Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5508

Chapter 5508

Su Han is in the twentieth year of seclusion in the Holy Sea of One Billion Miles.

The previously dry river was now completely flooded with water.

The shackles are the gates of this river.

Break through the sluice, you can break through the shackles!

"In another ten years, it will be almost..." Su Han took a deep breath.

The moon rises and sets outside.

In the valley of the Son of God, Sumeru, day after day.

When the 30th year of retreat came, the hard water gate formed by the shackles suddenly made a clicking sound.

There was a crack that gradually emerged from it.

As if the glass was shattered, with the appearance of the first crack, the second, third, fourth...

The dense cracks are completely covered in that kind of shackles and peace!

Until Su Han swallowed the last power of heaven and earth, all the fruits of cultivation were eaten, and the essence of cultivation had been absorbed long ago


The gates are open!

The shackles were completely broken, and the river water that was about to overflow, like a torrent, poured out towards the river behind the shackles.

Su Han understands that the river behind... is called Yuan Sheng!


The violent aura oscillated from Su Han's body.

The coercion, which was much stronger than before, instantly filled the entire Saint Son Sumerian Ring.

Belonging to the source saint, and surpassing the power of the source saint countless times, it is full of Su Han's body.

After 30 years of retreat, and under the accumulation of countless resources, Su Han finally broke through the bottleneck, breaking through from the tenth-level Taoist to the first-level source saint!

The higher the cultivation base, the harder it is to break through.

Although Su Han was extremely excited at the moment, he still felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

It is so difficult to even break through to the Origin Saint. How difficult will it be when the Origin Saint breaks through the Emperor Saint and the Emperor Saint breaks through the Ancestral Saint?

There is also the final leap of the great realm - the ancestral saint, to the master!

To be honest, Su Han doesn't even dare to think about it now.

I don't even want to think about it, it's really annoying.

When he reached the realm of the Origin Saint, Su Han was keenly aware that there were obvious changes in the nine sources that he had mastered.

With the holy son Xumijie as the center, a storm formed between heaven and earth, and the water surface of the holy sea of one billion miles was completely swept away.

Fire Attribute Law, Fire Attribute Order, Fire Attribute Origin Power...

The law of lightning, the order of lightning, the power of the source of lightning...

But all the nine origins controlled by Su Han are all rushing into the storm at this moment, and they are combined with the power of Su Han's own origin!

Before reaching the Origin Saint, the power of the source that Su Han could use was limited to the source of attributes that he controlled.

After the breakthrough, what he can use is the origin of the same attribute in the whole world.

This is the difference!

This is why the power of the source can be used perfectly only when the source is reached!

Feeling the long-lost terrifying power in his body, Su Han abruptly stood up from the valley.

The breakthrough of Dao Sheng and Yuan Sheng's shackles is also a breakthrough in his comprehensive combat power, half-step **** and **** realm!

After many years, Su Han finally opened the door to dominate the battle power of the realm with the cultivation of a first-level source saint!

It can be said that he is just a source saint.

But it is also possible to say that he is an early emperor of the emperor! !

"Back then, after possessing this kind of power, I suddenly fell..."

Su Han murmured: "Going around, and now, after all, I came back!"


At this moment, the familiar buzzing sound suddenly came from the heaven and the earth.

A voice that only Su Han could hear fell from nowhere and fell into Su Han's ears.

"With the posture of the ten-fold Taoist saint, break through the source saint, award - free and follow your heart!"

Su Han couldn't help frowning when he heard these words.

From the tenth quasi-sage breakthrough to the virtual saint, Su Han won two supreme trips.

From the tenth level of Void Saint breakthrough to Mortal Saint, Su Han got the opportunity to open the starry sky.

From the tenth-level mortal sage breakthrough to the Taoist sage, Su Han obtained the picture scroll of heaven and earth!

Now, from the tenth-level Dao Sage breakthrough to the Yuan Sage, Su Han has once again won the reward.

Free as you like!

To be honest, Su Han didn't quite understand the meaning of 'freedom'.

"Dare to ask senior, what does this mean?" Su Han said.

Obviously, no one will answer him.

Su Han showed helplessness: "Just to let me choose freely? Can I directly make my cultivation reach supreme?"

The surroundings remained silent.

Su Han stood here alone and muttered to himself. If anyone heard it, they would definitely regard him as an idiot.

"Then I choose to let Yuan Ling die, let Jing Zhong die, let the demon plane collapse, and let all the extraterrestrial demons die!" Su Han screamed in the sky.

In the valley, only Su Han's voice echoed.

The voice that came down from nowhere still didn't give Su Han any response.

"It's called 'freedom'? It's called 'freedom'?" Su Han frowned and snorted coldly.

The storm is still going on outside, and the holy son Xumijie is estimated to appear soon.

If ordinary people go from Dao Sheng to Yuan Sheng, this situation will never happen.

The reason for this is because Su Han has nine origins and has too much power to drive the origins!

Su Han knew very well that Yuan Ling and Jing Zhong were probably aware of the difference in Shenghai. If he didn't make a choice, he would have no chance!

"I want my cultivation to improve!"

Su Han shouted loudly: "I can improve as much as I can!"

Unable to use this kind of reward to kill Yuan Ling, Jing Zhong, and those extraterrestrial demons, Su Han's only option at the moment is to improve his cultivation.

If the owner of the voice still can't agree, then Su Han is really going to scold his mother.

Facts have proved that Su Han's request is not too much, and the other party can still agree.


On the top void of the Milky Way starry sky, a beam of light came from the deepest part of the universe.

The thickness of this beam of light occupies nearly one-tenth of the Holy Sea's area, and instantly penetrates the Holy Sea, penetrates the Holy Son Xumijie, and wraps Su Han in the valley!

Su Han closed his eyes reflexively.

The rich light contained in the beam of light was extremely dazzling at that moment.

Countless unknown energies rushed out from the beam of light, like a cultivation base, and plunged into Su Han's body.


In just a short while, Su Han's body came out with a crisp sound that was so familiar to the extreme.

It is the sound of the bottleneck being broken!


With the appearance of this kind of voice, Su Han, who had just broken through to the first-level source saint, actually broke through again and was directly promoted to the second-level!

Su Han never imagined that the other party would actually agree to improve his cultivation base.

You know, the resources he needs now are extremely terrifying!

Before Su Han was shocked, the second and third clicks came from Su Han's body in a short moment.

Triple Source Saint! Fourfold Source Saint! !

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