Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4529

Chapter 4529


Not only Su Han, but almost everyone, turned their heads at this moment, because the slightly sharp voice was really incompatible with the occasion here, and it was too harsh.

When a lot of eyes were concentrated on himself, Zheng Jiuzhou felt his soul trembling, and his heart was about to jump out.

He really can't imagine, why these eyes, when they look at a strong like Su Han, they will be so unwavering? Is this the difference in mood?

"Are you calling me?" Su Han said lightly.

He heard clearly, Zheng Jiuzhou was calling 'Palace Master' instead of 'Su Sect Master'.

This is obviously meant to please. After all, from the level of'Su Sect Master', the two have nothing to do with each other, and from the level of'Palace Master', everyone is a human race.

Even though he had only met Zheng Jiuzhou less than three times, Su Han could see that he couldn't notice these details on his own. The reason for calling 'Palace Master' must have been taught by his father Zheng Yuantang.

As expected

Before Zheng Jiuzhou continued to speak, Zheng Yuantang stood up.

He first clasped his fists, bent over Su Han deeply, and then said: "The palace owner, the dog Zheng Jiuzhou, is arrogant and defiant. Relying on the power of Zheng and the power of Kunlunzhai, he has done many acts of bullying and dominating the market. The stone monument is not yet available. Before he left, this could only be regarded as his own fault, but now that the human race is one, everyone is united with each other, and the dog knows that he is deeply guilty and has guilt in his heart. Hope the palace lord will punish him to make him feel more at ease.

Upon hearing this, the crowd was immediately in an uproar.

They looked at Zheng Jiuzhou, and then at Su Han, vaguely understood something.

The people in Kunlunzhai knew what was going on, and they were all silent.

As for Su Han, his eyes flashed and the corners of his mouth lifted, revealing a sneer.

Zheng Yuantang, it is worthy of being in the ancient gods, at least in this respect, it can be said that it is extremely thoughtful.

He didn't directly say that Zheng Jiuzhou was apologizing to Su Han and begging Su Han for forgiveness. Instead, he described it as 'deceptively bullying the market'.

But Su Han, how can you know this?

In front of so many people, Zheng Jiuzhou was indeed apologizing to Su Han, but if he said so directly, it would undoubtedly affect Su Han's reputation in the hearts of the human race.

Even though, many people can see that he is afraid of Su Han.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} Zheng Yuantang was indeed willing. Knowing that Su Hanchu was the lord of the palace, he would surely take people to establish his prestige, so he pushed his son out first.

After all, Zheng Jiuzhou and Su Han didn't have any deep hatred, and Su Han didn't have to put him to death.

However, punishment is inevitable, and it can also have the effect of killing chickens and monkeys.

"Two birds with one stone!" Su Han secretly said in his heart.

In fact, the moment Zheng Jiuzhou stood up, he dispelled the idea of killing the other party.

As everyone thought, in the entire upper-class star field, Su Han's hostile forces and people are gone, can he still kill all of them?

The discussion gradually calmed down, and Renting Palace seemed a bit quiet here.

"Knowing mistakes can be corrected, and doing good things is great."

Su Han said: "It's also a blessing for my human race that your son has such enlightenment, but..."

Hearing this, Zheng Jiuzhou's body trembled, and there was no trace of blood on his face.

"But after all, the mistakes you make will have a causal cycle!"

Su Han said again: "In front of the people of the world, you broke your arm to show punishment, how about it?"

"The life of the palace lord!" Zheng Yuantang said immediately.

Zheng Jiuzhou was also relieved, like a puddle of mud, he almost collapsed on Zheng Yuantang.

broke his arm, it was too simple for him, as long as Su Han didn't kill him.

The physical body can be recovered at any time, which is equivalent to Su Han letting go of his prejudices about himself, and see you later, as long as he doesn't sin, then there shouldn't be any trouble.

"Thank the palace lord for not killing!"

After Zheng Jiuzhou finished speaking, he slowly retreated.

And not long after he retreated, a heavy voice came from the Liuhe Palace.

"Palace Master, Bai is guilty!"

As soon as these words came out, those present frowned again.

They understand, today's ceremony, ascended to the throne, Liwei is the lord!

"What's the crime?" Su Han's eyes faded.

Bai Zhong bent down deeply and said guiltily: "Back then, my Human Race Tianjiao was chased by demons. Bai mistakenly believed that he deliberately led the demons to the area of my Liuhe Palace. Not only did he fail to rescue him, he also blocked the area. Prevent other human races from saving. Although later, this celebrity Tianjiao is safe and sound, but whenever he thinks about this, Bai will blame himself for a while, if the palace lord does not punish him, Bai will be really uneasy!"

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){} Hearing this, Su Yi in the distance could not help showing a sneer.

Other forces have also heard of this. Although Bai Zhong didn't mention Phoenix Sect, everyone knew that he was talking about Su Yi.

"Elder Bai is willing to think for the sake of the human race. This is the great fortune of my human race. At this important juncture, with the cultivation base of the elder Bai, it is bound to play a great role in the war with the demons. Since the human race has nothing to do, Elder Bai doesn't have to take this matter to heart." Su Han said lightly.

Bai Zhong's expression changed, not only didn't feel relieved, but was full of worries.

After he was silent for a while, he suddenly gritted his teeth, raised his right hand, and slammed his chest. UU reading


A muffled noise came out, no one stopped!

However, I saw that the white heavy chest was filled with blood and fog, the bones had been completely shattered, and a large number of wounds appeared on the entire body.

"Elder Bai, what is this?"

Su Han frowned, appearing to blame.

But he still waved out a bottle of pill, floating in front of Bai Zhong.

"Elder Bai has this heart, and Su is very pleased. If the collapse of the body can make Elder Bai feel more comfortable, then it will be enough here. Swallow this bottle of pill to recover the body quickly. My human needs A brave man like Elder Bai!"

"Thank you for your understanding."

Bai took a heavy breath, tremblingly caught the jade bottle, and swallowed all the pills in front of Su Han and the others.

Even if he is really worried, whether this pill will contain highly toxic, but he dare not swallow it!

Fortunately, Su Han is not stingy to that degree. This bottle of pill is real, and it is still good. After swallowing it heavily, his injuries quickly recovered, and the blood mist on his chest quickly dissipated.

After the matter was over, the entire Renting Palace was silent and silent.

People like Fang Ji, Song Tiegong and the others in the Palace are so excited that they can't be excited anymore.

They are not excited about how strong the Human Court Palace is now, but are excited about the power that Su Han has created for the Human Court Palace!

This is a sharp contrast with the cynicism of that year. Even if Fang Ji's heart is big, they can't help feeling excited and trembling.

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