Apocalypse: Infinite Evolution Starts From Attribute Allocation - Chapter 251

Chapter 251

Chapter 251 Road, open

All can enter?

Everyone was stunned.

"Impossible..." A voice of disbelief came from the weakest dark energy team.

Hayat stared closely at Wang Ye's eyes, making sure he wasn't joking.

"What method?" The blue-eyed youth wanted to know.

"Tell me about it!" The other dark energy level teams also asked eagerly.

Yinaier looked at Wang Ye with beautiful eyes.

She and Wang Ye acted together during these three cosmic days, so the amount of information should be the same for everyone.

What exactly is the method?

Why doesn't she know?

"First of all, we can confirm one thing. The Thunder Source Heart Barrier is not consciously manipulated. Even if it is a top-level dark energy equipment, it doesn't have any spirit, right?" Wang Ye said.

Everyone nodded.

On this point, they have reached a consensus.

The Leiyuanxin Barrier is like a trap, if you enter it, it will trigger an attack.

But if you avoid it, such as casting space warp or time control, you can easily pass.

"Secondly, the energy of the Leiyuanxin barrier has a limit." Wang Yedao: "Accurately speaking, there is a limit to the energy of area attacks, which is equivalent to continuous attacks by superstar powers."

"You don't want us to go in together to disperse the attack of the source of thunder?" said the blue-eyed youth.

"I have thought about it, but everyone still can't stand it." Wang Ye said with a smile: "I have entered the barrier of the source of thunder several times. Find a way out."

The blue-eyed youth nodded.

He thought about this method, but it didn't work.

"Finally, it is my conclusion." Wang Ye looked at everyone: "In fact, you don't need to think too complicated about the Thunder Origin Heart barrier, it is a simple accumulation of energy, and it is constantly decaying."

"Why is the Thunder Origin Heart barrier strong in some places, medium in some places, and weak in some places?"

"Because for thousands of years, the energy of the Thunder Source Heart barrier has been weakening."

"If it is top-level dark energy equipment, then the Thunder Source Heart barrier it releases now should be black hole-level power, not super-star power."

"Weakened, means energy can be destroyed."

"We can't destroy all the Thunder Origin Heart barriers, but we can attack one side and carve out a passage. If this method is feasible, with the strength of all of us, we can destroy a part of the Thunder Origin Heart barrier in front of us, then"

"Everyone can enter without loss!"

Destroy the barrier of Lei Yuanxin!

Wang Ye's astonishing words shocked everyone.

But after thinking about it, it is entirely possible.

None of their teams possess this ability.

But if five teams are united, it may be possible!

"Some teams have tried to attack, but the Thunder Source Heart barrier is not only powerful, but also vast. Unless it has the power to crush super stars, it is impossible to open the way out." Hayat shook his head.

"And a strong man with such strength can easily cross the barrier of Lei Yuanxin."

"That's because they are fighting independently, the attack coverage is too large, which weakens the power, and the attack target cannot be determined." Wang Yedao: "99.99% of the Thunder Source Heart barrier is the source of thunder and the element of thunder. They are like soldiers. It can't be killed."

"Combined attack?" The blue-eyed youth understood what Wang Ye meant.

"Not only do we need to attack together, but the target of the attack must be the heart of the source of thunder." Wang Yedao: "This is the real core of the barrier of the heart of the source of thunder, just like generals, every time a heart of thunder is destroyed, the original source of thunder can be destroyed. become disorganized."

"If all the Thunder Origin Hearts in an area can be destroyed, the Thunder Origin in this area will be scattered and disordered, and its power will be greatly reduced."

"After that, let the dark energy fighters with the strongest strength and defense enter first to attract the original attack of thunder, and then the others will quickly enter."

Everyone's eyes lit up, and there were endless discussions.

This is indeed a good way!

And you can try it, even if you fail, there is room for maneuver, and the risk factor is relatively small.

"But how to lock the Lei Yuanxin?" Feng Qizi, who had been silent for a long time, said, "It is not a fixed position, but is always changing, and the Lei Yuanxin barrier is a whole, and it is impossible to perceive the Lei Yuanxin's accuracy from the outside. Location."

"There must be a superpower who is proficient in the element of thunder, and the attainment of the source of heart must be very high." Hayat thought.

Obviously, not here.

"Let me try." Yin Nai'er sharpened the weapon of the supernatural being in her hand, and a black light lit up.

Huge dark energy emerged, and the pure and powerful abilities pierced into the barrier of Lei Yuanxin very quickly.

Transformation system, dark force technique!


The source of thunder all around launched an attack!

The dark force technique controlled by Yin Naier had no time to find and lock the position of Lei Yuanxin, and was swallowed by endless thunder in an instant.

"Come again!" Yin Naier didn't believe in evil.

This time, the pure white and flawless necklace burst into light, and the supernatural power turned into sharp cones, piercing the barrier of Lei Yuanxin from all directions, and the number was extremely large.

But the source of thunder covers a wider area, exactly the same as before, instantly swallowing the white light.

"Hmph!" The purple ring in Yin Naier's hand lit up...

Everyone was dazzled and envious.

Any one of them is beyond their net worth.

Among them, the most common one may be the high-quality Tier 5 dark energy equipment...

It's too embarrassing!

However, facing the huge Thunder Source Heart barrier, Yi Nai'er, who was blushing, was still a little powerless.

No matter what tricks she uses, she will be swallowed by the source of thunder.

There is no way to fight back.

"Why don't you take a break?" Hayat said to Yin Naier.

"Don't!" Yin Naier pursed her red lips tightly, and raised her apricot eyebrows.

"Take a break first, and you will need your attack power to open the way later." Wang Ye said to Yin Nai'er.

Yinaier glanced at Wang Ye, pouted, "Okay."

Beside Hayat, a question mark slowly appeared above his head.

"Leave the task of locking Lei Yuanxin to me." Wang Ye glanced at everyone: "Everyone divides the combat power into two groups first, one group attacks, and the other group prepares; the second group attacks, and the other group prepares, we quickly Make a quick decision and strive for a success."

"Good!" Everyone hesitated.

Wang Ye can do what even Yinaer can't do?

He is only universe level.

"Leave it to me." Wang Ye nodded to Hayate.

Hayat didn't ask much, and actually started to prepare. He trusted Wang Ye a lot.

Discuss details with other dark energy level teams.

Grouping is done quickly.

Yinaier leads a group.

Hayat leads the second group.

One group is on the left, and the second group is on the right.

Everyone was concentrating on it, their fighting energy was condensed, and they stared at Wang Ye who was at the front.

"When you see the white circle light up, attack immediately!"

Wang Ye looked back at the two groups, and said seriously: "One group is ready."


After the words fell, Wang Ye immediately removed his left hand.

The movements are extremely skilled.

Except for Lante and Yi Naier, everyone present was dumbfounded.

What is this for?

Do you think you have too many hands?

Or some evil ritual?


Wang Ye was full of fighting spirit, and quickly stepped into the barrier of Lei Yuanxin.

The instant the body submerges, endless and majestic original energy of thunder surges from all directions.

The weak fighting spirit can't resist at all, and even the second layer of shield can only block the instant.

Tried many times.

Wang Ye knew everything about Lei Yuanxin's barrier.

Time, enough.

"Wow!" The manifestation technique lights up.

In the majestic and endless source of thunder, it condenses into a small circle of light, which is short-lived and instantly swallowed by the thunder.

But outside, a group of experts who were concentrating on preparations could see clearly!

Got it!

"Boom!" Led by Yin Naier, more than ten dark energy level powerhouses attacked, how amazing the power is!

Although it is difficult to achieve a complete combination of attacks, basically the attacks erupt at the same moment.

Bang bang bang!

The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers.

Unreserved powerful attacks, the accumulation is enough to reach the super star level.

Completely shatter the Lei Yuanxin locked by Wang Ye!

In an instant, the source of thunder in a small area seemed to have lost its support and wandered around.

"Shua!" Wang Ye's cells quickly reorganized.

Everyone looked at this terrifying talent in horror, and now they understand what Wang Ye's confidence is.

This talent is too enchanting!


Wang Ye broke another arm.

Everyone has become numb.

"The second group is ready." The moment Wang Ye's voice fell, he entered the barrier of Lei Yuanxin again.

Thunder light raged, and the next moment a white light circle appeared soon!

Headed by Hayat, the dark energy level powerhouses are not inferior in attack.

It was still an imperfect combined attack, but it was powerful enough, everyone was fighting high, and once again shattered a Lei Yuanxin.

Wow! Crash.

The source of thunder, changes visible to the naked eye!

The structure became much looser at once, like a large army being hit by two waves, a little disorganized.

Come again!

Everyone was excited and saw hope.


Boom boom boom!

Wang Ye entered in six consecutive waves and quickly destroyed the six Lei Yuanxins.

The source of thunder and the elements of thunder in the entire area are like headless chickens at this moment, bumping around everywhere, without any rules at all.

The opportunity is here!

"Quick! Attack together!" Wang Ye shouted.

Although he still has the energy to use his talent to not die, he still keeps some cards for himself.

The current situation does not require him to 'sacrifice his life for benevolence'.

All the dark energy level powerhouses bombarded like chicken blood, and their fighting spirit was soaring.

Like an elite army launching a general attack, the source of thunder was bombarded and fled in all directions, and a large amount of thunder elements were consumed.

The Lei Yuanxin barrier in front is like a torn black sock, with holes everywhere.

Road, open.

Boom! !

Yinaier gave an order, and the entire team of ninth-level dark energy slaves rushed in one after another.

The tyrannical strength smashed a **** path, invincible, and the remaining source of thunder and thunder elements were completely unstoppable.

Hayat, Feng Qizi, and blue-eyed youth entered one after another.

The dark energy level powerhouses galloped in one by one, with exquisite light blooming in their eyes.

"Let's go, Wang Ye." Yin Naier smiled and stretched out her white and flawless pink hands to the 'weak' Wang Ye.

Wang Ye tightly grasped the helping hand of friendship, and Yin Nai'er's ring released majestic energy, which turned into a shield and enveloped him.

The two quickly sank into the almost unobstructed barrier of Lei Yuanxin.

"There's still me!" Lante quickly followed.

(end of this chapter)