Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 5426

Chapter 5426

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Many people know that Nanshan Tianzu is the top powerhouse in the sanctuary.

This 'top-level' is roughly the same as the seventh-level ancestor.

After all, in the realm of ancestral saints, the so-called 'eighth', 'ninth', and even 'tenth' are all too illusory, and almost no one can achieve it.

Even Su Han, when he first saw Nanshan Tianzu, only thought that he was a seventh-level ancestral saint with extreme strength.

In the last life, after Su Han crossed over to dominate and banned the demon clan, he rarely reappeared.

The so-called master is lonely, he feels that he is invincible, so he really doesn't care about the true strength of these hidden powerhouses.

The same is true for demons, such as the Great Master Qingtian and the Demon God of Stars. Those ordinary demons only know that the other party is a top-level powerhouse, but they have no idea how 'top-level' it is.

Even in their impressions, there is no such thing as eight layers and nine layers. For them, this is really too far away.

It is precisely for this reason that after the extraterritorial demons extracted the souls of the human race and the demon, the estimation of the top powerhouses of the human race and the demon was limited to the word 'top'.

These extraterritorial demons also subconsciously regarded the 'top' as the seventh level.

At this moment, Nanshan Tianzu appeared, and they realized that the true background of the Milky Way is far more powerful than they imagined!

Emperor Ling did not answer Banhuang Qitian, but stared at Nanshan Tianzu with a gloomy expression.

The strong resistance of the Sanctuary creatures has almost exhausted its patience.

It accumulated combat power time and time again and summoned more extraterrestrial demon powerhouses, but every time it was stopped by human race and demon powerhouses, which made it question its own decision-making and made it feel the eight The half emperor's dissatisfaction.

Because the eight blood gates were originally intended to be completely firmed and used to summon the true emperor to come.

However, the Spirit Sovereign mistakenly gushed the combat power of the sanctuary creatures, resulting in the consumption of most of the power of the blood sect, and the time for the arrival of the True Sovereign also passed.

The original oath and confidence, after the appearance of Nanshan Tianzu, is developing in a fragmented direction.

The Linghuang deeply understands that if this time, the eight and a half emperors are also stopped, then even if it is the heir of the highest clan, it will definitely be punished!

"Damn it!

Linghuang clenched his fists, the red on his body became more and more obvious, and the countless spikes on his back were slowly merging.

In the end, it actually formed ten and a half!

This means that its strength has exceeded a hundred thousand zhang demon, and it is about to enter the ranks of the half emperor!

When they saw the ten and a half thorns on the back of the Spirit Emperor, Qi Tian and Ban Huang were also slightly startled, obviously not expecting the Spirit Emperor to have reached this level of cultivation.

"It seems that Your Highness has already swallowed a lot of Saint Realm creatures, but I would like to congratulate Your Highness in advance. He is about to enter the half-emperor level." Mingli Banhuang said with a smile.

It can be seen that the attitude of the eight and a half emperors has obviously changed invisibly after the spikes of the emperor appeared.

With the status of the Spirit Sovereign, once it truly reaches the Half Sovereign, Qi Tian Ban Sovereign and Ming Li Ban Sovereign will not be taken into account.

The previous dissatisfaction has all disappeared at this moment, and they do not want the Linghuang to find trouble for themselves in the future.

"As expected to be one of the super geniuses of my demon clan, the cultivation speed of His Royal Highness Linghuang is really beyond our reach!" Qi Tianbanhuang also took advantage of the situation and raised a sentence.

The Emperor Ling naturally knew what these guys were thinking, he pointed at Nanshan Tianzu and snorted: "When this hall swallowed the memories of the human race, I also learned the identity of this old thing, it is 'Nanshan Tianzu', it seems to be a saint A person at the peak of Yu Sanxiu. Many people's impression of him is only a top ancestral sage. Who would have thought that he is actually a half emperor! It seems that these humble people like ants are really trash to the extreme!"

This is also an explanation to the eight and a half emperors, both sides are invisible and gave each other the steps, so there is no need to mention this matter.

"What about the half emperor?"

Mingli Banhuang sneered and said: "There is only one and a half emperors, no matter how strong they are, how can they stop the eight emperors from joining forces?"


Another half emperor also said contemptuously: "Look at him, try your best, but you can't blow our air waves away, but you are jumping around like a clown."

"Hahaha, I'll just watch him perform here quietly, and it won't be too late to shoot at him after he really shatters the airwaves."

"Wait for him to smash the air waves, I'm afraid that all his strength has been used up, right?"

"It's ridiculous, it's ridiculous!"

The voice from the river of blood could be heard clearly by everyone, including Nanshan Tianzu.

There was only one thought in his mind at the moment, and that wasHuluo Pingyang was bullied by dogs, Longyou shallow water was played by shrimps!

The dignified Ziming cosmos country protector **** general, if in the cosmos, wants to destroy Qitian Banhuang and other extraterritorial demons, you don't need to raise your hand, just blowing is enough!

But at this moment, UU reading www.uukanshu. com can only watch them point fingers there, ridicule and ridicule constantly, and there is nothing they can do.

Of course, Nanshan Tianzu's state of mind is not that bad. At least, he blocked the blood-colored air wave at this moment, preventing Yizu and others from being shocked and killed, and preventing the human race and demons from suffering greater losses.

It is naturally impossible for Yizu and others to watch Nanshan Tianzu being ridiculed. After they recover a little, they will join the battlefield again.

But at this moment, a sigh came out from the Phoenix Sect's quarters.

"Get out of the way, even if you go there, you won't be able to help much."

The voice falls!

But I saw a figure with seventy-two huge jet-black wings behind it, walking out of the Zongmen station like lightning.

With every step, countless distances can be crossed, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Nanshan Tianzu.

"That's... Senior Shunquan?!"

"Shunquan, the No. 1 in the Sanctuary Powerhouse???"

"My God... he, he is actually an angel!

"Seventy-two wings... is the seventy-two-winged dark blood angel!

The shocking exclamation, like a frying pan, resounded in the battlefield.

The terrifying existence that has occupied the first place in the Sanctuary Power List for some unknown number of years, and was even thought to have fallen... also appeared!

What is even more unexpected is that he is actually a seventy-two-winged dark blood angel!

Shunquan ignored the others, but looked at Nanshan Tianzu, looking very innocent and regretful.

"If I had known this, I should have left with the patriarch and the others."

"Stop talking nonsense!"

Nanshan Tianzu stared: "You have to be glad that you stayed in the Milky Way Starry Sky. I promise you today that as long as you survive, you will enter the universe after that, and I will keep you delicious and spicy!"