Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 545

Chapter 545

Su Han in the previous life was, after all, the former master of the sanctuary, the ancient Emperor Demon Dragon. W?w*W. KeWaiShu. ORG?

There are many in his hands, whether it is the powerful techniques, or the secret techniques of waving hands and overturning the sea. When he was alive, many people were greedy, and even a lot of heaven and earth powers. Once at a huge price, I begged Su Han in exchange for some means.

Su Han has the secret technique in the sanctuary, and Su Han also has the secret technique in the three star regions.

It's just that the consumption of these secret techniques is too great, not only the dragon power, but also the mind, and even the soul power.

As long as the powerful secret technique, it is bound to be impossible to accumulate only by relying on the power of the dragon, and Su Han is deeply aware of this.

Therefore, even at this moment, Su Han will use the secret technique in the sanctuary, and the secret technique performed in the middle star region and the upper star region is pressed in the bottom of my heart.

Whenever he thinks of the powerful power of those secret techniques, Su Han will be passionate, and whenever he thinks of his low cultivation base, compared with the previous life, it is absolutely different, and he can't use these secret techniques at all, Su Han's heart That blood will be instantly extinguished by a basin of cold water.

"The only thing I can perform now is the secret technique in the inferior stars. Even this kind of secret technique, with my current cultivation base alone, consumes a lot of money and will inevitably lose lifespan." Su Han thought to himself. .

What he said, 'the secret technique in the lower-level star field' is not a secret technique that everyone can master. If everyone can master it, it is not called a secret technique.

The inferior star realm, transcending the realm, regards the spirit as the sky, and the magic techniques used can be called "spiritual methods".

The entire inferior star realm has thousands of spiritual abilities. I don't know how many, there are inheritance from the older generation, and some talented people have created their own creations. Step by step, many spiritual abilities are present in the lower star realms.

The secret technique mentioned by Su Han can also be called spiritual technique, but it is definitely the top spiritual technique in the entire inferior star domain!

Moreover, the spiritual technique that Su Han mastered was only obtained from certain ancient inheritances when he was in the inferior star realm in his previous life.

Su Han didn't know whether anyone else could master this secret technique except himself, but at least he knew that the only person who mastered these secret techniques was himself!

And these secret techniques, with Su Han's cultivation base at the moment, only dragon power, only magic elements, true essence, etc., still can't hold it.

Once the secret technique is cast, it will not be interrupted, and once the dragon power and other elements in Su Han's body are exhausted, immediately after that, it will draw his soul power.

The power of this soul is Shou Yuan!

Before this, Su Han had never thought that he was going to perform these secret techniques, because the consumption was too big, and once he performed it, it would reduce his lifespan for many years. With his two thousand years of life, I'm afraid that if you use it three or four times at most, you will be completely exhausted.

At that time, there is no need to wait for him to return to the sanctuary, here in Longwu Continent, he may no longer survive.

"Now, with these blood crystals, my lifespan can increase dramatically, and those secret techniques can also be used!"

Su Han's eyes flickered, and his body trembled with excitement.

Those secret techniques will become Su Han's most thorough killer!

Before that, Su Han had done his best to kill the ordinary pseudo-emperor realm, but like Duan Yunshan, with super sects as the background, there are many methods in him, can only fight, but can't kill.

As for the pseudo-imperial realm of Dongzu, let alone war, I am afraid that it will be defeated in an instant, and there is no possibility of escape!

The same is the pseudo-emperor realm, but the difference in strength is also extremely huge.

And with those secret techniques...

"Although I don't know if I can kill the pseudo-imperial realm like Dongzu clone, at least, if I encounter Duan Yunshan, I can kill the seventh son again!"

Su Han took a deep breath, staring at the blood crystal, full of greed.

"Havoc... is also good luck!"

Looking at the blood crystal in his hand, Su Han suddenly had a bold idea.

"I'm about to condense my soul and set foot in the Dragon God Realm. Then, when I condense my flesh, I will be able to practice the Nine Transformation Cavages, and in this way, I will cultivate nine clones."

"Before I encountered this blood crystal, I had never thought about how powerful the clone's body was forged. Even my deity's body, this magical body, is just like other people, relying on only It's just a cultivation base, only physical strength can't resist the opponent's attack."

"But the blood crystal can increase vitality and blood, strengthen the physical body, and if it swallows more, it can even... the physical body becomes holy!"

"If there are billions of blood crystals like this, then the nine clones that will be condensed from my future can quickly strengthen my body, if it really looks like what I think, then..."

"Even the power of the physical body can surpass the power of cultivation!"

Su Han had a deep understanding of the blood crystal increased by the blood crystal. The lowest-level demon blood crystal that he had just swallowed did not change Su Han's body much, but he could feel it. The formidable qi and blood merged into his body, and that qi and blood quickly transformed his body, especially the thumb on his right arm. It seemed that the qi and blood had condensed on it.

When I looked at it at this moment, the white thumb was actually a bit crystal clear at this moment, as if it were going to be transparent.

Su Han could feel that the strength of this thumb was stronger than the rest of his body.

"Try others!"

Su Han took a deep breath, took out another demon-level blood crystal and swallowed it.

The level of the demons is equivalent to the Dragon Blood Realm on the Longwu Continent.

At the moment of swallowing, Su Han immediately felt that his soul was extremely refreshed, as if his thoughts were running much faster, his mind was clear and there were many things that he could figure out with a single thought.

This is the advantage of a powerful soul!

Those so-called Tianjiao are not because of their aptitude, but their souls, which were extremely powerful when they were born.

The soul is powerful and can drive the rapid movement of thoughts. They can figure out things that others can't figure out, and they can see things that others can't see.

This is the so-called Ming Wu!

Fundamentally speaking, it is the power of the soul!

At the same time, Su Han felt that his longevity had increased by five more days.

It is five times that of the demon-level blood crystal!

Even more intense energy and blood burst out in Su Han's body and quickly merged in. Su Han immediately used the Dragon Spirit Emperor technique, and after absorbing it, under the control of his divine consciousness, all of it entered his thumb.

After all the blood entered the thumb, Su Han's eyes suddenly condensed!

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