Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4051

Chapter 4051

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The existence that can't be defeated in normal days can be actually beheaded here, and everyone is naturally extremely excited.

The most important thing is that this is not illusion, but reality.

After slaying those blood beasts, you can obtain the essence of blood and blood, and continue to improve your cultivation!

And here Su Han is also predicting how **** he can fight.

Su Xue did not pass the seventh level of the second level, so the attack power she increased was naturally not as high as her own.

From the perspective of his own combat power, Su Xue should be able to fight the Three-Blood Demon Emperor Realm under the comprehensive combination of all aspects, and he could have been comparable to the Five-Blood Demon Emperor Realm.

"It is conservatively estimated that the Sect Master should be able to kill all blood beasts below the ancient monster." Ling Xiao's voice came.

Su Han couldn't help showing a wry smile: "I'm still predicting by myself, have you figured it out for me?"

"Hey, after all, the Sect Master is the strongest among us. Only when you are sure, we dare to continue to charge, don't you think?" Ling laughed.

"Only you are smart." Ye Xiaofei glared at him.

"Ling Xiao was right. With this sect's combat power, in this third level, he should be sure to fight against all blood beasts below the ancient monster." Su Han said.

"Although it is very strong, there have been ancient monster-level blood beasts before. I am afraid we are not opponents!" Nangong Yu frowned.

Upon hearing this, everyone remembered the scene where the holy demon Tianjiao was almost killed by the blood beast of the ancient demon realm.

"How much ancestral anger is in your hands?" Su Han asked.

Everyone talked to each other for a while, and finally determined that there were about forty in total.

In the second level, someone used one or two, but eventually found that it was not very useful, so they gave up and no longer wasted.

"If forty, then we don't need to worry about the blood beasts of the ancient monster level." Su Han said.

"Sect Master, I have a question."

Shen Li suddenly said: "You said...Will the power of the Ancestral God's Wrath also increase because of the increase given by the second level?"

Su Han was startled.

"No way?"

The corner of Ling Xiao's mouth twitched, and he couldn't believe it: "The Ancestral God's Wrath was originally the full blow of the peak ancient demon. If the power increases again... Isn't it necessary to reach the Holy Realm?"

"I also think it's impossible." Xiao Yuhui and others also shook their heads.

"Don't you know when you try?" Su Han smiled.

"Boom boom boom..."

While everyone was talking, they were constantly fighting the blood beasts around them.

These blood beasts don't want their lives, rushing to everyone frantically, and they don't care about the difference in strength.

With the passage of time, everyone had no time to devour the essence of blood and blood, and the milky white light around the stone platform had circled around, and everyone could only be greedy.

In this third level, everyone can be regarded as thoroughly seeing the horror of the number of blood beasts.

It can be called endless!

No wonder, when the Ten Thousand Beast River was boiling, so many blood beast ghosts appeared.

Hundreds of people ride on a stone platform. Logically speaking, it should be faster than other Tianjiao.

But this is not the case.

There are too many blood beasts besieging Su Han and them, at least a hundred times more than other Tianjiao. Under the dense figure, Su Han and others can't even see the way forward, and can only follow the route in memory. Come forward.

They couldn't see where the other Tianjiao had reached. They could only hear the roar from around, sometimes with a rage and a scream.

"Too much!"

"What to do? You can't see the front at all, don't go in the wrong direction!"

"These blood beasts can't pose a threat to us, but for the time being they can't kill them all. This will also greatly hinder our time to go to the qi and blood altar."

"Sect Master, we can't drag on like this any longer, we don't even have time to swallow the essence of qi and blood."

"it is good."

Su Han nodded: "Use the wrath of the ancestors."


Ling Xiao answered first, and when he flipped his palm, he took out an ancestral wrath.

Putting everything aside, everyone also wanted to see whether the power of Ancestral God's Wrath, as Shen Li said, would really increase because of the attack power granted by the second level.

"Just rest assured, all our attacks are only effective against blood beasts." Su Han said again.

Ling Xiao suddenly sneered: "I wish it would be effective for everyone. Anyway, our people are on this stone platform. Other demons, as well as Taizong Xingzi, can be killed."

"Hahaha..." Everyone suddenly laughed.


Ling Xiao waved his palm, the strength of his cultivation was poured into the wrath of the ancestor god, and then he threw it straight ahead without any hesitation.

Looking up, you can see a large number of huge bodies, which are blocking the front of the stone platform.

Not to mention the attacks from these blood beasts, just their bodies can block the stone platform.

The Ancestral God's Wrath looked extremely small in front of these bodies. After being thrown out by Ling Xiao, it was like a small pebble, UU reading entered among the blood beasts and disappeared.

Then, a little light illuminates the clear but invisible river water.

This ray of light is like the harbinger of dawn and the opening of a new world.

The entire river, at this moment, seemed to be in silence.

Immediately after--


The deafening roar pierced everyone's eardrums and shook everyone's souls!

Drinking water that was originally hot, at this moment, it seems to have turned into nothingness.

The waves are rippling away, the vortex of the stage suddenly appears, endless drinking water is inhaled into it, and then burst out!

The power of the Ancestral God's Wrath is like a substance, centered on the explosion point, and pushes in all directions except for the stone platform where Su Han and others are located!

Hearing was restored, but there was no roar about the blood beasts.

The wrath of the ancestors exploded, clearing this water area, and all the huge bodies that had been blocked in front of everyone disappeared!


I don't know how many blood essences formed by the blood mist turned into clouds at this moment, wrapping the entire stone platform.

Su Han and others were finally able to see the road ahead clearly through these essences of qi and blood.

There are still demon Tianjiao riding on the stone platform, fighting **** battles, but Zhonglin, Pangu Xingzi, and the top ten demon Tianjiao, such as Han Bei and Beaver, have disappeared.

Obviously, because of the obstacles of those blood beasts, Zhonglin and the others were separated from Su Han and others.

There are pros and cons in doing so.

The disadvantage is naturally that time is delayed, and the altar of vitality and blood may be taken first.

But there are also benefits, and that is to obtain a large amount of blood essence.

For example, the richness of the essence of blood and blood in front of them almost turned into liquid, dripping on the stone platform and everyone, extremely viscous.