Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5424

Chapter 5424

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"not good!"

"Get out of the way!

Yizu and the others first felt the threat and immediately spoke loudly.

At the same time, they quickly withdrew, intending to withdraw from the battlefield.

However, when they saw the other human races and demons who were still under siege, they gritted their teeth, stretched out their strength, and turned back again.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The air wave swept over, and the figures and demons collapsed suddenly, and they simply couldn't hold on under this air wave!

In the blink of an eye, millions of people and demons have died!

Even the seven-layered ancestral saint powerhouses in the air were in severe pain, and they couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. They felt like they were torn apart and flew back upside down.

Only the super-top powerhouses such as the First Ancestor and Qingtian Great Venerable can be considered difficult to resist that kind of air wave.

When the air wave disappeared, First Ancestor and Qingtian Great Senior turned back at the same time and looked at the countless corpses on the ground that increased in an instant.

Angry, not shocking!

The two looked at each other and said in unison, "Half-step master!"

Ordinary monks may not know what kind of existence a half-step master is, and they have never even heard of the word 'half-step master'. They only know that above the ancestors, it is the master state.

However, at the level of First Ancestor and Great Senior Qingtian, they naturally understand the horror of being a half-step master!

If it is said that the tenth-level ancestral saint is still like a virtual saint and a quasi saint in front of the master, and they are all ants, then the half-step master has already stepped into that level!

Of course, the half-step master will still not be the opponent of the master realm, but they have found the way to step into the master realm. As long as there is enough time, they can finally break through the master realm.

Even, in a certain way, the half-step master is a powerful existence that can really wrestle with the master realm!

Take First Ancestor and Qingtian Great Venerable for example, they are much stronger than the ten-level ancestors such as Star Demon God and Guimeng Demon God, but they never expected to dominate the realm, but pinned their expectations on half-step domination. above.

But after so many years, they still haven't been able to take that step, which is about to become their inner demon.

Right now, the arrival of the extraterritorial demon half emperor, while making them feel jealous, they can't help but feel a little excited and excited.

From other cultivators, they have not gained anything, not to mention the Dominion Realm. It is an existence that has crossed this level. No matter how much is taught to them, they will not be able to understand.

Only half a step to dominate!

Only this level is the best sharpening stone!

"If you don't succeed, you will become benevolent!" Yizu clenched his fists.

"It's mine!" Great Senior Qingtian rushed over.

The two looked at each other and laughed.

"If you lose, you and I will die!"

"If successful, you and I will stand behind you!"

"We've waited too long, we really can't wait any longer..."

And in the long river at this moment, the spirit emperor and the half emperor who just arrived have also heard the voices of the first ancestor and Qingtian Great Venerable.

However, the Emperor Ling didn't take it to heart at all, and the half emperor even sneered at the corners of his mouth, as if he was watching two children play the house.

"Junior, welcome the arrival of Banhuang Qi Tian." The Emperor Ling bowed slightly.

Its status is actually higher than that of Qitian Half Emperor, but the other party is a half emperor after all, and he will definitely become a true emperor in the future.

Therefore, even the Emperor Ling did not dare to be disrespectful.

"I have seen His Royal Highness Linghuang."

Similarly, Banhuang Qi Tian also bowed slightly to the Emperor Ling, but his tone was much calmer.

Linghuang didn't take it to heart. After all, he also knew that Banhuang Qi Tian only spoke like this because of his own identity. Regardless of his identity, he was still inferior in Banhuang Qi's eyes.

"These two ants are discussing a decisive battle with you."

The Emperor Ling sneered and pointed at the First Ancestor and the Great Venerable Qingtian: "Why don't you, Lord Qitian, let them know what is a 'half emperor'?"

"What's the hurry?"

Banhuang Qi Tian shook his head slightly: "Ming Li they will come soon, the order given by the highest clan is to let us take action at the same time, and in the shortest time, completely suppress the galaxy starry sky."

"Alright." The Emperor Ling nodded.

Banhuang Qi Tian paused for a while, then glanced at the Emperor Ling again: "After the news here, many high-level officials are full of doubts about His Highness Ling Huang, and the highest clan is also dissatisfied with the delay for too long."

The Spirit Emperor's expression sank: "That's all for the highest clan, why do those old people question this temple? If these galactic creatures can be quickly resolved, why does this temple have to delay? Could it be that this temple does not want this credit? The current battle situation, Lord Qi Tian can also see that it's not that this hall deliberately delays, it's just that these guys are too stubborn!"

Banhuang Qi Tian smiled: "This emperor knows His Highness's loyalty to the tribe, and also understands His Highness's mood at this moment. Your Highness can rest assured that when we take down the Milky Way Starry Sky, this credit belongs to His Highness."

The Emperor Ling listened to this yin and yang strange voice, and snorted coldly: "The Milky Way Starry Sky is not without the existence of the Dominant Realm, Master Qi Tian still has to be careful."

"There is no need to worry, Your Highness. It is not easy for the Lord to kill us." Qi Tian Banhuang burst out with strong confidence.

The Emperor Ling had planned to say something else, but at this moment, another buzzing sound came from another blood gate.

Immediately after



With the buzzing sound one after another, UU Reading oscillated from the blood gate, and one after another silhouettes like the half emperor of the sky leaped out from the blood gate and stood in front of the world!

A full seven!

Including Qitian Banhuang, there are eight blood-red figures with a height of about two meters and eleven crystal spikes behind them!

After they appeared, the endless blood mist became much thinner on the eight blood gates that were already extremely strong. Obviously, the arrival of these eight and a half emperors almost exhausted the power of the eight blood gates.


Looking at the eight figures standing in the long river, overlooking the figure of the half-emperor below, Rao was in the mood of the first ancestor and Qingtian Great Venerable, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"Eight... half-step masters?" Qingtian Great Senior twitched.

Yizu laughed at himself: "Now you and I don't have to fight, one person or four will do."

Qingtian Dazun's eyelids jumped: "Are you still in the mood to joke?"

"Otherwise?" Yizu shrugged.

Qingtian Dazun really didn't bother to pay attention to him.

One person and four?

Even one is enough to overwhelm them, let alone four!

In the long river, Qitian Banhuang looked at the other seven half emperors who had just descended, and said with a smile: "Come on, let this group of ants in the Milky Way star see the true strength of our half emperors?"

The other seven and a half emperors nodded, and then the coercion burst out, and the breath showed.

In an instant, the power fluctuations of the eight and a half emperors merged into one.

They simply disdain to make a real shot, but use their own breath and coercion to suppress the human race and demons below.


With the eight and a half emperors as the center, the blood-red air wave swept out again.

This time, it will be more majestic and terrifying than when Qi Tian Banhuang himself cast it!