Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5507

Chapter 5507

A billion miles of holy sea.

Although this was the surface of the water that Su Han laid down with the power of cultivation, after so many years of silence, coupled with the fall of Su Han in the previous life, and the suppression of the billion-mile holy sea by the demon ancestors...

Here, it seems to have become an ordinary sea.

There are many ordinary creatures, derived from the sea water, absorbing the energy essence contained in the water.

Among them, there is a herring that is about one meter long and looks ordinary and can no longer be ordinary, swimming in the water.

No one would know that this herring was transformed by Su Han after his resurrection!

The previous Su Han really blew himself up.

But the thing that can destroy both body and spirit did not happen to him.

Because he has the Great Way of Reincarnation, which is immortal and immortal, he dares to choose to self-destruct!

After the resurrection, Su Han first transformed into the void, and then immediately hid it with the supreme mask. Jing Zhong, Yuan Ling and others naturally couldn't notice it.

When he was in the Nether Pavilion at that time, Yun Yi said that under the Supreme, no one can see through the mask of the Supreme!

Therefore, as long as it is not in the universe, as long as it is not facing the Supreme, then Su Han has the confidence to escape anyone's eyes!

It wasn't until the Holy Demon Ancient Emperor asked for three days of buffer time, the True Emperor Haitian and the others returned to the Scarlet River, Yuan Ling and Jing Zhong also returned to the Central Territory, and Su Han went to the Holy Sea of One Billion Miles.

The hidden power of the Supreme Mask is indeed terrifying, but Su Han is also afraid that he will escape his breath and be perceived by Yuanling and the others, so his speed is very slow.

It was not until he completely entered the Holy Sea of One Billion Miles that Su Han breathed a sigh of relief.

Here, even if it is really safe! "Qin Kuang wanted three days of buffer time, and finally drove Yuan Ling, Jing Zhong, and those extraterrestrial demons away. He should have expected that I didn't really fall. That old guy really knows me too well. Ah!"

Su Han sighed in his heart.

If you really calm down and think about it, in fact, everything can be followed.

However, at that time, Jing Zhong was in a rage that did not succeed in winning the house, and Yuan Ling was gloomy because the spirit of the plane was stolen by the ancient emperor of the holy demon, and the extraterritorial demons were also eager to occupy the galaxy starry sky.

Gu Ling and other human races and demons in the galaxy starry sky are even more immersed in the sadness of Su Han's fall!

Only the ancient emperor of the Holy Demon was keenly aware of the unusualness of this matter.

Of course, it's the same sentence - they both know each other too well.

As the Holy Demon Ancient Emperor said, it is impossible for Su Han to really ruin the entire galaxy for him.

He wouldn't feel resentment because Su Han didn't save him!

Some things, needless to say, only truly understand each other, in order to appreciate the difference.

Ordinary creatures living in the holy sea of one billion miles are naturally impossible to perceive the existence of those cultivation bases.

But Su Han, in just ten breaths after his arrival, found a copy.

Indeed one.

Back then, the Holy Demon Emperor divided these cultivation essences into hundreds of thousands of copies, which were scattered throughout the billion-mile holy sea.

I am afraid that no one would have expected that the sea water used to seal the demon clan would hide so much cultivation essence.

In the next time, Su Han was hidden under the mask of the Supreme Being, his spiritual sense spread out, and he sensed the essence of all cultivation bases.

In about half an hour, all the cultivation essences collected by the ancient holy demon were collected by Su Han. Although this is not comparable to the cultivation base empowerment, this is after all the essence of the cultivation base left by Su Han's original dominance realm. The energy contained in it is terrifying, let alone a saint. in short

Break through to the emperor and the ancestors in time!

Su Han did not leave the Holy Sea of One Billion Miles, but directly entered the Holy Son Xumijie here.

In fact, the Holy Son Xumi Jie has been unable to shield the perception of the Dominion Realm.

However, Yuan Ling, Jing Zhong, and the others now believe that Su Han has fallen, so they will not deliberately search for the billion-mile holy sea.

Taking this opportunity, Su Han recovered his true body and sat cross-legged in the valley of the Holy Son Xumi Jie.

The Demon Dragon Emperor Technique and the Dead Wood Emperor Technique operate at the same time.

What he wants to swallow is not only the essence of cultivation that he left in the past, but also the drop of blood that has always existed in his body!

"Just taking this opportunity to consume a lot of the energy contained in the blood, and let the dead wood emperor technique purify those red threads as much as possible." Su Han secretly said in his heart.


The vortex appeared on the top of the head, and the terrifying power of devouring was like a big mouth, directly sucking part of the essence of the cultivation base.

The essence of cultivation is like the power of heaven and earth, it does not need refining at all, not to mention that this is the essence of Su Han's own cultivation!

With the devouring of the essence of cultivation, Su Han's cultivation of the tenth-level Daoist began to gradually increase.

Three days in the outside world may not be long, but inside the Holy Son Xumi Precept, it is 30,000 days!

That is eighty-two years!

Su Han's last chance lies in these eighty-two years!

If the distance between the Tenth Daoist and the Source Saint is compared to a dry river.

At that moment, as the essence of the cultivation base was continuously swallowed by Su Han, there were gradually more trickles in this dry river.

In fact, this speed is already very fast, but Su Han's brows gradually wrinkled. UU reading www.

"too slow!"

At a certain moment, he drank softly, and then took out the power of heaven and earth of the entire lake that was bestowed by aunt Su Yun.

In addition, the few remaining cultivation achievements also appeared in the vortex above Su Han's head.

There are also countless ancient source crystals!

The essence of cultivation, the power of heaven and earth, blood energy, the fruit of cultivation, the ancient source crystal!

Five-pronged approach!

I am afraid that looking at the entire galaxy, Su Han dares to be so extravagant, and has the courage to swallow it.


The power of the cultivation base increased sharply in an instant, and the trickle at the beginning turned into a torrent at this moment, and from the source of the tenth-level Taoist saint, it began to impact the shackled place.

January, February, March

Before you know it, five years have passed.

But for Su Han himself, he has completely ignored the passage of time.

The previously dried-up river channel has now condensed a large amount of river water.

If these rivers flow out of the body, it will immediately become Su Han's cultivation power!

By the tenth year, half of the essence of cultivation that Su Han had recovered had been consumed.

The power of heaven and earth also consumed about one third.

I don't know how much the ancient source crystal has been swallowed, and now only one-tenth of a whole cultivation fruit is left.

In fact, with Su Han's current cultivation, the devouring of the fruit of cultivation is still very wasteful. After all, this is something from the ancient times.

Sometimes Su Han felt that even if he achieved mastery, he would not be able to absorb all the energy contained in the fruit of cultivation. But he can't manage that much anymore. If he can't improve his cultivation base and guarantee his survival, what's the use of keeping this cultivation base fruit?

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