Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5437

Chapter 5437

The atmosphere in the tent was very depressing. The relationship that had been gradually harmonious because of the two wars seemed to have become tense again because of the Demon Lord Lin Manqin.

"Back then, when this sect was promoted to master, laid down a billion miles of holy sea, and banned the entire demon clan, this sect knew that countless people would insult this sect in their hearts, thinking that this sect was a human race and left a disaster for the sanctuary. And before the advent of the extraterritorial demons, the comeback of the demon clan seems to confirm this."

After a long time, Su Han said again: "Don't you really want to know the answer? Then I will tell you from this sect - in my eyes at that time, whether human beings, demons, or even an ant in the sanctuary, I will See it as life!"

"And life is noble and dignified, and cannot be trampled on!"

"I hate the slaughter of the human race by the demons, and I also hate the encroachment of the sanctuary by the demons, but I have never regretted it. I just banned you, not slaughtered you!"

"Like Qingtian Dazun and Yizu, if the two of them are not enemies, will they become friends?"

"Like Frost Demon Lord and Aquarius, if the two of them are not enemies, will they become friends?"

"It's like the white tiger demon god, and you are like your nine-fingered piano god, if this sect wanted to kill you in the first place, how could you still live to this day?!"

"Damn the extraterritorial demons, that's because they don't exist in the Milky Way starry sky, they only see killing in their eyes, so they should die!"

"But what about you?"

"I wonder if you once saw countless human races being killed and your hands full of blood when the demons were fighting against the human race, did you ever have a moment when you couldn't bear it?"

"Successful kings and defeated pirates, this is true, but if the world can be prosperous, why do you have to be greedy!"

After some words, all the demon powerhouses were speechless, even the great powers of the human race fell into silence.

"Hehe, that's all..."

Su Han waved his hand: "Telling you all this, after all, it's just playing the piano to a cow. Human nature is bad, let alone you monsters."

"What we are talking about now is about Lin Manqin, it doesn't involve the grievances between the two races." The Ten Radical Master said.

Su Han immediately frowned: "Okay, you want to talk, right? Then let Lin Manqin come over and let's have a good talk!"

The ten chiefs did not refuse, and Su Han quickly sent someone to bring the devil over.

The Demon Lord didn't know what happened. She only knew that the eyes of all races and demons in the tent were full of strangeness.

After she arrived, the first thing she did was to bow to Jiuzhiqin God, "Manqin, the villain, I have seen Master."

The Nine-fingered Qin God was slightly shocked.

He looked at Lin Manqin's clearly beautiful but full of misery face, and felt distressed for no reason.

This is the disciple that he once loved the most and regarded as his own!

Why has it evolved to such a degree now?

God Jiuzhiqin thought that with the different attitudes of the demon clan towards Lin Manqin, Lin Manqin's personality would also change, and even revenge for kindness and revenge.

Ke Lin Manqin still regards him as a master, as one of the most important beings in his life!

After saluting the Nine-fingered Qin God, the Demon Lord saluted one by one to the ten masters, the White Tiger Demon God and other powerhouses.

The expressions of these demon powerhouses at the moment are full of complexity.

"Next, I will ask you one question, and you will answer one." Su Han said.

Lin Manqin pursed her lips, not sure what was going on, but she still chose to trust Su Han and nodded.

"A trip to the starry sky, do you and I have a relationship between men and women?" Su Han asked.

Lin Manqin's delicate body trembled slightly, and then Yinya bit her teeth lightly, "Yes."

"In the Phoenix Sect, have I, Su Han, ever bullied you?" Su Han asked again.


"Among the demon clan, has the demon master ever bullied you?"


"Are you grateful or hated for the God of Nine Fingers?"


"Are you grateful or hated for the demon clan?"


Lin Manqin raised her eyes and smiled sadly: "If you have to say it, it may be love and hate."

"Okay, then I'll ask you one last question."

Su Han stared at Lin Manqin: "Between me and the demon master, if you had to choose one person, who would you choose?"

"No one chooses!"

Lin Manqin answered almost without any thought, "At least for now, I won't choose anyone."

This question is actually the most important of all questions.

And the answer given by Lin Manqin also made all the demon powerhouses slightly relieved.

"Now that you have got the answer, what do you think?"

Su Han looked around and said: "The affairs between us are all because of the great monsters in the starry sky, whether it is me or Lin Manqin, it has nothing to do with me or Lin Manqin. Don't you think it's funny that the matter has risen to the battle between the two races?"

"She Lin Manqin, like the kind of existence that would betray you?!"

In fact, whether Lin Manqin chooses Su Han or the demon master, these demon powerhouses will not be satisfied.

To choose a demon master, it is complete nonsense, even a fool can see that Lin Manqin has no feelings for the demon master, but hates him very much.

The choice of Su Han may be sincere, but it will make the demon family even more angry. After all, Lin Manqin is the arrogance of the demon, and the demon family has spent a huge price to cultivate her.

However, Lin Manqin said that she would not choose anyone, and this was her true opinion.


After a long sigh of relief, UU Reading Jiuzhiqin God's eyes are complicated: "Whether it is Su Zongzhu to Lin Manqin, or to my entire demon clan, I will remember it today. I sincerely thank you, but the grievances between the two clans have been passed down from generation to generation, and this seat alone cannot be the master."

The ten chiefs also planned to say something, but Su Han waved his hand and said, "There is no need to say more, this matter will eventually have a result. You only need to answer, Lin Lanting, whether to give it or not."

Hearing the words 'Lin Lanting', the demon master trembled and looked at Su Han subconsciously.

She finally understood what everyone was talking about.

All the questions were directed to the younger brother that he cared about the most.

In front of the human race, in front of the demons, Su Han can be said to be facing what thousands of people say, helping himself, and befriending the demons!


Water mist filled his eyes, and indescribable emotions spread all over his body. Lin Manqin gasped for breath. There was a strong urge to go and hug the figure in white.

However, this is ultimately impossible.

Or rather...

This is not something she can do with integrity now!

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