Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5506

Chapter 5506

Phoenix Sect.

Phoenix Hall.

All the ancestral saints, half-step masters, and masters of the master realm in the galaxy starry sky are sitting here.

Outside the hall, a light curtain was jointly laid down by three masters of the dominance realm to prevent anyone from secretly stealing the audience's conversation.

The Holy Demon Ancient Emperor didn't sell anything, and said directly to Gu Ling: "At that time, Su Han blew himself up. You and I were the closest to you. Didn't you realize that the items on Su Han's body disappeared together?"

Gu Ling really didn't think about this before.

After all, Su Han is a half-step master of the ceiling. His self-destruction power is so strong that even if the master realm is not defended, he may be injured. It is not surprising that those things are destroyed.

However, at this moment, the Holy Mogu Emperor reminded him that Gu Ling noticed something unusual.

Ordinary storage rings are enough, even the Holy Son Sumeru Ring is not necessarily so hard.


Su Han's Heaven and Earth Scroll, Heaven and Earth Brush, and Yin-Yang Bow, etc., are all treasures beyond imagination!

If things such as the Son of God Sumeru are destroyed, these things will definitely emerge.

But why didn't you see it?

"What do you mean?"

The demon ancestor stared at the Holy Demon Ancient Emperor: "You mean... Su Han is still alive?!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone got up!

They looked at the Holy Demon Ancient Emperor in disbelief.

The king of spirit first said: "You know, we don't want the suzerain to fall, but the suzerain did blow himself up, and the body and spirit were destroyed! Under such circumstances, how could the suzerain survive?"

"Then tell me, why did the top treasures on him disappear without a trace?"

Holy Demon Ancient Emperor said: "Apart from the explanation that he didn't die, I really can't think of any other reason."

"That's why you and Jing Zhong asked for three days? Do you think Su Han will return after three days?" Gu Ling said.

"Whether he's still alive or not, and whether he'll be back in three days, I'm not sure."

Holy Demon Ancient Emperor shook his head and said, "However, the current situation is changing rapidly, let alone three days, a miracle may happen even in one day, shouldn't I delay these three days?"

Gu Ling was speechless for a while.


As long as you can live, there is still hope!

If these three days are not delayed, the final battle will break out today.

What if the Holy Demon Ancient Emperor destroyed the Spirit of the Plane?

Damn, still gotta die!

"One more thing, you all believe in Su Han too much." The Ancient Emperor Saint Mo said again.

These words made all the strong men frown.

What does it mean to trust Su Han too much?

Shouldn't you believe him?

I just listen to the ancient emperor of the holy devil continue: "What kind of friendship I have with him, I know better than anyone. I admit that he can indeed do everything for me, but when will it be divided!" After a slight pause, The Ancient Holy Demon Emperor continued: "As long as you calm down, you will surely understand that Su Han is really an emotional person? The righteousness in his heart is stronger than anyone else's, even if it is not for his own sake.

Himself, could he not be for his relatives? Not for the entire galaxy? I chose to die just because I survived alone? "

Everyone was slightly startled.

Aries said solemnly: "But the sect master, he really blew himself up!"

"It's true that he blew himself up, but he really doesn't have the ability to resurrect?"

The more the Holy Demon Emperor spoke, the more confident he became. He was now fully sure that Su Han was definitely not dead!

"I believe in Su Han, and Su Han also believes in me!"

"I believe that he will not ignore the whole world because of me alone."

"He also believes in me, and won't resent him because he didn't save me!"

"Combining all of this, there must be a reason why Su Han dared to blow himself up!"

The Holy Demon Ancient Emperor said it very thoroughly, and the doubts in everyone's heart were gradually solved.

After thinking about all this, the fire of hope that was extinguished not long ago was ignited again!

"If he hadn't died, where would he be now?" Xiao Yuhui asked anxiously.

Everyone hoped that Su Han really died.

But if you want to say who is the saddest person after Su Han's death, there is no doubt that it is Xiao Yuhui, Nangong Yu, Su Qing, Su Yao and others.

"One Billion Miles of Holy Sea!" The ancient emperor of the Holy Demon said categorically: "When the two of us fought before, I told him through voice transmission that in the hundreds of thousands of years after his fall, I collected All the essence of his cultivation is hidden in one billion

in the Holy Sea. This is the second thing I do after trying my hardest, besides calculating the spirit of the plane! "

Hearing this, everyone took a deep breath.

Even Gu Ling's eyes were full of admiration when he looked at the Holy Demon Ancient Emperor.

"Is it too much for me to treat you like that before?" Gu Ling said with a wry smile.

"If I really have betrayed, how can I still have the face to let you help me get back the golden blood of my life?" Ancient Emperor Saint Mo shook his head, and said: "The essence of cultivation contained in the billion-mile holy sea originally belongs to For Su Han, although he was reborn and started to cultivate from scratch, the essence of his cultivation must have a high degree of compatibility with him.

Xu these cultivation essences don't even have one-tenth of his original cultivation, but for his current Daoist realm, as long as he can recollect and devour it, there will be a huge improvement! "

Su Han has reached the tenth level of Taoism, which is well known.

And the comprehensive combat power of the tenth-level Daoist is the ultimate **** for half a step!

Then if he breaks through the source saint...

With nine origins, UU reading www.uukanshu. com and can perfectly control the power of the source, can it really be on par with the Domination Realm?

This seemingly impossible thing is full of uncertainty in Su Han.

He has always been a man who likes to create miracles! "Once Su Han can step into the level of Dominance Realm, with his comprehensive combat power, he will immediately be invincible at the same level! At that time, even if there are three extraterrestrial demons in the early stage of the Domination Realm, my Galaxy will come. star

Empty, it is not necessarily without the power of a battle! "The Ancient Holy Demon said again.

Hearing this, all the strong people present clenched their fists involuntarily.

Su Han is indeed the last and only hope of the Milky Way!


Xiao Yuran suddenly stood up and said to the three masters: "Please go to the Holy Sea of One Billion Miles to see, if Su Han is really there, Jing Zhong and Yuan Ling will not be able to detect it!"

Gu Ling did not speak. The Demon Ancestor frowned and said, "It's not that we don't want to go, you don't understand how powerful the Dominion Realm is. Yuan Ling has already reached the Perfect Realm of Human Sovereign Domination. Once we leave the Phoenix Sect, we will definitely be defeated by him. the first

For a while, I realized that if that happened, it would ruin Su Han's good deeds. "

"Then what should I do? Could it be that he will endure all the unpredictable crises there himself?" Xiao Yuhui was full of anxiety.

The Holy Demon Emperor waved his hand: "You don't have to worry too much. Su Han knows the importance of all this. If he is not sure, he will not stay there alone."

Hearing this, Xiao Yuhui gritted her teeth, but in the end she didn't say anything more. Everything, just look at three days later!

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