Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4578

Chapter 4578

Chapter 4555Good intentions

"Speaking of the realm alone, the destruction of the queen's realm is really inferior to his four sacred realms."

Su Han muttered in his heart: "However, in addition to the destruction attribute, the Queen of Destruction also has the time attribute. From the perspective of comprehensive combat power, the Primordial Demon God should not be her opponent."

After all, the Queen of Destruction has existed for nearly hundreds of millions of years. She has been staying in the upper-class star field, and her cultivation has not improved much. Where is the time spent? What is the reason that has increased her lifespan so much?

Time order!

is also very possible, it is the origin of time!

When thinking of this, Su Han couldn't help sighing.

Actually, these things I should have thought of a long time ago, but the destruction of the queen is too strong, causing him to be like everyone else, mistakenly thinking that the destruction of the queen really only has the attribute of destruction.

All thoughts just flashed in Su Han's mind.

The four sacred realms of the Primordial Demon God unfolded, and the extremely terrifying pressure of the holy realm was even more outrageous at this moment.

Sixteen demons and semi-sages, including the three upper-class semi-sacred existences, their complexions changed drastically at this moment!

They suddenly discovered that after the coercion of the holy realm unfolded, the power of qi and blood in their body seemed to have encountered a natural enemy, shrinking, not to mention, it was rapidly weakening!

They are not the opponents of the Primordial Demon God. At this moment, the Primordial Demon God and the Queen of Destruction are teaming up, and the strength in their bodies is weakening. Under the situation of one and the other, they will never be an opponent!

"Master Demon Lord!"

There is a half-sage looking towards the Jiyun Demon Lord.

He is the only one here who can counter the existence of the Destroying Empress and the Primordial Demon God, and only he can save himself and others.


"Broken! Break me!!"

Jiyun Mozun kept bombarding, roaring through the world, and all the methods were used.

But that terrifying destructive power has eroded him by all means, let alone the collection of Demon Lord breaking through this domain, I am afraid that if this continues, even he himself will be in danger!


The sound of roaring and screaming came from the mouths of the four sacred beasts around the Primordial Demon God.

Under the flickering of the Primordial Demon God's mind, except for the unicorn at his feet, the other four sacred beasts all rushed towards the sixteen semi-sages.

The goal of every holy beast is just a semi-holy!

But even so, it is enough to make these demons half-saint, fearful!


Above their heads, the sword of destruction was still falling, and the two holy realms shot at the same time, and they broke the defense in an instant!

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Four muffled noises came out. Among them, four inferior and semi-sages died in the hands of the Primordial Demon God and the Empress of Destruction almost in the blink of an eye.


It can be seen to the naked eye that the essence of qi and blood floating from their bodies, together with that of the Demon God Tan Yu before, almost all form the same substance, like blood-red clouds, densely covered in the void.

"Swallow!" The Destruction Queen said solemnly.

Su Han is naturally already prepared.

At this moment, he even came up with another idea, that is

This time to invade the monster world, it is not really trying to break the boat, but to destroy the empress and the ancient monsters. It has long been discussed, and they should use the blood essence of these monsters to cultivate themselves!

The demons and demons know that Su Han has great potential, but how can they not know the destruction of the Queen and the others?

The Primordial Demon God and others who have been promoted to the Holy Realm can only stay in the upper-class star field for three days at most, and it is impossible to protect the human race for a lifetime.

In terms of the strength of the two clans, the demons and demons are also the stable human race.

In this case, the only hope of Human Race is Su Han!

Only he can have the power of the holy realm before he has achieved the cultivation base of the holy realm!

Only he can destroy the demons and protect the human race after the increase in strength!

Speaking again

If only the powerful human races such as the Destroy Empress and the Primordial Demons and Gods enter the world of demons, the demons will definitely be jealous. Even if there is a semi-holy appearance, it is like a collection of demon masters. It is difficult to kill them and want to obtain the essence of blood. It's also difficult.

and so

Destroying the Queen and the others, they will break the cauldron and sink the boat, use the guise of slanting front, let the entire human race as a cover, invade the monster world!

Only in this way, the low-level semi-sages of the demon clan will appear, and they can also have the opportunity to kill these low-level semi-sages in such a moment!

"Is it really?"

While devouring the essence of qi and blood, Su Han looked at the many human races that were constantly killing and dying.

"Sacrifice tens of millions, hundreds of millions of human races to perfect me? Is this worth or not? I'm afraid in their hearts, they really think that they want to fight a desperate battle with the demons?"

This kind of deception made Su Han suddenly feel a little uncomfortable, and even more guilty.

But when he looked up, he saw the firm eyes of the Queen of Destruction.

Obviously, Su Han guessed it right!

All this is just a cover, a cover that I have never thought of!

Use the safety of the entire human race to fight and gamble!

Bet him Su Han, in this war, can break through smoothly, have the power to completely suppress the demons!

In terms of human nature, Su Han feels guilty and blames himself.

But from the point of view, he must admit that it is right to do so.

He is the only hope of the human race!


Su Han took a deep breath and nodded slightly to the Queen of Destruction.

The eyes of the Queen of Destruction suddenly burst into light, and the boulder in her heart also completely fell.

She was afraid that after learning of all this, Su Han would have any opinions on herself and at the same time affect their plans.

Fortunately, Su Han was a man and lived for hundreds of millions of years. After all, he was still sensible.

"We continue to kill, you continue to swallow, until you reach the ancient gods, and even higher cultivation base!" The Destruction Queen gave Su Han a voice.

She understood that all this happened, I am afraid that other human races have guessed their plan.

But the matter is over, as long as you are not a fool, UU reading www. uukanshu. com, no one will jump out and say anything.


Su Han's aura skyrocketed, and the bottleneck of the peak Heavenly God Realm's cultivation base had been broken through most of the time.

When this bottleneck is completely broken, the ancient **** realm will be a matter of course!

Including the blood red half saint and the red half saint, there are a total of seven demons and half saints who died in the hands of the Primordial Demon God and the Empress of Destruction.

And Su Han only swallowed the essence of the blood of three semi-sages.

The level of Semi-Holy is completely incompatible with ancient demons, ancient demons, and ancient gods.

Each of them has cultivated for more than five million years at least, and the accumulated qi and blood essence is too rich, even if Su Han starts the Dragon Emperor technique, it is impossible to swallow it in the blink of an eye.

He has a feeling

When these seven demon half-holy qi and blood essences are all swallowed, his bottleneck will inevitably be completely broken.

At that time, all you need is the blood essence of a demon half-holy, and his cultivation base can reach the long-lost ancient **** realm!

(End of this chapter)