Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4146

Chapter 4146

"Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor (

After some words, many demons were stunned!

The names of the children of the three tribes were once imprinted deeply in their hearts and could never be erased.

Because that is the existence that makes them worship, admire, respect, and even fanatical!

At this moment, in Ling Xiao's mouth, they...

Are they all killed by Su Han?

How can this be! ! !

"Impossible, it is absolutely impossible, you are talking nonsense!!!"

"Although I haven't seen them, the three races' heirs are so powerful that you can't compete with them!"

"It's okay for you to brag about His Royal Highness Demon Sudden and His Highness An Ning, but you actually brag that he even killed his Highness Xun Tian Crack and Shi Wu?

"This is simply absurd in the world!!!"

Hu Meng and other monsters were breathing fast, their faces flushed, and their bodies were trembling.

They didn't believe Ling Xiao's words, but when Ling Xiao spoke, they still couldn't help but stepped back.

The blind worship of the children of the three races made them feel that what Ling Xiao just said was purely Zhou Gong's dream.

But the 'blood connection' was said, but it made them have to believe Ling Xiao!

Because only the children of the three races can achieve true blood connection.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, how could Ling Xiao know about blood connection?

What is it that forced Zhonglin and the others to be connected by blood?

Su Han and others, really ascended to the altar of vitality and blood?

None of this seems to be false, but... facts they don't want to believe! ! !

Look at Human Race again.

The gazes of countless members of Prince Yun's Mansion all fell on Su Han.

The demon might not believe it, but they knew that Ling Xiao would never brag about it.

Because Su Han's record has already been placed in the Human Court Palace, and everyone can see it!

They have been in contact with demons for decades, and naturally understand how powerful those three tribes are.

Take Song Tao as an example, even the holy demon only needs two rounds, and almost kills him, let alone the tribes.

The royal family is the weakest, the royal family is second, and the saint family is the strongest!

But Su Han, on the altar of blood and blood, even cut two of the top ten sons of the saint race!

What kind of combat power is this? ? ?

How amazing is this! ! !

Ling Xiao's words not only shocked the demons, but also shocked the many human races who had not seen that battle!

Human race has monks from Su Han, so why not prosper!

Under the endless gaze, Su Han couldn't help but touch his nose.

It turned out that he had already killed so many heirs of the three races without knowing it!

I didn't notice it before, but Ling Xiao said so...

It's really strong!

"I do not believe!!!"

The roar of the tiger suddenly came from below.

He looked crazy, full of breath, pointing to Su Han and said: "You are a despicable human race, you are not as good as ants in the eyes of your Highness, how could you kill them?"

"Get down and fight me!"

"After I kill you, your ridiculous lie will naturally be breached!"

Su Han was slightly startled.

At the next moment, his head was slightly lowered, his eyes narrowed, and his star-like eyes fell on Hufan.

"you sure?"

"Hahahaha, those who don't know are fearless!"

Before Hu Meng could speak, Ling Xiao laughed and said: "Even the Sect Master dares to challenge. I really admire your courage."

"Hmph, he is so godly, only you know whether this matter is true or not!"

Hu Meng coldly snorted: "Get off right away, I want you to know that just the holy monster is no longer you can contend, let alone the offspring of the three races!"

"You're done." Ling Xiao shrugged.

"Close your stinky mouth!"

Hu Meng said angrily: "He didn't say anything. You've been farting here all the time. Are you Su Han or he?"

"Okay, I'm not talking anymore." Ling Xiao shook his head helplessly.

"You have a lot of words." The deer head demon also said.

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed: "Soon you will know that I am not only talking a lot, but also not weak."

"Then I will wait and see." The deer head demon snorted coldly.


Above the void, Su Han walked down from the golden silk, and slowly landed on the ground.

He looked directly at Tiger, and said with an extremely strange smile: "I accept your challenge."

"Then you will die for me!" Hu Miao shouted violently.


On the deep purple glove, a strong light burst out again.

But this time is different from when he shot Song Tao before.

When fighting against Song Tao, Hu Meng just threw a punch.

And now...

His fist directly drove his figure, like a cannonball, turning into a deep purple Changhong, and bombarding Su Han.

The void that it passed through, although it was not broken, there was a lot of ripples, and it seemed that it would collapse at any time.

And here Su Han--

The moment Tiger rushed out, he violently raised his foot and took a step forward!

It's just a step, a distance of about half a meter.

But when the soles of the feet fell completely, the ground collapsed!

The astonishing storm lifted from Su Han's feet, it was an unparalleled violent power.

Centering on the soles of Su Han's The huge shock wave spreads around, rolling the corners of Su Han's clothes, like a sandstorm, causing all the monsters and humans to squint. Closed eyes.

Only Tiger is still rushing towards Su Han!


The fist collided with the transparent light wave that Su Han stepped on, and immediately heard a monstrous sound.

But to everyone's surprise, Guangbo did not collapse, and Hufan's fist still existed.

"Break it for me!!!" Tiger screamed, his strength increased again.

However, the transparent light wave did not tremble at all, and his fist seemed to hit cotton.

That feeling made his chest feel a little suffocated.

However, what made him even more puzzled was that the light wave's defensive power was so strong, but there was no counter-shock force from it, which was unreasonable.


At this moment, Su Han took a step again.

One step fell, like a thunderous roar.

The ground below collapsed, and the transparent light wave pushed forward, and the figure of the tiger was pushed back by Su Han abruptly against the light wave.

"Huh?" Human opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe it.

But after seeing Su Han's hands down, his expression was flat, and the strange smile on his face still existed.

"third step."

Su Han took his right foot again.

But this time, his footsteps stopped in midair.

He lifted his eyes slightly and looked at the tiger: "Tell me, how do you want to die?"

"I want you to die!!!" Tiger hissed and roared.

However, even if he used all the energy of his body, he still didn't let the transparent light wave shatter in the slightest.

"If you don't tell me, then let me choose for you."

When Su Han's words fell, the third step, finally fell!