Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4053

Chapter 4053

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The demon ancestor is naturally the strongest blood moon in the demon world. The title of the demon clan for him is really too much.

Because of respect, there will be more.

Among the rumors, the Blood Moon Lord had personally asked about Zhonglin. Although he did not directly approach him, this has already determined Zhonglin's future status.

A God Realm arrogant is just one who can make the Blood Moon Lord pay attention personally, and his aptitude can be imagined.

If it is said that even under the protection of Jiuyou City, there are still demons who dare to have malicious intentions against Zhonglin, then after the **** monarch interrogated, there would be no more demons, delusional to kill Zhonglin.

Zhengheng has said that for a Zhonglin, even if it is to pay for the nine elders of Jiuyou City, it will not hesitate!

The contemporary Tianjiao of the same level is at best competing with him. Those super powerhouses in the Demon Emperor Realm and Ancient Demon Realm would definitely not dare to attack Zhonglin.

The Venerable Blood Moon overlooks the world and dared to kill Zhonglin, even the ends of the world will be spotted instantly.

It is precisely for this reason that Zhonglin's current arrogance and arrogance are created.

The blood dragon clan is indeed very strong, once in charge of the monster world for a period of time, even if it disappears, there are still legends that exist between heaven and earth.

However, even at the peak of the Blood Dragon Clan, there has never been a Blood Moon Venerable!

Even if they can really make a comeback, even if they really still have the peak power of the original, but now the demon world is no longer the same as it was in the past, with the blood moon, they must honestly hold it!

Su Han was always fighting against Zhonglin, but no demon felt that he really dared to move Zhonglin.

Not to mention whether he was Zhonglin's opponent, even if he had a chance to kill Zhonglin, he would never dare.

That will cause the entire blood dragon clan to bear a catastrophe!

If the Venerable Blood Moon is furious, destroy his clan easily!

As time goes by, I don't know how long it has passed.

In short, the Ancestral God's wrath in the hands of Su Han and others is constantly decreasing.

Thirty-eight, thirty-seven, thirty-six, thirty-five...

The number of blood beasts that died under the wrath of the ancestors is also innumerable.

But until this moment, no blood beast above the level of the ancient demon came to besiege Su Han and others.

Whether the attack power bestowed by the second level has increased to the ancestral god's wrath has not been verified until now.

Because that was originally the strongest blow of the ancient monster at the peak, even if there is no increase, it would be simple to destroy the blood beasts below these ancient monsters.

If you want to verify, at least there are blood beasts above the ancient demon level before they can be confirmed.

Su Han still maintained the head of the human body, a blood dragon clan heir.

The difference is that the vitality in his body has long since changed from the previous five realms to the current six realms.

Six-star Profound God Realm!

After the second wrath of the ancestors was cast, his cultivation level reached the Six-Star Profound God Realm with the help of those qi and blood essence, and the process went very smoothly.

And in the next move forward, his six-star Profound Divine Realm's cultivation base has not only been stable, but also improved.

Although it hasn't reached the peak, it can be seen from the richness of the blood energy that it is by no means as simple as the early six-star stage, at least it has reached the mid-stage appearance.

The higher the cultivation level, the more terrifying the resources needed, and Su Han once again felt this deeply.

After each ancestral anger, he swallowed the most blood essence.

But for others, at least two minor ranks have been promoted, and those with a low cultivation base have even been promoted by three minor ranks.

And he just reached six stars from five stars.

Moreover, looking at the current situation, even if Tang Yi and others broke through again, his cultivation level would not reach the peak of the Six-Star Profound God Realm.

"There are also Seven Stars, Seven Star Peaks, and Half-Step Demon Emperor..." Thinking of these, Su Han couldn't help showing a wry smile.

Shaking his head to throw away the thoughts in his mind, Su Han looked up at the screen in the void.

There is still a ranking on the screen, but in this third level, it is obviously no longer ranked by the number of blood beast hearts, it should be ranked according to the degree of distance.

Su Han's first position has long been squeezed down, and the one who was there at the moment was Zhonglin.

Second, it is Pangu Xingzi!

Starting from the boiling of the Wan Beast River, Zhong Lin rushed to the top for the first time, and finally he sighed.

For him now, no amount of blood essence is useful, after all, he himself is a half-step Demon Emperor, it is impossible to continue to improve.

Therefore, his primary purpose is to rush to the front and keep away from the Tianjiao behind, the farther the better!

In this process, Zhonglin also suffered from many blood beasts.

He also owns items similar to the Ancestral God's Wrath, and has already used them.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so fast.

As long as you can reach the altar of vitality and blood earlier and promote your bloodline, no amount of cost will be a waste!

Zhonglin first, Pangu Xingzi second.

The third place is naturally sad.

After that, it was not Beaver who ranked third in the monster hunting list, but An Zhen who ranked tenth!

Beaver is the fifth place

"It's worthy of being the only one, with royal blood, among the top ten!"

Su Han murmured: "This Anzhen is really strong."

The head rankings on the screen are nothing more than those at the top of the monster hunting list. Although the rankings have changed, they are not too big.

And Su Han was shot at the twenty-fifth position.

From the twenty-fifth place to the hundreds, they are all humans...

In this situation, many demon Tianjiao have an urge to spray blood.

They all saw that those human races were standing on the same stone platform as Su Han.

In other words, those humble human races can have this ranking because of that **** blood maple! ! !

"Traitor, it's a traitor!!!"

"My dignified monster, the blood is noble, how can those humble human races be compared? It is because of the blood maple that the names of these human races can appear on the screen!"

"Kill! Kill those human races!"

"Yes, we can't touch Blood Maple, but we can touch those human races!"

"Catch up with them, take action together, and destroy them all!"

A large number of voices of crusade came from behind Su Han and others.

I can feel that bursts of astonishing murder and hostility are spreading here.

Those monsters, by no means lip service, they are really murderous.

On the monster hunting list, at least the top three hundred existences are all heirs of the three races. Compared with them, what is the human race?

Now, just because of a blood maple, let those human races trample them under their feet? Why?

Xuefeng dare not kill, the human race must die! ! !


A huge roar suddenly came, and a figure stood on the stone platform, flying by at an extremely fast speed.
