Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5505

Chapter 5505

As the two figures walked out, the blood mist swept across the sky, and the dark void that was shattered by Jing Zhong's anger turned completely blood red at this moment.

No doubt, no need to think.

Those are again two Heavenly Demons who dominate the realm just like the True Emperor Haitian!

The human race and the demon were completely desperate, but their unyielding heart made them feel a strong indignation and hatred.


True Emperor Haitian didn't have any nonsense at all, and when the other two true emperor-level powerhouses arrived, they directly ordered.


Yu Gong Banhuang and other extraterritorial demons hidden in the blood-colored river have long been suffocated. At this moment, they all rushed out when they heard the order of Haitian Zhenhuang.

At the same time, the blood mist rolled back, and many figures rushed out from the huge Myriad Realms Teleportation Array.

But this time, it is not the powerhouse of the true emperor level.

The three true emperors of Haitian are using all the blood mist condensed at this moment to summon the other descendants of the extraterrestrial demon family!

There are half emperors, ancestors, and emperors, and even lower ones.


"Haitian, what are you doing!" Yuan Ling shouted.

"You guys are too hesitant, this will only slow down the pace of our clan's expedition to the Galaxy Starry Sky." Haitian Zhenhuang said impatiently.

"Until the Spirit of the Plane is in hand, you can't do it!" Yuan Ling said again.

"The spirit of the plane is not uncommon, what does it have to do with us?" Haitian Zhenhuang sneered. But Jing Zhong said: "It may have nothing to do with you, but it has something to do with this prince! This time this prince came to the Milky Way, and it can be said that there is nothing to gain. Don't annoy this prince, otherwise, this prince will

If you spread what happened here in the universe, even if the highest tribe of demons outside your territory has strong people in the Ministry of Industry, you will not be able to protect you! "

Hearing this, Haitian Zhenhuang's movements really stopped.

He is not worried about whether the spirit of the plane will be destroyed. Although this thing has a huge effect on any race, as long as the spirit of the plane can be obtained, it will definitely fall into the hands of Jing Zhong.

But Jingzhong's words made Haitian Zhenhuang feel scruples in his heart.

He also probably knows what kind of person Jing Zhong is. If this guy is crazy, he will really stab this matter out!

At that time, the Ministry of Works was furious and took the extraterritorial demons to operate, which would not be worth the loss.

"How long are you going to delay!"

True Emperor Haitian said coldly: "Su Han is dead, do you still have to be threatened by this guy with the spirit of the plane? If he doesn't give it to you for the rest of his life, you won't do it for the rest of your life?"

If I could hear the displeasure of the True Emperor Haitian, I was about to scold 'trash'.

"That's the matter of this prince, you stay with me honestly!"

Jing Zhong glared at Zhenhuang Haitian, then looked at the Ancient Emperor Saint Mo: "Say, what do you want?"


Saint Mogu didn't hesitate: "Give enough time to the Galaxy Starry Sky!"

"When your cultivation level has improved, you have enough dominance, and you are not afraid of our clan's invasion, and then you will hand over the spirit of the plane?" Haitian Zhenhuang laughed disdainfully: "When will you wait? Ten thousand years? One hundred thousand years? Or one million years? Really at that time, you can still hand over the spirit of the plane? Whoever believes in you is an idiot!

The latter sentence was obviously intended for Yuan Ling and Jing Zhong.

"This is impossible!"

Jing Zhong is not a fool either: "This prince will give you another chance to state the conditions that this prince can accept, such as letting you go and your daughter!"

"I, Qin Kuang, have endured for so many years, and I've already had enough of those days of swallowing my voice!" Ancient Emperor Saint Mo said, "Just let me go, and my daughter? What about the Phoenix Sect? What about the human race? The demons? What about the family? They fought side by side with the sanctuary creatures, and I lived for myself, so I left him

Are their lives in disregard? Jing Zhong, you look down on me too much! "

Jing Zhong's patience was being worn away bit by bit.

I just heard the ancient emperor of the holy devil say again: "Three days! Give me three days to think about it! If you don't agree, then I will destroy this face spirit now!"

"Dream!" Haitian Zhenhuang really couldn't help it.

But Jing Zhong said: "Okay, then three days! After three days, if you still dare to play with this prince, then the spirit of the face, this prince will not want, you know what kind of consequences that will be!"

For three days, let alone the ancient emperor of the Holy Demon, even if the entire Milky Way starry sky couldn't make any big waves, Jing Zhong naturally didn't care.

He looked at the gnashing of teeth of the true emperor Haitian, and said: "Just three days, if he has no answer after three days, then the prince will help you all together and slaughter the galaxy!"

True Emperor Haitian thought for a while, but in the end he didn't dare to take this risk.

"Okay, then give them three days, but when he handed over the spirit of the plane, he must also hand over the emperor!"

"Okay." Holy Demon Ancient Emperor nodded.

When Su Han blew himself up, neither the Saint Son Sumeru Ring nor those ordinary storage rings were left behind.

Not all were destroyed, UU reading www. disappeared out of thin air!

Yes, it just disappeared out of thin air!

It is precisely because these things disappeared out of thin air that the Holy Mogu Emperor chose the so-called 'three days' to consider the time.

Although the Holy Demon Emperor couldn't believe it, he still vaguely felt that...

Su Han is not dead!

"All extraterrestrial demons, all return to the **** river!"

Holy Demon Ancient Emperor said: "You and Yuanling are also returning to the Sanctuary. You are not allowed to appear in the Southern Region until three days have passed!"

Jing Zhong took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress the feeling of suffocation in his heart.

He didn't speak either and left with Yuan Ling.

Haitian Zhenhuang and other extraterritorial demons stared at the Holy Demon Ancient Emperor for a while, and then with an extremely ugly look, they retreated to the river of blood.

A plane spirit bought another three days for the Galaxy Starry Sky.

However, no one was happy.

Su Han has already blown himself up, and it can be said that both body and soul are destroyed.

Not to mention three days, even if you can live another three years, thirty years, or even three hundred years, so what?

In addition to these three real emperor-level extraterritorial demons, the other party has a total of five **** realms!

Not to mention, there is Yuanling, the strongest existence that has reached the perfection of the emperor.

No matter in terms of quantity or strength, the Galaxy Starry Sky is showing a one-sided trend.

Three days...what's the use?

"Go back first."

Holy Demon Ancient Emperor glanced at Gu Ling.

Gu Ling always felt that there seemed to be something hidden in the heart of the Holy Demon Ancient Emperor.

He glanced at the demon ancestor, and Lord Tu Ning, and the three Lords fell towards the Phoenix Sect at the same time. All the tribes and demons are also shrinking at this moment, with the Phoenix Sect as the foundation.

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