Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4527

Chapter 4527

"Wow, wow..."

Along with the silhouettes, they drank the clan wine, and a pale white light appeared on the top of their heads.

This kind of light, regardless of cultivation base, will exist for everyone who drinks it.

at the same time--


Behind Su Han, in the center of the Nine Pagodas, a huge stone stele rose from the ground.

The many pale white rays of light are all integrated into the stone tablet, and on the original smooth and flat stone tablet, there are also names.

, of course, is not a person's name, but the name of many forces in the superior star field.

Cloud Palace, Baihua Palace, ranked first and second.

This is not a ranking, but it can prove that after these two major realms, they will really stand on the basis of the human race and obey all the instructions of the human court.

With the appearance of the names of Yunwang Mansion and Baihua Mansion, Daming Mansion, Jing'an Mansion, Kunlunzhai Palace, Zuyuan Palace, etc., are all carved up.

Actually, this stele was manipulated by man.

The four major realms are at the top, followed by the first-level forces, the second-level forces, etc., and so on.

Su Han's gaze has been staring at the stone monument.

Whenever the name of a power appears, his eyes flicker slightly.

People from formerly hostile forces such as Kunlunzhai and Ruyizong have been watching him all the time.

I saw Su Han's expression calm, whether it was the appearance of hostile forces or his own forces, his face did not change in any way.

"What the **** is he thinking?"

"Half-Holy power, invincible body!"

"How can God **** it be able to tolerate this kind of evildoer?"

"It's nothing more than a second chance to survive, but he is still so strong, is he really the son of luck?"

"At this moment, there is still room for maneuver, if it is still stubborn... I am afraid the consequences are worrying!"

"Since he chose to be attached to the Human Court Palace, as long as we no longer have malicious intentions towards him, he shouldn't always hate us, right?"

Many hostile cultivators have such thoughts in their hearts.

They even have some hope. When the name of their own power appears on the stone tablet, Su Han will smile and feel a little happy.

However, to their disappointment, Su Han did not show any happy emotions.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} On the other side of Kunlunzhai, Zheng Jiuzhou put down the wine glass in his hand, his head was tightly low, and his expression was cloudy and sunny.

He didn't dare to look at Su Han directly!

Back then, it was also here, he indirectly humiliated Su Han in front of Fangji and others.

At this moment, Su Han was standing at the top of the human race, unloading the title of the Great Sovereign of the Sky, and overlooking the world as the lord of the human court palace.

Is it all because of the change of identity?

If the cultivation base does not change, the combat strength does not change, and the identity is only elevated a little, Zheng Jiuzhou will still not put Su Han in his eyes.


On the mountain of the clan world, Su Han killed nearly a hundred ancient demons and ancient demons, and even under the pressure of hundreds of millions of demons, destroyed the 13 teleportation formations.

His strength is unexpected and shocking.

Compared with that, let alone his identity as the son of the deputy master of Zheng Jiuzhou, he is the current master of Kunlun Zhai. He dare not go beyond the slightest!

In Zheng Jiuzhou's heart, he was really afraid of Su Han's troubles!

"Wait well."

Next to him, the voice of his father Zheng Yuantang suddenly came to his ears: "Although the Human Palace is a unified force of the human race, it has been declining for so many years. After all, it has finally become glorious. It will inevitably kill chickens and curse monkeys to show the spirit. Su Han sat in the palace. As the lord, it is definitely impossible to say that he has no selfishness. His character is so grudged, I am afraid that it will cause a **** storm during the temporary respite of the human race."

Zheng Jiuzhou's face changed, his face even turned pale.

"Father, father..."

His upper and lower lips trembled, he looked at Su Han uncomfortably, and whispered, "Then what should I do now? I saw it clearly just now, and he glanced at me."

"Hey...this is no longer a gap in status. You shouldn't have been so talkative and unhappy at the time!" Zheng Yuantang sighed.

"But who would have thought that he would become so strong? Semi-sacred power, and in such a short time, in this world, except for him, I am afraid that no one can do it, right?"

Zheng Jiuzhou still argued: "The Star Alliance is the number one power in the Milky Way galaxy. He did that to pave the way for the future, after all..."


Zheng Yuantang suddenly shouted: "Now Su Han has completely become an existence that we can't afford. The Lord Zhai must respect him, let alone us. To us today, it is a disaster, but it is also a disaster. A chance. Now the situation is different. In front of so many people, as long as you take the blame, I believe he will not embarrass you too much."

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} "Negative Jing please sin?" Zheng Jiuzhou was shocked.

Immediately, he looked at the almost endless crowd around him, and a strong reluctance immediately rose in his heart.

"Father, no matter how you say Haier, you are also the son of your Zheng Yuantang. You are the deputy chief of the first-degree power, under one person and above ten thousand people! Moreover, you yourself are still in the ancient gods. If the child is really in Here bow to Su Han, your face, I'm afraid you will lose it all!"

Zheng Yuantang looked cold and stared at Zheng Jiuzhou and said, "Do you think, in the heart of being a father, is it important for your father's face or your life?"

Zheng Jiuzhou's body was shocked!

"For Don't talk about your face, just to spare this life, Zheng Yuantang will never have anything to say!" Zheng Yuantang said again.

Zheng Jiuzhou's eyes were a little red, and he took a deep breath: "Father, my child understands. After my child, I will never cause you any more trouble."

"Knowing the mistakes can be corrected, the good is the best." Zheng Yuantang said.

On the other side, here is Liuhe Palace.

As one of the few ancient gods in the palace, the ancient **** Tai Ling should have been arrogant to the crowd, but I am the only one.

But at this moment, his head is about to get into the gap between his legs, as if he was afraid that Su Han would see him.

Beside him, Liuhegong Grand Elder Bai Zhong, also had an ugly face, his palms holding the wine glass were shaking constantly, and there was a deep sense of fear in his eyes.

They clearly remembered that when Su Yi was besieged by the demon Tianjiao, Liuhe Palace not only did not save it, but also sealed off the area to prevent Phoenix Sect from entering.

After Phoenix Sect safely rescued Su Yi, he didn't bother to go to Liuhe Palace, but that didn't mean that Su Han had really forgotten the matter.

Tailing Gushen and Bai Zhong are the same as Zheng Jiuzhou, they both feel that Su Han's gaze has stayed on their body.

It was Qi Ping and Zhou Yue, although their expressions were solemn, they didn't worry too much.

Qi Ping did things smoothly, and did not offend the Phoenix Sect too much at the time.

Zhou Yue's words, he was a bit dissatisfied with Liuhegong's practices at the time, but his position was different and his status was insufficient, so he couldn't control it.

I have a clear heart, so I won't worry about it.

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