Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 546

Chapter 546

I saw the originally crystal-clear thumb, at this moment because of the existence of these blood, it turned out to be translucent!

Half is crystal clear and half is translucent. Extracurricular books W?wW. KeWaiShu. OR+G

And Su Han faintly felt a strong breath from the thumb.

In the past, Su Han's physical body was just ordinary. Although it was a body of magic, it was condensed by magic, but if there is no magic cultivation base, no dragon power, no true essence, and all cultivation bases, then Su Han, and an ordinary People are no different.

At this moment, even though it is still the case, Su Han can feel the breath of the Dragon Vein Realm on the thumb!

That is the breath that condenses after about six dragon veins are condensed.

"Can the power on this thumb be comparable to the Dragon Vein Realm at this moment?"

Su Han squinted his eyes, put away the other four fingers, and suddenly nodded towards the ground with the strength of these fingers.

At this point, the hard ground was like a piece of the sea, and it immediately collapsed softly without any resistance.

Watching this scene, Su Han couldn't help taking a breath, and there was an astonishing light flashing in his eyes at this moment.

"I expected it to be true!"

"If you use those exercises to strengthen your physical body, it is impossible to make your physical body reach the level of six dragon veins in such a short period of time! Moreover, it is necessary to cultivate the physical body with those exercises. The consumption is extremely huge, even more than the cultivation base."

"This blood crystal..."

Su Han looked at the blood crystal, the feeling of melancholy pressing the heart of the catastrophe was completely absent.

"I wonder if other people have noticed the usefulness of this blood crystal. They should have noticed it. After all, after this thing is swallowed, blood will burst out."

Su Han murmured: "I don't know about others, but at least, I will be able to support the war in the next catastrophe! My disciple of the Phoenix Sect, the same is fine!"

Su Han has a technique for cultivating the physical body, and it is extremely strong. As long as this technique is spread and the entire Phoenix Sect's disciples can practice, then this blood crystal can be swallowed, and they can also strengthen the flesh!

Next, Su Han swallowed another demon-level blood crystal, a demon star-level blood crystal, and a demon infant-level blood crystal.

When the blood crystal of the Demon Infant level was swallowed, Su Han was shocked.

This time, what the blood crystal contained was not only Shouyuan and Qi and blood, but also... a soul! ! !

The moment he saw the soul, Su Han stood up, his breathing was rapid, staring at the soul, unable to believe it.

"Soul, soul...hahahaha!"

Loud laughter came from the valley where Su Han was.

In the eyes of countless disciples of the Phoenix Sect, they felt that the Sect Master must have made a breakthrough, or that there was something extremely happy about it, that would make this laugh.

As for Su Han, the laughter lasted for a long time.

"The catastrophe... really good luck!"

"I originally thought that only the Dragon God Realm on the Longwu Continent had the primordial spirit, and I gathered the nine avatars and needed nearly 90,000 primordial spirits. I had some headaches before. I don't know where to go. All the primordial spirits are gathered, at this moment...hahaha, the soul of the celestial demon outside this region can be regarded as the primordial spirit!

Su Han laughed, he could clearly feel it on this soul, and it was no different from the original dragon **** realm.

But in other levels of extraterritorial heavenly demon blood crystals, there is no such soul.

This shows what?

It shows that this soul itself is something comparable to the soul!

When a monk cultivates in the Dragon God Realm, he will condense his soul into the original spirit. Therefore, once the original spirit dies, the soul is destroyed and cannot be reincarnated.

Su Han also knows a little bit from the memory of the demon **** Di Luo, and understands the soul in this blood crystal, to put it plainly, the soul!

"I can't kill the Dragon God Realm for no reason, but this extraterritorial demon..." Su Han's eyes were murderous, and there was amazing greed in it.

Greed, this is a kind of emotion, everyone has, like Su Han.

After swallowing the blood crystal of the demon level, Su Han's lifespan increased by half a month.

Swallowing the blood crystal of the magic star level, Su Han's lifespan increased by half a year.

Swallowing the blood crystals of the Demon Shadow level, Su Han's lifespan has increased...three years!

The higher the level, the more lifespan will be increased, from one day to five days, and then jump directly to half a month, and then half a year. By the time of the magic infant, the increased lifespan will be three years!

With this amount of Shou Yuan, even Su Han, not only took a deep breath.

Such as this kind of Demon Infant-level blood crystal, in his spatial ring, there are a hundred in total!

It was obtained by those demon infant-level extraterritorial demon that had been killed.

"Just these one hundred blood crystals can increase my lifespan by three hundred years!"

"If you add in other things, these 200,000 blood crystals can at least increase my lifespan by more than a thousand years!"

While pondering, Su Han raised his right hand again and looked at the thumb hidden under the cuff.

At this moment, the thumb is completely transparent. Although it is transparent, it still looks a little bit of color, like glass, which is extremely moving.

And at this moment, what exudes from this thumb is the breath of the Dragon Spirit Realm!

"The breakthrough of the physical body has no bottleneck. As long as there is enough consumption, the breakthrough can be continued."

Su Han looked into the distance: "Extraterritorial demon...this time, it is Su Han, the good fortune of my Phoenix Sect!"

"Come on!"

Su Han spoke towards the place where the Phoenix Sect disciple was.

Not long after, a disciple came outside the valley and did not enter. He just stood on the periphery, holding his fists and respectfully saying: "What is the command of the master?"

"call out!"

A jade slip flew out of the valley.

"Engrave this jade slip, and each disciple of the Phoenix Sect will have one." Su Han's voice came out.

"Yes." The disciple nodded and agreed.

Then, another jade slip flew out.

"Find a stone and engrave this jade slip on the stone tablet. It records the method of physical sanctification. All disciples can practice."


The disciple was taken aback for a moment, then showed ecstasy.

He naturally knows what it means to be holy in the flesh.

In the former Longwu Continent, it was not that there were no strong people who had cultivated the body, but only a few succeeded.

Once it succeeds, it will have extremely powerful strength, and it will even be physically immortal, extremely terrifying!

"Go." Su Han's voice came out again.

The disciple bowed deeply to Su Han, and immediately rushed towards the distance.

He can't wait for this method of physical sanctification!

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