Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4576

Chapter 4576

Chapter 4553 Sword of Destruction, kill Red Half Saint again!

Up to this moment, on the battlefield, the number of demons and semi-sages has reached as many as nineteen, and it is still increasing!

At this moment, the many sword lights filled with milky white and jet black all separated and killed the nineteen demons and half saints!

Whether they are inferior, medium, or superior, or top, they all have the 'care' of Jianmang.

was also trapped in the field of destruction order, and luckily, the Queen of Destruction did not continue to attack him for the time being.


A large number of sword lights, like sword rain, are overwhelming and dense!

looks small, but in every sword light, there is an extremely terrifying breath.

That kind of breath, even if it is a half-holy demon, can't help his face change.

They can feel that milky white is the power of time and space order, while jet black is the power of destroying order endorsed by the queen herself!

Her two major orders have been perfectly integrated! !


Seeing the appearance of these sword lights, even Su Han couldn't help taking a breath.

He has four domains of laws, which can fully integrate the power of these laws.

But these, in front of the Queen of Destruction, are nothing at all!

One is the law and the other is the order. The level is different. The lack of quantity has been completely compensated and perfectly suppressed!

Not to mention those demons and semi-sages, even Su Han, the person closest to the Queen of Destruction, doesn't know that besides the Destruction attribute, she actually has the Time attribute!

The reputation of the Queen of Destruction is too loud, from many, many years ago, from the time of Su Han, to the present.

The demons of the gods are jealous of her, and the human races of the upper star field respect her.

Plus, her title is 'Queen of Destruction', which has led everyone to subconsciously believe that the Queen of Destruction has only one attribute power, and that is destruction.

She has indeed studied destruction to the extreme, but she also told everyone with practical actions-what she possesses to destroy the queen is not only destruction!

However, half holy is half holy after all!

Everyone admits that the Queen of Destruction is very strong, but her shot was not aimed at a certain demon, but directly swept all the demon semi-sages present.

This immediately made the originally nervous hearts of those demons and semi-sages slightly relaxed.

One person against nineteen demons and half saints? Among them, there is such an existence as Jiyun Demon Lord?

is too delusional!

By doing this, she not only won't get much effect, but on the contrary, it will reduce her attack power.

A lot of greed can not chew, but the Queen of Destruction is still too confident!


A half-holy demon, temporarily abandoning his opponent, his body roared defensively, the terrifying power of blood and blood spread through the void, and he wanted to face those tiny sword lights head-on.

But what made them frown was that the almost endless tiny sword lights all around seemed to point directly at them, but they didn't completely fall down.

"What more?"

"Huh, Human Race always likes to make these bells and whistles!"

"Destroying the Queen, you are afraid that knowing this method will not have any effect on the deity and so on, but will also attack you, so you dare not do it? Hahaha..."

A demon half-holy laughed, obviously not a real mockery, but wanted to disrupt the empress's mind.

can destroy the empress here, but her expression is calm, as if she has not heard of it.

She opened her mouth and slowly said: "I have the time attribute, but I can't destroy it. Although it has been transformed into order, it has not yet opened up the realm of time order, so it only gave you the energy for the law of destruction."

The words came into his ears, causing Su Han to sigh.

"You are good enough for me."

"I know you have a source of time, but I can't help you with this."

The Queen of Destruction said again: "But I will try my best to give you the essence of vitality and blood, so that your cultivation base can reach the ancient gods! You used to be the demon dragon ancient emperor, and I don't need me to remind you, but I still have to say something. The cultivation base is the foundation of everything. If there is not enough cultivation base, no matter how many means, it will not be able to exert much power."

Su Han nodded.

He naturally understood the meaning of destroying the queen.

If he at this moment, like the Destroyer Empress, is a top-level semi-holy cultivation level, then there is no need for any other means at all. The four law domains that he masters now are enough to be in the upper star realm. ,lord it over!

Cultivation base is indeed fundamental, and what a monk cultivates in the first place is indeed cultivation base.

"In a moment, I will cooperate with the Primordial Demon God, you must be quick and fast!"

After the Queen of Destruction said the last sentence, her eyes flickered, and the countless tiny sword lights controlled by her divine mind officially fell!

"Wow, wow..."

In this scene, those demons and semi-saints who watched frowned, and were agitated.

They are indeed jealous of this sword, but they are not afraid. The Empress of Destruction stopped and attacked, making them a little confused.

But soon, they knew why the Queen of Destruction did this.


Many small sword lights, in the process of falling, separated and turned into eighteen groups!

When the buzzing came out, it was visible to the naked eye, the monstrous black mist and milky white churning away, like two giant dragons intertwined.

A long sword with a transparent handle, still in black and white, condensed from the void.

A total of 18 courses!

can clearly see that the inside of these eighteen long swords are all the original thin sword lights, but at the moment they are integrated, but they have undergone a qualitative change.

hadn't completely arrived yet, so that the half-holy monsters felt heavy pressure, and there was wind blowing in the sky, like a sharp blade, trying to cut their flesh.

"Destruction, the sword of time!"

Destroy the Queen's already raised right hand, and suddenly waved it down: "Fall!"

Eighteen long swords, the speed has reached the extreme, surpassing the previous too much, it really seems to be the difference between a moment and a million years.

Even the top half-holy demon, it is impossible to escape in this short period of time, and can only rely on the defenses on the body to allow these sword lights to bombard.

Under the gaze of the countless lights of the two families

"Boom boom boom boom!!"

Terrible roar, UU reading www.uuknshu. Com came immediately!

Huge shock wave rippling away from eighteen places.

The world seems to be still, and under Half-Holy, everyone has tinnitus temporarily!

While they were retreating, they could only see with their naked eyes what happened to the bombarded demons and semi-sacred places.


There is a defensive collapse, and the sound of the flesh being turned into two halves is transmitted.

That's a half saint in red!

Above his head that was split in half, his eyes were still wide, full of horror.

And this is not the point.


When the people of the two clans saw the red half-holy soul that was pierced by the long sword, there were a lot of cold breath sounds immediately rang out on the battlefield.

Red half saint, die!

(End of this chapter)