"It was tested." Rand said.

"How to try?" Hayat was taken aback.

"Just go in and try." Rand looked calm.

Hayat was stunned.

Go in?

Can it still come out?

"Is it convenient to disclose?" Hayat frowned.

Rand looked into the distance: "When Wang Ye comes back, let him talk to you."


Not for a while.

Wang Ye and Yin Naier came back talking and laughing.

The eyes around him hide anxiety and longing.

If Yin Naier is not here, it is estimated that the other five teams will unite to press Wang Ye.

"Can you talk further, Wang Ye?" Hayat and Wang Ye had the best relationship, and they came out as team representatives, their majestic figures exuding a steady aura.

"Want to know the method?" Wang Ye glanced at everyone.

The reason why he talked with Yin Naier alone was to attract others.

If the strength is strong enough, naturally he doesn't need to do so much, but now he must gather the strength of everyone.

"If it is true, I will thank you very much." Hayat said seriously.

"That's not necessary." Wang Ye declined.

Here, getting a favor and making a good relationship is far more important than money.

For example, Yinaier, if I sold information to her, it would be a transactional relationship, but now it is a cooperative partnership.

If the other five teams want to attack themselves, they have to weigh it.

"Let me share the method." Wang Yedao: "There are two methods, one is my own attempt to infer, and the other is that I have witnessed other strong people successfully enter."

Everyone breathed quickly.

Especially when he heard the words 'successfully entered', his eyes glowed even more.

"First of all, I have entered the barrier of Lei Yuanxin, but I can't pass through it with speed." Wang Yedao: "It's like entering a maze space, the pressure is extremely strong, and the barrier of Lei Yuanxin will be touched the moment I enter The attack, even the escape is impossible."

"Then how did you survive?" Yuan Hefeng Qizi looked sternly.

"I have my own way." Wang Ye did not answer, and continued: "Strong penetration is the most difficult, and requires a very strong defense. It can resist the superstar-level thunder's original attack, and break through the barrier of the thunder source heart barrier. Very few people can do it."

"Everyone knows." Lu Gao sneered.

"There are so many things to talk about, you can talk about it." Wang Ye glanced at him.

The corners of Lu Gao's mouth twitched.

"I don't want to listen to trouble and go away." Hayat's aura was extremely strong, and his tiger eyes looked at Lu Gao with a warning.

Lu Gao looked ugly and avoided his sight.

"Sorry, keep talking." Hayat apologized to Wang Ye.

Wang Ye nodded, and glanced at Yin Naier: "So, unless you have dark energy equipment and life-saving means above the seventh level, it is not recommended to forcibly penetrate the Thunder Origin Heart Barrier."

Except for Yin Naier who has a little possibility, none of the other dark energy level powerhouses can do it.

But Yin Naier's physique is not enough, and the danger is also very high.

"What is the method of success? Is it also forced?" Yuan Hefeng Qizi asked.

"No." Wang Yedao: "I saw a young man use space distortion to break through the space where the Thunder Source Heart barrier is located, and enter it unscathed, without even triggering the Thunder Source Attack."

Everyone gasped.

Space Warp!


"This method requires more than two levels of space distortion, and triple attainments should be able to achieve a 100% success rate." Wang Yedao: "If anyone of you has mastered space distortion, you can give it a try."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

The way to advanced space?

Can this be controlled by the dark energy level?

And more than double!

"Thank you for sharing." Hayat nodded to Wang Ye: "Especially the second method, it is very inspiring."

All the teams showed gratitude.

Although they can't use it, it's rare to be able to share information and intelligence in this situation.

"Since Wang Ye shared two methods, I will also share one." A young man with blue eyes in the new dark energy team said.

"We came all the way from the north." The blue-eyed youth said: "I didn't witness it with my own eyes, but I heard that the dark energy level power user who had reached the sixth level of active mind technique successfully passed through the Thunder Origin Heart barrier."

"It's just that I don't know if he is practicing the Thunder Elemental System."


Wang Ye's heart moved.

This is indeed a great possibility.

The core of the Thunder Origin Heart Barrier is the Origin Heart Technique.

If the attainments in this area are strong enough, although you can't control the barrier of Lei Yuanxin, you have a chance to pass through it.

"I also share an unconfirmed speculation." Hayat said.

Everyone spoke one after another, and the discussion began.

Wang Ye listened carefully after throwing bricks to attract jade, pondering various possibilities.

Brainstorming is necessary.

Many people are powerful.

Especially these are the elites among the dark energy level powerhouses.

Many of them have great insights, or have some corresponding conjectures, but they all cherish their own brooms and are unwilling to share.

is also normal.

After all, we are all competitors.

But it's not.

Based on the vastness of the Black Realm and its current location, Wang Ye knew very well that the Thunder Origin Heart Barrier was probably only the first obstacle.

Because of the consciousness and obsession of the master of the black world, he still knows nothing at present.

Now we should not be competitors, but partners.

The key is to enter the core area first and get rid of the powerhouses of the five cosmic country families behind you.

"I have a proposal." Wang Ye looked at everyone: "Since everyone has started sharing, why not form an information sharing alliance for the time being, and work together to find a way to pass through the barrier of the source of thunder, what do you think?"

"I'll join!" Yin Naier smiled at Wang Ye, and was the first to agree with her good friend's proposal.

"I also agree." Hayat also made a statement.

The rest of the teams agreed.

Everyone is now very clear that relying on their own unilateral ability to break through this difficulty is almost impossible.

"Then what shall we do next, who will command us?" Lu Gao hesitated.

"Of course it's Wang Ye." Yin Naier looked over.

Lu Gao dissatisfied: "Let a universe-level little guy lead us?"

"Of course, Wang Ye is a student of the Art of War Department of the Human Supreme Academy." Yin Naier looked at Lu Gao with a sneer: "Do you think you are better than Wang Ye in terms of wisdom?"

Human Supreme Academy!

Military law students!

The way everyone looked at Wang Ye changed suddenly.

This is a symbol of wisdom and ability!

Lu Gao looked at Wang Ye in disbelief, and was suddenly at a loss for words.

The heat in Hayat's eyes flashed: "I think it's okay, Wang Ye, what suggestion do you have?"

"Scatter the action." Wang Yeguo said decisively: "Staying here is not an option. Everyone will go to the Leiyuanxin barrier to find information and methods, especially where there are teams gathering."

"No matter what we find, we will gather here in the future in the three universes to brainstorm ideas. What do you think?"

Everyone discussed for a while, and there was no objection.

"That's the decision. See you in the future in the three universes." Hayat's prestige is quite high.


(end of this chapter)