Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5436

Chapter 5436

"Lin Lanting is a demon, and it is natural to practice under the **** Jiuzhiqin."

The White Tiger Demon God said, "Furthermore, it is enough to see that Lin Lanting's talent is not low, and he should feel fortunate to have such a master as the Nine-Finged Qin God."

"It's natural, but..."

Su Han pursed his lips and said, "According to the communication between the sect and the demon master, it seems that she has not seen Lin Lanting for a long time. The demon master misses and cares very much about this younger brother, so, If possible, I hope you can send Lin Lanting to my Phoenix Sect so that he can be reunited with the Demon Lord?"

As soon as these words came out, the hands of the ten masters and other demon powerhouses, holding the wine glass, all paused.

And the handsome face of Jiuzhiqin God sank directly.

But he didn't say anything, but the ten chiefs said: "I dare to ask what is the relationship between Sect Master Su and Lin Manqin? With the status of Sect Master Su, and the hostile relationship between the human race and the demons before, I am afraid that Lin Manqin will not be able to ask Su Su. Sovereign, right?"

"What kind of relationship do you think it is? That's what it is." Su Han leaned back, looking like a rogue.

Jiuzhiqin God finally couldn't help it, and said: "There were rumors before that, Sect Master Su and Lin Manqin had a relationship with the Starry Sky Illusion. Although this matter has been confirmed by many demons and geniuses, it is only a rumor after all. I want to get the truth from Sect Master Su."

In fact, before Lin Manqin was promoted to the 'Demon Lord' and became the disciple of the demon ancestor, she was the true disciple of God Jiuzhiqin, and she was also the most proud disciple of God Jiuzhiqin in this life!

To put it bluntly, the reason why Lin Lanting worshipped the Nine-fingered Qin God was that he could only be regarded as a puppet.

However, God Jiuzhiqin is a hawk of the demon clan, and he most advocates the war between the demon clan and the human race. In his heart, the human race has always been a thorn in the eyes, a thorn in the flesh, and must be eradicated.

It is precisely because of this that after learning about the matter between the demon master and the demon master, the Nine-fingered Qin God was furious.

He has always influenced his disciples and a large number of descendants of demons with his own impressions and views of the human race. The demon master, as his most proud disciple, did not disappoint him, and almost inherited all his ideas.

God Jiuzhiqin had too great expectations for the Demon Lord, especially after the Demon Lord became the disciple of the Demon Ancestor, he was even more proud of the Demon Lord. He felt that the Demon Lord would definitely become the top pillar of the Demon Clan!

Only in terms of aptitude, training speed, combat power, etc., the Demon Lord did not disappoint the Nine-Finger Qin God.

But what Jiuzhiqin God never expected was that an action in the realm of creation actually caused the demon master to be occupied by a human race!

Moreover, this human race is Su Han, the one that the Nine-Finger Qin God hates the most!

What's even more irritating is that after this incident, the Demon Lord seems to have changed her temperament. She still has the appearance of the Demon Lord, and she is clearly no different from those abominable human races!

Under the anger, there is endless disappointment.

And after the disappointment, it naturally turned into hatred.

As for the Demon Lord, the God of Nine-Finged Qin no longer regards him as a demon arrogance. In his eyes, the Demon Lord is approaching Su Han's wife.

As the head of the Nine Gods of the Demon Race, God Jiuzhiqin is naturally impossible to be ignorant of feelings. He can see from all aspects that although the Demon Lord does not admit it, the Demon Lord does have some affection for Su Han!

It is these feelings that influence the temperament of the Demon Lord, as well as her impressions and views of the human race.

At this very moment, Su Han is actually asking for someone in front of the top powerhouses of the entire demon clan!

With the anger in God Jiuzhiqin's heart, how could he agree?

However, he did not directly refuse, but in front of Liu Qingyao, asked about the relationship between Su Han and the Demon Lord.

He really doesn't believe it, Su Han doesn't even care what Liu Qingyao thinks!

If you don't admit it, it's the devil's heart that hurts.

Agreed, it was Liu Qingyao's heart that hurt.

Jiuzhiqin God wanted to see how Su Han should answer!

At this moment, something that Jiuzhiqin God didn't expect once again happened.

"I still have something to do. I'll take my leave for now, and you all have a good time drinking."

Liu Qingyao suddenly stood up and left with the other Liu family powerhouses amid the dull expressions of the others.

Without any hesitation!

Seeing Liu Qingyao and the others walking out of the tent, the many powerful human races around them couldn't help but sigh in their hearts - With a wife like this, what can a husband ask for!

Everyone knows that the nine-fingered piano **** just wanted to prevent Su Han from going down this level, but Liu Qingyao gave Su Han this level!

She used her actions to tell all the demons - my man, only I can bully, and she wanted to use this to provoke our feelings. It was a dream!

"Ha ha"

I don't know how long it was silent, and a light laughter came from Su Han's mouth.

He leaned forward, his eyes staring at Jiuzhiqin God, and there was still a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"You're right, Lin Manqin did have a relationship with the sect, no matter how the relationship happened, as long as she doesn't hate the sect, the sect must be responsible to her, because... she is the woman of the sect! "


Hearing this, Jiuzhiqin's eyes instantly turned red, and his heart and lungs almost exploded!

He slammed the table, stood up and said: "Su Han, Lin Manqin is the strongest genius of my demon clan, and the future supreme powerhouse of my demon clan, how can you say such a high-sounding?! Everyone on the scene knows that , Lin Manqin has already made a lifelong decision with the demon master, she is going to marry the demon master, why do you say she is your woman?!"

"Because the demon master doesn't care about her, and I, Su Han, care about her, are you satisfied?!"

Su Han stood up abruptly, came to Jiuzhiqin God in an instant, and said almost to his face: "Lin Manqin is a living creature, she has her own thoughts and her own consciousness, UU reading What forced her? Why did you threaten her with her younger brother? When you appointed her for life, did you ever think about her feelings? During the trip to the starry sky, when you mocked her, did you ever think about her? Do you care about her feelings?!"

"You nine-fingered piano god, used to be her master, you must like her more than this sect, then tell me, where were you when the demon lord tortured her? Where were you when the demon lord insulted her ?"

"Being born in a demon family, do you have to obey your wishes?"


When the words fell, Su Han directly overturned the table, the nine-fingered qin **** flashed back, and the delicious food and wine in front of him were scattered all over the floor.

He stared blankly at Su Han, unable to believe his ears.

The demon is naturally not without feelings, otherwise Lin Manqin would not care about Lin Lanting so much, and the God of Nine Fingers would not be so 'love to hate'.

Su Han's words were still echoing in his ears, but in his mind, bits and pieces of when the Demon Lord just worshipped him appeared.

At that time, Lin Manqin was really just an innocent little girl!

now what?

The arrogance of the past has long been gone, and all the dignity has been pressed to the ground and trampled on the ground. Even if she gasped, she had to consider whether it would arouse the dissatisfaction of these demon powerhouses.

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