Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4528

Chapter 4528

"Master Old God, he won't really kill us?" Bai Zhong couldn't help it, and suddenly said.

Tailing Gushen looked at him, and saw a heavy white face. I don't know when there was a lot of cold sweat, and the clothes on his back were almost wet.

"there is always a solution to a problem!"

The ancient **** Tai Ling coldly snorted: "The cause we made at the beginning is to endure the current result. Looking at this superior star field, there are not many forces that are hostile to the Phoenix Sect. Could it be that Su Han can really kill them all? Is it possible?"

"But he, he will definitely take people to demonstrate!" Bai Zhong was about to cry.

"What are you afraid of?"

The ancient **** Tai Ling was already irritable, and he couldn't help but said angrily: "Look at you, what it looks like! The grand elder of the Liuhe Palace, the existence of the Seven-Star God Realm, doesn't even have this courage? You just started with him in the first place. It's just a few language conflicts. It's not a deep hatred. He still wants your life?"

Bai Zhong was silent and shook his head.

Seven-Star Heaven God Realm?

In the eyes of Su Han today, the Seven-Star God Realm is a fart!

Even if he really wants his own life, he has to stretch his head obediently, right?

"The days to come will really change."

The ancient **** of Tai Ling sighed deeply: "At least here in the upper star field, the position of the Phoenix Sect is completely stabilized."

"What about Star Alliance?" Bai Zhong asked.

"Let's keep in touch with Star Alliance in the future!"

The ancient **** Tai Ling yelled: "You haven't seen the Star Alliance people, haven't they come here? According to the deity, Su Han will point the finger at the Star Alliance, and the absence of the Star Alliance is just right for him. Gave him an excuse."

"Hope, as long as it doesn't target us." Bai Zhong kept muttering.

"Look at you for that good point!"

Although it is only a marginal force in the seventh-level area, and it can't be ranked in any number, the daughter palace was still invited over.

The enthronement ceremony of the lord of the Palace of the Human Court is related to the power of the entire upper star domain. For example, there are too many powers such as the daughter's palace. When Yan Yun received the invitation, she was really flattered.

At this moment, she was standing there blankly, looking at the figure in white clothes in the clouds, dazed.

"At that time, if I had chosen the Shenlong Temple, what would be the result of the current me, the current daughter palace?"

There is no need for others to answer her, in fact she already has the answer.

Because soon after the selection of the saints was over, the Phoenix Sect destroyed the Shenlong Temple.


After a while, Yan Yun suddenly pulled Xiang Ting next to him.

She whispered, "Have you contacted Lord Xinling during this period of time? I can see clearly just now that Lord Xinling has no stars on his eyebrows. What does this mean? He has become an ancient god. It's too late!"

Xiang Ting Jiao Di was a little red. She raised her head and looked into the distance, looking through many people, and fell on a certain figure in the Phoenix Sect.

The face that has always been dull, but Xiang Ting is a little fascinated.

"Say, have you contacted him?" Yan Yun urged.

Xiang Ting shook her head: "No... he seems to be busy all the time."


Yan Yun frowned and said, "Xiang Ting, you must seize this opportunity. Lord Xinling is an ancient god! My daughter's palace has been married to an ancient **** since the establishment of the palace until now. How many people are in the realm? It's not an exaggeration to describe it as phoenix! Even if there is, it is... you know what I mean."

"And I can also see that Master Xin Leng really likes you, but he is an ancient **** now after all, especially this kind of person with extraordinary talents, and he will continue to make breakthroughs in the future."

"At that time, I am afraid that I don't know how many women will be around him. If he ignores you because of this, it will really be more than worth the loss!"

Listening to Yan Yun's words, Xiang Ting couldn't help showing a sense of loss in her eyes.

She gently kneaded the corners of her clothes, and whispered: "I don't want to contact him, it's really..."

"The gap is too big?"

Yan Yun took the stubborn words: "You stupid girl, you are so unconfident in yourself? Although your qualifications can't be compared with Lord Xinling, your appearance is beyond most women! Monks don't like it. Beautiful women? The strong don't like beautiful women? Believe me, Sect Master Su treats his wife so well, and Master Xin Leng must also follow him as an example."

"But Sect Master Su has many wives." Xiang Ting said.

Yan Yun: "..."

After drinking the clan wine, almost all the forces appeared on the stone tablet.

Su Han could see clearly that at least 90% of the forces that were originally hostile to him fell to the Renting Palace.

This shows what?

Today's Palace Lord of the Palace of Humanity, but Su Han!

Falling to the Human Court Palace, and falling to the Phoenix Sect, there is almost no difference.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} These forces are all taking advantage of this opportunity to show good wishes to Su Han!

"The top powerhouse can really control everything!"

Su Han silently looked at the people present. Except for those forces that had previously made friends with the Phoenix Sect, everyone else, whenever they looked at him, they would immediately lower their heads.

A smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Su Han waved his hand to signal the crowd below to be quiet.

A moment later, he said clearly: "Renting Palace, since ancient times, has been a united force of the human race. Although Su is the lord of the Renting Palace, his main identity is still the Sect Master of Phoenix."

"You don't have to worry, Su Mou will not use the idea of working for personal gain, nor does he have the ability and ability."

"God rewards hard work, the human race is immortal!"

"The demon is coming back. UU reading may have swept the entire galaxy starry sky, but what I can do is only limited to the upper star domains."

"Today, Su Mou guarantees his personality and swears by his life-he will protect the safety of the human race and rebuild the glory of the human race!"


"Mighty! Mighty! Mighty!!"

Phoenix Sect members showed excitement first. Everyone raised their hands, and even poured the power of cultivation into their voices, and the huge shouts were deafening.

With them taking the lead, other forces will naturally not stand there as if they have not heard it. Whether these people are happy or not, at least on the surface, they cannot show it.

Above the entire Human Court Palace, there was a monstrous noise and storm.

After a long time, Su Han waved his hand again, and everyone stopped their voices.

"Because there are too many people, Renting Palace doesn't have that much financial resources, so I don't care about it today."

Su Han smiled and said: "Since you have decided to work for the Human Race, I invite you to prepare for the next time to prevent the monsters from attacking again. As for the arrangements of the various forces, Su will dispatch tasks in the days to come. I hope you all can work together to share the magical demon!"


Phoenix Sect roared again, and other forces responded.

"In that case, Su announced that this enthronement ceremony is officially over!"

Su Han waved his hand: "Everyone, please leave."

"Palace Lord!"

But at this moment, among the crowd below, there was suddenly a shout full of 'sorrow'.