Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5435

Chapter 5435

, Update the Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor as soon as possible! Not only the semi-emperor like Nanshan Tianzu, but also the top ancestral saints of the major forces, or the next top ancestral saints.

The first thing they thought of was that Su Han would take this opportunity to seek benefits for the Phoenix Sect!

To be honest, they were very grateful that Su Han was able to open up the southern region at a critical moment, so that all the cultivators could gather here to jointly resist the extraterrestrial demons.

But Su Han's idea of making 'disaster wealth' made them very uncomfortable.

They really don't understand, when everyone is trying their best to find a way to survive, Su Han is still accumulating gold and silver in his own house, what's the point of this?

Even if all the cultivators, all the forces, gave the good things they had to the Phoenix Sect, would the Phoenix Sect survive under the invasion of extraterrestrial demons?

Even if the Phoenix Sect can really survive, don't the others have to live? Can't it be damned?

"Cough cough..."

Shunquan coughed twice and said, "Sect Master Su, this old man thinks... Now is not the time to talk about this."

"No, now is the time to say that."

Su Han said solemnly: "I know what you think in your heart, and I don't bother to argue. I just hope you can understand that even if you put items in your hands, they won't be of any use at all. If not In this situation, I really won't mention it, but it's already here, it's better to use a dead horse as a living horse doctor!"

There was silence all around, but he still didn't get out of his impression of Su Han.

"never mind."

Su Han waved his hand and said, "Today, you can treat me as Su Han casually mentioning that if any faction really has ancient items, and if they don't need them, they can send them to the Phoenix Sect and let Bai Gu and Baishan study them. If it is useless, it will be sent back to you, but if it is useful... maybe, because of your selflessness, the entire galaxy will be saved!"

Originally, Su Han only had the idea of giving it a try, and the origin of this idea was the animal skin engraved with obscure runes sent by Tai A Gong.

Regarding the ancient times, Su Han only had a general understanding of the extraterrestrial demons, not too deep. In the galaxy starry sky, there was no way to fight the extraterritorial demons, so he could only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

I don't want to, after Su Han finished saying this, a middle-aged man suddenly sighed: "Well, my Sun Moon Divine Sect did obtain a special item during a certain eruption of the ancient well outside the sky, it was a piece of white bone, I don't know if it's a human bone or an animal bone, anyway, the texture is hard, and the top ancestral saints can't destroy it, but I haven't researched what the role of that white bone is, so I'll send someone to the Phoenix Sect first."

"I also have the same item in the Nine Kills Palace." Another Nine Kills Palace powerhouse said.

In the previous two wars, the assassination methods of the Nine Kills Palace played a crucial role. Their stealth techniques were quite powerful, and the same level of extraterrestrial demons could not be detected at all. This human race's number one assassination force is indeed worthy of its name.

It is a pity that because of the appearance of the top powerhouses of the extraterrestrial demons in the end, all the invisible people of the Nine Killing Palaces were forced to show their bodies, and their lethality was greatly reduced.

"My Liu family also has this kind of item. I don't know if it is an ancient item." Liu Qingyao said calmly.

Su Han couldn't help but look at the woman who was alluring the country and the city, and he didn't care about others, sighed: "Since your return, I have been busy with all kinds of things, so that the time spent with you adds up to Probably not more than a month."

If Liu Qingyao was replaced by anyone, even Nangongyu and Xiao Yuran, Su Han would not say that on this occasion.

But the other party is Liu Qingyao!

The entire Sanctuary knew about the affairs between Su Han and Liu Qingyao, and it could even be said that the two were already married, but they both experienced death and rebirth.


Liu Qingyao looked at Su Han, her eyes filled with tenderness: "You are the ancient emperor of the demon dragon, and also the leader of the human race. You shoulder the heavy responsibility of life and death for the entire galaxy. I... I'll wait for you to put on your battle armor, come back with a big victory, and then hold another wedding that only belongs to you and me."

Hearing this, no one felt numb, but fell into silence.

Countless years ago, Su Han became the Ancient Demon Dragon Emperor, the first ruler of the human race, but Liu Qingyao fell prematurely.

After a lifetime, the two met again, and their memories were not lost, but they encountered the invasion of demons and extraterrestrial demons one after another.

This marriage is really rough.

No one has denied Liu Qingyao's words. At such a difficult time, the leader that the entire human race truly recognizes is after all the former Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor and the current Phoenix Sect Master!


Su Han raised his glass: "Actually, I also know in my heart that at this quiet moment, no one at UU reading wants to talk about the extraterrestrial demons. What I said just now also disturbed everyone's interest. I hereby apologize to you. "

"Hahaha... Sect Master Su, where are you talking about!"

"Prepare for a rainy day and be prepared, this is naturally what it should be!"

"Come on, cheers!"

Everyone raised the wine glasses in their hands at the same time, and then drank them all.

Su Han didn't say anything about the extraterritorial demons, but looked at the head of the ten divisions and said, "Although the demons and the human race are united, they are not a family after all. Su here has an unkind request, and I look forward to the first adult. can agree."

The ten chiefs were slightly startled.

He clearly remembered that when Su Han first came in, he didn't have such an attitude towards himself.

"Should I be happy to be called 'the first lord' by Sect Master Su?"

The ten masters made a joke, and then said: "I don't know what Sect Master Su wants to say? If it involves the secrets of our clan, or the safety of our clan, I am sorry that the deity cannot agree."

"Of course not."

Su Han pursed his lips and said, "I heard that the Demon Lord has a younger brother named Lin Lanting?"

The first ten statues froze for a while, and subconsciously looked at the demon powerhouses such as the White Tiger Demon God, the Qingtian Da Zun, and the Nine Fingers Qin God.

Especially on the Nine-finger Qin God, he stayed a little longer.


After a while, the ten chiefs nodded and said, "Lin Lanting is indeed Lin Manqin's younger brother, and he is also a disciple of the God of Nine Fingers."


Su Han looked at the Nine Fingers Qin God.

The first thing that came to his mind was the Nine-Fingers Qin God, who was on the same boat as the Demon Lord!

You can guess with your toes, the demon master has always used Lin Lanting to threaten the demon master. Since he was handed over to God Jiuzhiqin, how could the relationship between God Jiuzhiqin and the demon master be so bad? where to go?