Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5425

Chapter 5425

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The blood-red air wave showed a circular trend, with the eight and a half emperors as the center, surging towards the surrounding, like a shocking wave.

The terrifying pressure alone has made many human races and demons breathless.

Before, it was only the Qitian Banhuang himself that launched the air wave, and millions of ordinary human races and demons were destroyed, and even the seventh-level ancestors were injured because of this.

In the world, the coercion and breath of the eight and a half emperors merged, and their power increased more than ten times. Even though they had not reached their side, many people had a strong sense of life and death crisis in their hearts.

The First Ancestor looked at Qingtian Dazun and other demons, and his eyes showed decisiveness.

"Take a break, take a break..."

Several figures rushed out from behind and stopped before the blood-red air wave.

There is an ancestor, there is Qingtian Da Zun, and there are also the Demon God of Stars and the Demon God of Guimeng.

However, the first time the air wave hit them, there was a crisp sound of bones shattering from the four of them at the same time.

Even though Qingtian Da Zun, Xingchen Demon God, and Guimeng Demon God have all shown their huge bodies at the last moment, they still can't completely resist this kind of air wave.


The muffled sound came, and the back of the Star Demon God was severely crushed like a mountain crest.

Looking at Guimeng Demon God and Qingtian Great Venerable, they also had wounds all over their bodies, and blood continued to splatter.

The first ancestor was not much better. The long sword in his hand was completely broken, his left arm was forcibly smashed by the air wave, and there was a ferocious wound on his neck, and he could only keep his head hanging on it.

In just an instant, these four top experts in the sanctuary were all seriously injured!

If it goes on like this, their bodies will definitely be crushed into pieces.

It is good to say that the first ancestor is a martial arts cultivator and has a divine soul. As long as the divine soul can survive, even if the body is destroyed, it can be condensed with resources.

But Qingtian Dazun and Xingchen Demon God are different. Once their bodies are killed, even if there are still blood and holy souls alive, their cultivation will fall quickly, and it will take a lot of time to recover.

At this moment, the exit of the three top powerhouses will bring a devastating blow to the sanctuary!

"Go back to the deity!

The main body of Qingtian Great Venerable is a huge rhinoceros with a length of tens of thousands of feet.

Before it blocked the air wave, there were constant noises all over his body, but he did not step back, and was still roaring loudly, trying his best to resist the human race and demon beasts below.

This scene made countless people's eyes red.

They remembered again the scene where the Frost Demon Venerable endured the pain of evisceration in order to protect the water bottle.

At this moment, Great Senior Qingtian is not only protecting the monsters, but also those ordinary monks!

The four powerhouses effectively bought time for these human races and demons. They quickly left the battlefield and retreated, although they knew that even if they retreated, they might not be able to survive!

At the same time, they finally understood a truth

It turns out that humans and demons are not real enemies.

The two sides used to kill each other continuously, in order to kill each other's number and cultivation base, to obtain merits among various ethnic groups.

At that time, they hated each other and were full of murderous intentions everywhere.

However, when the real enemy arrives, they will also join forces with each other, desperately giving their lives and protecting each other.

What is Faith?

Faith, what is it?

Looking at the four powerhouses who were suffering from severe pain and struggling to resist the blood-red air waves, such voices appeared in the hearts of countless human races and demons

"This is the powerhouse!"

"This is true faith and belief!"

"The so-called hereditary enemy is always just bullshit!"

"The human race wants to occupy the demon world, and the demons want to occupy the sanctuary..."

"But now that I think about it, we... are all for the Milky Way!


There was a sound in the air, and a sturdy hoof of the rhino was crushed into pieces!

While the human race and the demons were splitting apart, those extraterrestrial demons burst into unbridled laughter.

"The half emperor is coming, who else can stop our footsteps?"

"Don't obediently kneel down and surrender and become a captive of our clan!"

"The Milky Way Starry Sky, you can't keep it!"

"Just based on your strength, what qualifications do you have to occupy this beautiful plane?"

Qi Tian Banhuang and other eight half emperors are also standing in the **** river.

They carry two claws on their backs and look like humanoids, but their eyes are fierce and fierce, which means that they are different from the human race.

There is no humanity at all!

"With another ten breaths, these people will surely die." Qi Tian Banhuang said sternly.

"Ten breaths? You think too highly of them."

A half-huangdan next to him said: "Looking at the appearance of these guys, you can hold on for five breaths at most."

This half-emperor is the Mingli Half-Emperor who was previously called "Ming Li" by the Half-Emperor Qi Tian!

"Things that are beyond their own power, thinking that they can save those ants in this way? You really think too highly of yourself!"

Another half emperor said: "They have already approached this level, but UU reading has not crossed it after all, how can we know how difficult this level is to reach?"


Just as the eight and a half emperors spoke sarcastically, a deep purple light suddenly rushed out of the Phoenix Sect's residence!

That ray of light radiated from the sky and the earth, like a divine glow, and when it appeared, it was like a fast-moving purple sun.

It wasn't until the distance was close that I could see clearly. Under the purple light, was a giant axe that was thousands of feet long!

"Purple Light Giant Axe?"

"It's Nanshan Tianzu!"

"Nanshan Tianzu finally made his move!

Although Nanshan Tianzu is very low-key and seldom shoots, it is well known that the purple light giant axe is one of Nanshan Tianzu's weapons!

This existence, who has been called the number one person in loose cultivation for countless years, finally appeared at this moment.


The sound of thunder was heard in the air, and the giant axe of purple light penetrated the sky and the earth, falling from the middle of the air waves, driving countless thunder and lightning.

An astonishing scene appeared.

I saw that those thunderbolts seemed to form light knives, filled with various colors, and full of destructive breath!

The thunderbolt and the giant axe fell at the same time, and the blood-colored air wave condensed by the eight and a half emperors was shocked, and it was thrown away abruptly!

This greatly reduced the pressure on the powerhouses such as First Ancestor and Qingtian Great Venerable.

"Get out of the way!"

A cold snort came from a distance, but seeing Nanshan Tianzu coming across the sky, he immediately came before the air wave, grabbed the giant axe, and slammed it down again.

"Bang bang bang!"

The air wave is obviously illusory, but it looks extremely hard. Although Nanshan Tianzu stepped back some distance, it did not collapse.

"Half emperor exists?"

Qi Tian Banhuang frowned and couldn't help but look at the Spirit Emperor: "His Royal Highness, among the creatures in this sanctuary, is there actually a Banhuang?"