Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4577

Chapter 4577

Chapter 4554 Primordial Demon God, the Four Sacred Domains!


"The red half saint...dead?"

"How can she be so strong!!!"

"Obviously it is at the same level as the Jiyun Demon Venerable, but it has trapped the Jiyun Demon Venerable. Not to mention, it shot at the same time against the eighteen semi-sages, and... also killed one?!"

There was a commotion on the battlefield, and countless monsters' eyes widened, showing shock and disbelief.

They have a new understanding of the true power of destroying the Queen.

It is no exaggeration to say that although the Queen of Destruction did not open up the realm of time order, her power of destruction and time attributes have completely exceeded her power of destroying the realm of order.

Similar to the semi-sage in red, it can only be said to be close to the strength of the semi-sage in the middle, and it is impossible to stop the attack of the Empress of Destruction.

No matter how many methods he has, the Queen of Destruction can collapse all its methods at the moment the sword of destruction falls!

Therefore, it was just a moment, and it was just a glance that the people of the two races saw. The red half-holy was completely dead, without even screaming.


Su Han, who was already prepared, waved his palm at this moment.

At the top of his head, the Dragon Emperor technique revolved, and the whirlpool appeared again, and the rich blood essence, floating out of the flesh of the half saint in red, which became two halves, quickly entered the whirlpool above Su Han.

Not to mention Su Han, even the Demon Master of Transport could feel that after swallowing the essence of qi and blood, Su Han's breath has been significantly improved.

"Stop him!"

Jiyun Demon Lord angrily bombarded and destroyed the realm of order, and at the same time roared: "Can't let him continue to swallow the essence of vitality and blood, once he breaks through to the ancient gods, that is another huge threat!"

Huge threat...

The words are probably conservative.

Perhaps those ordinary monsters don't think too much, but as ancient monsters, ancient monsters, and semi-holy-level existences, how can they know how strong Su Han is?

The ancient **** realm and the sky **** realm are a heavenly crown. If a normal cultivator crosses over, his strength will be extremely terrifying, let alone Su Han's abnormality!

At the peak of the Heavenly God Realm in other districts, he was able to kill the blood-red and half-holy existence of the middle and half-holy. What does this prove?

He has at least the power of the top semi-holy, and can even be comparable to the top semi-holy!

Once his cultivation level really breaks through to the ancient **** realm, then with his methods, looking at the entire **** realm, which demon can cure him?

"I can't take the destruction of the Queen as a target. She, the Primordial Demon God and others will soon leave the upper star field. The main target is Su Han!" Semi-Holy said.

One of them was dressed in Tsing Yi, also a human appearance, looking extremely young, but his complexion was slightly pale, just like those rich boys with excessive ***.

For these demons and semi-sages, Su Han also had some understanding from the major forces.

The man in Tsing Yi in front of him is titled "Tin Yu Demon God" and is a middle-level semi-sage.

His idea is very right. If the demons want to destroy the human race in the future, the first thing they must target is Su Han.

But just as his voice fell, the black and white sword above his head had already penetrated down.

Just witnessed the death of the red half-holy, the sword of destruction fell on him again, the demon **** Tan Yu couldn't help changing his face, and at the same time as the bombardment, he quickly retreated.

"You can't run." The Destruction Queen spoke lightly.


The Sword of Destruction violently accelerated, in the eyes of many monsters, it was once again separated and turned into ten, from all directions, all the way out of Tan Yu Demon God was sealed to death.

Next moment

"Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff! Puff..."

Blood splattered, and the famous scene came again!

Ten long swords pierced through all the defenses of the Demon God Tan Yu. With his mid-level and semi-holy power, he could not resist the slightest in front of the Destroying Empress.

"Continue to swallow." The Destruction Queen said lightly.

"Do not!!"

Feeling his own vitality that is fading rapidly, Tan Yu Demon God shouted desperately: "Why are the Nine Palace Demon Gods not coming... Why are the Destiny Demon Gods not coming!!"

Hearing this, Jiyun Demon Lord's breathing was stagnant, and many demons fell into silence.

On the human side, it frowned slightly.

"The two demon gods he said are like the congregation demon, who have been promoted to the holy realm, but have not left the existence of the gods." The Destruction Queen explained.

The eyelids of the human race are all jumping!

Sure enough

There are too many strong men in the demons and demons, and at the moment there is only a concentrator demon.

Nine Palace Demon God and Destiny Demon God aside, I'm afraid there will be more other semi-holy creatures in the demons clan!


However, the explosion sound from the Demon God Tan Yu made people feel a little more relieved.

After all, he still failed to withstand the erosion of the ten long swords, not only the body, but also the soul, also dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

Su Han waved his hand again, and the power of blood rushed to the whirlpool above his head.

But at this moment, the other sixteen semi-sages, as if they had been discussed, rushed out in an instant, all grabbing the essence of blood.

"I will not devour the blood essence of the same race, but you want to use this to increase your cultivation level, it is absolutely impossible!"

Has a half-holy violent drink, sixteen huge palms, wanting to burst the essence of blood and blood.

"Only you?"

The Queen of Destruction's eyes flashed, and the remaining sixteen swords of Destruction also fell towards the sixteen semi-sages.

"I can't protect myself, so dare to think of other things? You are bored!"

A cold snort came, with a hint of conspiracy success.

Is the Primordial Demon God!


A huge light curtain suddenly rose up from all around the sixteen half saints, just to surround them all.

These sixteen demons and semi-sages, wholeheartedly thinking of blasting those qi and blood essences and not allowing Su Han to increase their cultivation base, they completely ignored the existence of the Primordial Demon God.

At this moment, the light curtain of UU Reading keeps shrinking, huge pressure hits from all directions, a breath that completely surpasses the semi-sage, sweeping out from below.

They looked down and saw four huge figures appearing around the Primordial Demon God.

The figure of the Primordial Demon God stood on top of the fifth behemoth.

Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu!

and... the unicorn at his feet!

"Four Holy Realms?!"

Dragon King of East China Sea narrowed his eyes, and immediately laughed: "I have long heard that the four sacred realms of the Primordial Demon God are extremely terrifying. When I enter it, it is really extraordinary!"

The Primordial Demon God is not a human race, but he does not belong to a demon. The small world it opens up can still be called a 'domain', but there is no law or order in it.

This is the first time Su Han has seen the realm of the Primordial Demon God.

Only one glance, he could see that the four sacred realms of the Primordial Demon God were no less than the destruction realm of the Destroy Queen.

Even, in a sense, even stronger!

(End of this chapter)