Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4147

Chapter 4147

"Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor (


The moment the third step fell, the transparent light wave that had no attack power suddenly formed a storm and moved away!

Tiger's fist, under the impact of the storm, is as fragile as thin paper.

"Crack! Click! Click! Click..."

The crisp sound resounded in the ears of every monster, causing their heartbeat to speed up and their bodies to tremble!

They could clearly see that there were many cracks on Human's fist.

The original deep purple light resembled a glass with spider web-like cracks extending densely from it.

Until a certain moment--


All burst!

All of this happened in a flash.

At the moment when the fist light completely collapsed, there was a sharp pain, which came from the little finger of the tiger.

Although he turned into a human race, he still remained his body, his hands and feet were also his limbs.

When I looked down, I saw a blood mist burst from my little finger.

Obviously it wasn't a big injury, but that kind of heart-piercing pain seemed to rise from his soul, making his look agitated in an instant.

However, this is only the beginning.

Immediately after the little finger, the second, third, fourth...

Even the fifth finger, all fell apart!

At a glance, under Human's long-to-fragmented trap, only the palm of his right hand remained, and the five fingers seemed to be broken abruptly, extremely tragic.


Hu Meng couldn't help it anymore, and finally let out a heartbreaking scream.

Subconsciously, he would mobilize the power of qi and blood to resist, and even counterattack Su Han.

However, the power of Qi and blood in the body seemed to be frozen. It clearly existed in it, but it didn't listen to his commands and couldn't mobilize it.


Hu Meng raised his head fiercely, looking at Su Han with horror.

He knows why this is!

Su Han's cultivation base is too strong, and all his methods have been sealed off only by Qi machine! ! !

This is a gap in level, and the cultivation base cannot be made up at all. Even if Su Han is just standing there, he only needs to look at him, so that he will not have any resistance!

"He is just a human race...Even if he is the reincarnation of the ancient Emperor Demon Dragon, he is only a human race!!!"

Hu Meng roared in his heart: "Obviously, they are all the same cultivation base, but why is his combat power so terrifying? I am a holy monster, possessing the power of blood. Although not comparable to the descendants of the three races, it is enough. Suppressing the human race of the same level requires at least a three-star Celestial God Realm to ban all my vitality and blood power only by the Qi machine. Could it be that Su Han's combat power is already comparable to the three-star Celestial God Realm?! "

"This is impossible... this is impossible!!!"


The screams came out again.

This time, it was the breaking of the fingers of his left hand.

Su Han obviously did not intend to kill him instantly. Instead, he tortured him to death in front of many human races, in front of thousands of demons and Tianjiao!

The screams of Hu Miao, and the cruel scene that happened right now, made those demons trembled in their hearts and kept sucking in cold breath.

They knew that with the endurance of the tiger, if only a small injury, he would not make such a screaming scream.

He must be suffering indescribably great pain!

"Human's energy and blood obviously can't be mobilized, this Su Han has sealed all his methods!"

The deer head demon who had previously talked with Hu Meng suddenly looked at Su Han: "Does your combat power have reached the three-star Celestial Divine Realm? At least you need a three-star Celestial Divine Realm to do so!"


Su Han raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but grin: "It really is just a group of unseen frogs at the bottom of the well!"


When these words fell, Human's two arms also burst open completely.

He had already fallen to the ground, his body kicked back and forth, because the burst of his arms caused his balance to lose weight, and finally fell to the ground severely.

"Master Tiger!"

A demon changed color, and wanted to rush forward to rescue the tiger.

Su Han suddenly raised his head, and there was no emotion in his cold eyes.

"Whoever comes to save him will die first!"

As soon as these words came out, those monsters suddenly stopped.

They finally tasted the feeling of powerlessness and indignation.

Before that, Wang Bo and the others, with these thoughts, couldn't help rushing out of the Cloud Palace and were besieged by them.

"Su Han, I am the'Kun Yuan Tribe' Tianjiao, and the Kun Yuan Tribe is a large tribe in the God Realm!"

Hu Meng roared loudly: "Do you dare to kill me? Do you know that killing me will bring disaster to the human race?!"

Su Han frowned slightly: "Why do you always like to threaten this sect with such words before you die?"


The palm of his hand stretched flat, forming a palm knife, and suddenly cut towards the tiger.

Human's pupils contracted, and he watched the sharp palm knife approaching, but there was nothing he could do.

His eyes were full of despair, thinking that he was going to die under the sword, but he never thought that when the sword arrived in front of him, it suddenly stopped.

"You, what are you going to do?" Human asked tremblingly. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"I don't like you talking!" Su Lenglin snorted.

Hu Fen still wanted to speak, but only felt a huge force, breaking his mouth abruptly.

In the next moment, he finally knew the purpose of this palm knife.

"Do not!!!"

I screamed in my heart, but my mouth could only make a whining sound.

The palm knife flashed past, bringing up a touch of red.

Those monsters clearly saw that Tiger's tongue was cut off.

"woo woo woo woo"

The tiger's mouth was full of blood, and the intense pain made him feel dizzy, but every time at this time, Su Han would punch a blood hole in him, causing him to wake up with abrupt pain.

"Devil, you are a demon!!!" A demon couldn't help but shouted.

They backed silently, knowing that they could not end well today, and that the tiger would definitely die, so they planned to leave.

But Su Han waved his hand again, and there was a huge cage that surrounded them all.

"You guys, don't you just like it?" Su Han said lightly.

Hearing that, these monsters all involuntarily looked at Wang Bo and the others.

Before that, they also used cages to block Wang Bo and their escape route.

Feng Shui turns around!

"Do not worry."

Su Han's eyes flashed, and he pointed at Hu Meng and said, "After solving him, I will solve you one by one."

"Su Han, your combat power is so strong, beyond us too much, what is the ability to torture us here? If you really have the courage, go to the Lord Ji Nian to fight!" The deer head demon rolled his eyes.

"Cause trouble?"

The corner of Su Han's mouth raised: "It's okay, Su also wants to know, what kind of stuff is this good year?"

"Holy family heirs!" The deer head demon snorted coldly.