Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4052

Chapter 4052

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"Oh my God"

Feeling the rich essence of qi and blood, many people let out a cry of exclamation.

However, in the eyes of Xiao Yuran, Tang Yi, and Su Xue, these essences of energy and blood were not comparable to the secret realm of the demon world they had entered before.

Compared with good fortune, aside from the items given by the emperor, they really got more good fortune than Su Han and others.

If it weren't for the endless abyss before, Su Han and the others were afraid they hadn't had this kind of cultivation at this moment.

Therefore, in the face of these rich essence of blood, Wenren Nonghan looked like a soil bun, his eyes widened and drooling.



The river in the distance churned again, and huge waves seemed to be swaying from all directions, and more blood beasts gradually appeared, coming towards this side.

Obviously, the wrath of the ancestor **** just blasted out the blood beasts within a hundred li area.

There are too many blood beasts in the Ten Thousand Beast River, and the time that an ancestral god's wrath can buy for Su Han and others is just to swallow the essence of blood and blood.

"Refining while walking!"

Su Han said in a deep voice: "The Ancestral God's Wrath is ready again. Zhonglin and the others have disappeared from sight. If they continue, the qi and blood altar will be given the first step!"

"Yes!" everyone answered.


The Dragon Emperor technique had reached its peak, and Su Han didn't leave any hands this time. The horrible devouring power turned into a big mouth, and he directly sucked in a big mouthful of blood essence.

He could even clearly feel that when these qi and blood essence entered the body, the whole body would bulge up.

In the next instant, these blood essences were divided into nine parts, which were absorbed by the nine deities at the same time.

His cultivation base had already reached the peak of the five-star Profound God Realm. As long as the resources were sufficient, it would be a matter of time before he broke through to six-star.


This is 'enough', it's a lot.

Except for Su Han, everyone else is trying their best to swallow the essence of qi and blood. As long as they don't reach the half-step Celestial God, they are eligible for refining.

A half-step **** like Su Xue stood there quietly, although he was also greedy, but he could only sigh with excitement.

They don't need to swallow the essence of qi and blood, so they can pour time out, control the stone platform under their feet with the power of cultivation, and rush forward at the fastest speed.

There are really too many people on the stone platform.

After a few minutes or so, the essence of Qi and blood that was originally rich to the extreme has been swallowed.

Among them, Su Han himself swallowed about one-tenth.

He can clearly feel that his cultivation level has completely reached the limit of the five-star Profound God Realm peak. As long as there is another wave of qi and blood essence, he can break through to six stars in this third level!

In the Ten Thousand Beast River, his Six-Star Profound Divine Realm was completely a node.

With the explosion of comprehensive combat power, Su Han will become an existence comparable to the Six-Blood Demon Emperor Realm!

Zhonglin's cultivation base has reached its limit, and his personal combat power is at best comparable to the Five-Blood Demon Emperor Realm. If Su Han reaches the Six-Star Profound God Realm, he can stabilize it!

It was that Pangu Xingzi, as the heir of an extraterritorial celestial demon, and in the Ten Thousand Beast River, he must have terrifying methods that belong to him.

From the first level, he has always been ahead of Zhonglin, which is definitely not luck.

"Can't underestimate him!"

Su Han murmured to himself: "In order to go to the qi and blood altar, he must have spent a lot of money, especially the black water corrosion of the second level. He only has more than 20 golden bodies. It is absolutely impossible to rely on those The golden body rushed through the seven sword auras. At such a high price, he still had to go to the qi and blood altar. Obviously, the things there are also useful to him!"

If you really want to talk about race, then there are three races in the Ten Thousand Beast River.

The demons, the human race, and...

Extraterrestrial Demon!

Zhonglin is the first arrogant of the demon. What he wants is to go to the qi and blood altar to promote his bloodline once again and achieve the legendary supreme bloodline!

No one knows what Pangu Xingzi wants.

As for Su Han...

Just want to make trouble!

It is best to be able to obtain good fortune, if not, then it will hinder Zhonglin from getting good fortune, and even kill him!

At this moment, as the mainstay of the human race, Su Han and the others have been left far away.

"Don't delay!"

When raising his eyes, many attacks fell across the sky, and a large number of blood beasts were torn into pieces.

However, with the passage of time, as more and more blood beasts were killed, the path of Su Han and others was once again blocked.

The speed at which they killed the blood beasts was far behind the speed at which the blood beasts appeared.

The feeling in the next scene was as if all the blood beasts were besieging them. Even if they knew this was an illusion, it still made people feel numb.

"Don't hesitate to use the ancestors' wrath again!" Su Han said solemnly.

"it is good."

This time, Nangongyu nodded and threw the ancestral god's fury straight ahead.


As the previous scene reappeared, the deafening roar resounded from all directions, and the power of horror instantly formed its like a mushroom cloud bursting into the water.

The seemingly boundless blood beast hasn't even approached the stone platform of Su Han and the others completely, it turned into blood mist directly in the sound of the bang!


The line of sight was clear again, and everyone urged Shitai to move forward.

And where they passed, many ordinary demon Tianjiao passed by.

In the scene just now, these demon Tianjiao saw clearly, and each of them stared wide and couldn't believe it.

"The wrath of the ancestors? They displayed the wrath of the ancestors again?"

"If I remember correctly, before this, they had already thrown out an ancestral wrath, right?"

"Should all be thrown out by Xuefeng, after all, on the stone platform, except him are all human races, and only he has the wrath of the ancestors."

"Yes, at the auction held in Thirteen Cities, he bought dozens of Wrath of the Ancestral Gods. I'm afraid it will be the monster hunting list. The top ten Highnesses don't add up to that many!"

"This blood maple... is it really a traitor? The ancestor god's wrath is such a precious thing, he said to throw it away? And after the death of the blood beast, the essence of blood and blood can be swallowed by those human races? He is protecting those human races Nothing?"

"Thinking too much. Those human races only got on the stone platform where he was after they took one trillion of the blood stones. How much does an ancestral god's wrath cost?"


"By the way, why do these human races have so many sacred blood stones? They are human races!"

"Damn Blood Maple, if His Highness Zhonglin delays the promotion of the Supreme Bloodline because of these human races, then he is the sinner of my monster clan!"

"Hmph, no matter how bold he was, he wouldn't dare to target His Highness Zhonglin at that time."

"After all, His Royal Highness Zhonglin is an existence that even the demon ancestors are fond of!"