Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4145

Chapter 4145

"Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor (

"You don't know who he is?" Ling Xiao asked almost reflexively.

No wonder he was so surprised. Looking at the entire God Realm, there are still monsters who don't know Su Han?

It is not an exaggeration to say that these decades of travel in the demon world, I am afraid that there are only monsters who do not know Zhonglin, but no monsters who do not know Su Han!

Zhonglin is naturally noble, but it is precisely because of his nobleness that he stays in Jiuyou City all the time. He is extremely mysterious in the hearts of many demons and rarely shows up.

Only know the name, but not the person.

But Su Han is different.

As early as the first time the two clans communicated, Su Han's portrait, I am afraid, has spread throughout the entire demonic clan.

Could this tiger be born just now? Haven't even seen Su Han's portrait?

Even if he has never seen a portrait in the monster world, he should have seen it in the upper star realm?

After all, Su Han's identity is extremely sensitive!

Su Han never felt how well-known he was, but everyone knew him, so what could he do?

"Hmph, what kind of thing is he, do I have to know him?" Hu Meng snorted coldly.

The appearance of a large number of human races made their group of demons weaker.

Ling Xiao looked at him, then at other monsters, and finally found...

It seems that not only Hu Meng does not know Su Han, but also the other monsters.

"It's really a group of frogs at the bottom of the well!" Ling Xiao sighed, shaking his head.

"They came to the superior star region only after the two races communicated. At that time, Lord Su had already gone to the Demon Realm, and the two happened to pass by. They didn't know each other, and it was normal." Wei Qi said.

"Master Wei, this is wrong, right?"

Ling smiled and said: "Even if he didn't meet the Sect Master, he should have heard some rumors about the Sect Master, right? He has not known the name of the Sect Master for decades in the upper star domain? Is it possible that the Sect Master has fallen to ..."

"Shut up." Su Han glared at him.


Ling Xiao immediately gave a dry cough, and said, "Master Wei, Ling did not mean that, but he just felt... with the name of the Sect Master, he should know that!"

Wei Qi didn't care either, and said with a smile, "Master Su's name resounds throughout the world, so he should know it. But as you said, this is just a group of frogs at the bottom of the well, and it is excusable not to know."

"Oh, sad!" Ling Xiao sighed up to the sky.

Their conversation made Hu Meng and other monsters puzzled.

Therefore, as time went on, the tiger became irritable.

"I said he is like some kind of super power. Isn't he still just a pinnacle of the Profound God Realm? Isn't the stars on his forehead still only seven? Isn't it still only dark blue?"

Hu Meng coldly snorted: "Don't say he has a pinnacle Profound God Realm, it is the Peak Ancient God Realm. I said I don't know Hu Meng, how can you treat me?"

"We can't deal with you, but if you return to the realm of the gods and say that you don't know him, then you are probably done." Ling Xiao shrugged.


Hu Meng couldn't help cursing, "After saying so much, I didn't say who he really is. I really thought that I had this idle time to spend with you here? Since he is so famous, I can't help but say it. Get to know each other well? I want to see, his name, can it scare me to piss?"


The other monsters laughed.

It is no exaggeration to say that even the ancient gods of the human race could not scare them.

After all, they can't make a move above the Heavenly God Realm, so what's so scary about them?

"Demon Long Ancient Emperor, Su Han!"

Ling Xiao's eyes flashed, and slowly said, "Have you ever heard of it?"


Unsurprisingly, Hu Meng and other demons were all staring, and they were stunned.

"Su Han? The reincarnated Su Han?"

"It was Su Han who was the first to open up a dominance, lay down a billion miles of the holy sea, and ban my demons for hundreds of millions of years?"

"The human race is the number one in the hunting list... so it is him!"

There is no imaginary fear, or even the slightest fear.

It's just that for Su Han's identity, these demon Tianjiao were indeed shocked.

"Su Han... So it was you!"

Hu Meng took a deep breath, and then sneered: "I thought it was three heads and six arms. It turned out to be nothing more than that! Even I wouldn't take it seriously, let alone the group. Your Royal Highness of the descendants of the three races! Your previous cultivation base has long been dissipated, and now there is only one name left. Do you really think it can scare me?"

Hu Meng and other demons know how strong the offspring of the three races are.

It is not an exaggeration to say that in front of the three tribes' heirs, these holy monsters are not as good as ants.

Decades of trips to the superior star regions have already let Hu Chang and the others know the difference between the human race and the demons.

In their eyes, it is also the pinnacle demon king realm, but in front of the group of highnesses, Su Han is not shit!

What is the use of such a name?

Don't say you don't know him, you know him, so what can you do?

"Humans, I don't have any skills, but I like to do these vain things, don't blame my monsters, look down on you!" The deer head monster coldly snorted.

"You have been in the upper star field for such a long time, surely you don't know what happened in the **** realm? After you know, you won't say that." Ling laughed.

Hu Meng showed disdain: "I listen carefully!"

"Then you can listen well"

Ling Xiao took a deep breath and said immediately:

"The holy sea of one billion li was first opened, and the two clans communicated with each other. The second year the suzerain entered the God the royal family to seal the moon!"

When this word fell, Ling Xiao paused deliberately, looking at Hu Meng and others with a sneer.


"Close the moon?"

"The royal family...His Royal Highness Fengyue?!"

"This is impossible!"

Hu Meng and other Tianjiao all raised their eyes, staring at Su Han with incredible eyes.

Undoubtedly, in their minds, Su Han's title of'Reincarnation of the Ancient Demon Dragon' is not as good as a month's seal.

The strength of Fengyue overwhelmed them too much, and the power of bloodline was simply astonishing, even if Su Han was reincarnated as the ancient Emperor Demon Dragon, it was impossible to kill him!

"You are talking nonsense!"

Hu Meng's expression was cold: "Do you know, if this matter reaches the ears of His Royal Highness Fengyue, how will you end up?"

Ling Xiao didn't care about his appearance at all, but went on:

"After that, enter the endless abyss, above the nine peaks, crush the royal family worms, smash the royal family demon, and make all the royal families frightened!"

"Outside the endless abyss, kill Anzhen's sister Anning, and slaughter ten royal heirs!"

"In the desert, the monsters and demons in the list are suddenly slain!"

"At the auction, with one person's financial resources, he swept through the thirteen cities of the God Realm, forcing all the monsters, Tianjiao, to bow their heads!"

"Among the qi and blood altar, kill Xun Tianshou first, then destroy Shiwu!"

"It is Zhonglin, the proud first-day arrogant of your demons clan. They were forced to connect with Hansor's blood before they could barely compete with the Sect Master."

"Even so, that Zhonglin used a forbidden technique to consume the lives of ten three-blood ancient monsters, only to get his current survival!"

"With such a glorious record, you actually think that I am deceiving you?"

"If you can roll back to the God Realm alive, you should ask your Highnesses carefully. When facing the Sect Master again, I am afraid or not afraid!"