Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 543

Chapter 543

In that memory, Su Han saw countless hideous figures. Extracurricular books ""W?wW. KeWaiShu. O!RG

These figures do not exist in the world where Di Luo lives, but are all on the Longwu Continent!

It is so dense that it is almost innumerable. It is said that it is tens of thousands, but it is a drop in the bucket, at least billions, tens of billions!

As for Di Luo, he once met an extraterritorial celestial demon with a figure of thousands of feet, and Di Luo respectfully called it the 'Great Demon God'.

The Great Demon God, comparable to the Dragon Sovereign Realm of Longwu Continent, was also the only Great Demon God that Di Luo had seen after coming to Longwu Continent.

This great demon **** is called 'Blue Luo', and there is also a star on the center of his brow.

Di Luo once led an army of heavenly demons and walked in the southern part of the Longwu Continent, wherever he went, there was a slaughter. Whether it was a monk or a mortal, whether it was a powerful person, the old, the weak, or the sick, he never let it go. .

Moreover, this is not just as simple as killing.

Some people were bitten to death by the extraterritorial demon, and the flesh and blood of these people was swallowed by the extraterritorial demon. It seems that the flesh and blood of the people of Longwu Continent has an excellent taste for the extraterritorial demon.

When the extraterrestrial demons swept past, no corpses appeared, some were just bones.

The bones were spread out in pieces, and there were countless souls roaring between heaven and earth.

This is not only the place led by Di Luo, but all the extraterrestrial demons, wherever they go.

Man and God are angry!

"Extraterritorial Demon!!!"

The cold light in Su Han's eyes was radiant, almost uttering word by word.

Even though the people he killed in his last life were enough to pile up into a mountain, even though he had stepped to the top step by step with his exhausted bones, he... never killed innocent people indiscriminately!

All the people he killed should be killed, and all the people he killed should be destroyed!

And like an extraterritorial celestial demon, devouring human flesh and tearing human souls, Su Han has never done it!

He hated this extraterritorial demon, and seeing everything that happened in his memory at this moment, the murderous intent in Su Han's heart was already shocking.

He violently put away the blood crystal, his figure flickered, and walked towards Ruyizong.

In Ruyizong at this moment, Gu Qingtian and Gu Yunlei have returned.

When the Ruyizong disciples looked at the two, almost all of them were filled with a look, that is, loss.

Before the guardian light curtain collapsed, Gu Yunlei and Gu Qingtian left first, regardless of the life or death of these disciples.

And before that, the Phoenix Sect fought against Ruyi Sect, and Ruyi Sect went up and down, plus those casual practitioners, and no less than 200,000 people died.

But Gu Qingtian never showed up from beginning to end.

Later, the guardian light curtain shattered, and Gu Qingtian and the two ran away first. The so-called sect master made the many Ruyi sect disciples completely give up.

They are all thinking, why did they join the Ruyi Sect in the first place?

As for the Phoenix Sect, they had also completely stopped, even though they heard the explanations of Gu Qingtian and Gu Yunlei, they still didn't believe it.

There is only one person they believe, and that is the suzerain, Su Han!

As long as the sect master returns and an order is given, they will still not hesitate to kill these Ruyizong disciples again.

"Sect Master, where did he go?"

Shangguan Mingxin narrowed his eyes and stared at Gu Qingtian's soul.

Gu Qingtian had already told Shangguan Mingxin the truth, but without seeing Su Han himself, Shangguan Mingxin would not be relieved.

"Wait, Sect Master Su will come soon." Gu Qingtian sighed.

Looking at the 10,000 disciples of the Phoenix Sect, he suddenly felt that his Sect Master had failed.

In the eyes of these Phoenix Sect disciples, when the word 'Su Han' appears, they will have a momentary intense enthusiasm, and that enthusiasm is a zeal willing to die for them!

In the eyes of the disciples of Ruyizong, Gu Qingtian saw only one emotion called disappointment.

"I... I'm sorry you..."

Gu Qingtian spoke and looked at the corpse lying on the floor below. Although it was the soul, there were tears about to flow out.

Hearing Gu Qingtian's words, the Ruyizong disciples were all shocked, but did not speak.

They are monks, their minds work, they are much faster than ordinary people, they can't tell whether Gu Qingtian at this moment is really repenting or pretending.

But no matter whether it is true confession or disguise, they can't stop them from leaving the wish of Ruyizong.

"This person, here you are."

Gu Yunlei threw Han Mei in his hand to Shangguan Mingxin.

Han Mei's pretty face changed a lot, but she didn't show the slightest panic.

She knew that in the hands of Shangguan Mingxin, she was bound to die, and no amount of fear was useless.

As for Shangguan Mingxin and other star guards, they have all awakened from Mingwu at this moment, and each has a great harvest, but this place is not a long-term retreat. This Mingwu, they will go back to the Phoenix Sect and study deeply. .

When he saw Han Mei being thrown, Shangguan Mingxin was slightly startled, and immediately sneered at Gu Yunlei: "Are you willing?"

Gu Yunlei gave a wry smile, shook his head, and said nothing.

Shangguan Mingxin squinted her eyes and felt that Gu Yunlei seemed to have undergone some changes. As for where the changes took place, she couldn't tell.

"Shangguan family, Han family, there are only you and me. Now, if you die, my Shangguan family will still win!"

Shangguan Mingxin flashed murderously in his eyes, pointed his finger, and immediately pierced his sword and flew straight to Han Mei.

Han Mei did not dodge, she naturally understood that Shangguan Mingxin wanted to kill herself, even if she dodges, she cannot escape.

"Bitch, I only hate that there is no chance to cut you a thousand times!!!" Han Mei looked resentful.

"If you really want to talk about a bitch, maybe you should just start these two words." Shangguan Mingxin said lightly.

"If there is an afterlife, Han Mei will definitely want you..."


Before her voice fell, the long sword directly pierced her body.

"There is no afterlife." Shangguan Mingxin said lightly.

An illusory figure flew out of Han Mi's body with dazedness, as if losing his memory.

That is not the soul, but the soul of Han Mi.

Shangguan Mingxin looked up, and after a long time, he finally sighed secretly and took the long sword back.

In the end, she was still unpopular, and Han Mei was completely destroyed.

"The grievances between you and my family lasted for so many years and finally ended..." Shangguan Mingxin had sadness in his eyes.

She said or the Shangguan family won, but that, after all, was just talking.

Of the two big families, only Shangguan Mingxin is left. Shangguan Mingxin would rather not have this so-called victory.

"Thanks a lot."

Finally, Shangguan Mingxin glanced at Gu Yunlei and said two words.

"It's me, thank you for not killing." Gu Yunlei shook his head and laughed at himself.

At this moment, a stream of light rushed from a distance, drawing a dark trajectory in the void, and finally fell in front of everyone.


When they saw Su Han, everyone in the Phoenix Sect looked respectful and frantic, and quickly bowed to speak.

And this scene once again made Gu Qingtian feel a pain in his heart.

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