Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4011

Chapter 4011

Zhengheng felt contemptuous, and secretly said in front of Zhonglin and the others, it didn't make any difference whether you were five or six blood.

However, he never dared to say this.

I can only follow Su Han's meaning and say, "Even if it is only the peak of the five bloods, if you want to inherit the blood of your Royal Highness's blood dragon clan, you will inevitably display a very strong combat power. The subordinates are fighting for the Ten Thousand Beast River. ."

"Is it?"

Su Han looked at Zhengheng for a while, then smiled and looked back.

"Don't worry, your expectation will definitely come true, but..."

"It doesn't matter if your Highness speaks straight." Zhengheng said.

Su Han's smile became stronger, "Just don't be angry when the time comes."

"pissed off?"

Zhengheng frowned. "His Royal Highness is worried. As His Highness, he must not compete with his subordinates for good fortune. What is there to be angry with his subordinates? Even if His Highness really looks at his subordinates for good fortune, the subordinates are also Without saying anything, he will directly give it to His Highness. After all, before this, His Highness has given his subordinates more than 10 billion blood stones!"

Su Han's eyes flashed.

This idiot, at this time, is still thinking about those **** blood stones.

How can he not know what Zhengheng means?

On the surface it seemed to be grateful, but in fact, it was nothing more than hope. After he gave up good luck, Su Han gave him more blood stones.

That's stupid.

Up to this moment, he had not understood Su Han's meaning.

"Talk about Wan Beast River." Su Han said again.

Zhengheng nodded, and then said, "Half a month ago, there was news that there was blisters in the Wan Beast River, which is a precursor to the real boiling. It is recorded in ancient books that every time a blisters appear in the Wan Beast River, it indicates Within a month, it was completely boiling, which is why the subordinates are so anxious to find His Highness."

"In other words, we only have half a month left?" Su Han asked.

"Yes indeed!"

Zheng Heng slapped his thigh, "All the demon Tianjiao have already rushed to the Wan Beast River, even without a trace, they have already set off, only their subordinates are still waiting for you here!"

"Once the Ten Thousand Beast River is opened, all the demon Tianjiao will immediately enter it and start killing the blood beasts. How far you can go in the Ten Thousand Beast River depends entirely on the number of blood beasts killed and the number of blood beast hearts obtained. How much. In this way, if we are delayed, it is equivalent to a slow step, a slow step, and we can't keep up with them at all!"

"Really? It's delayed you." Su Han said.

"His Royal Highness, I don't mean that. How much good fortune can the royal heirs in this area get in the Ten Thousand Beast River? I am worried, mainly because of you, Your Highness!"

Zhengheng said again, "Heaven and earth change, water waves go into the sky, blood beast ghosts mirror the void, all of these are precursors to the appearance of the qi and blood altar. His Royal Highness is originally the blood of the saint race, if this time it can be in the qi and blood altar. , And then raise the bloodline, it will be the supreme bloodline, and it will definitely become the super existence of the blood moon in the future! If this is the case, how can I not worry?"

"I won't be able to become the Blood Moon Venerable, and I definitely can't reach the Supreme Bloodline, but if the qi and blood altar really appears, I must see what good fortune is in it." Su Han's eyes flickered. .

Zhengheng obviously didn't understand Su Han's meaning, and thought he was modest, so he didn't think much about it.

After all, there is only one Blood Moon in this entire monster world. Who dares to hope?

"This is a tens of billions of blood stone, you hold it as a reward waiting for me." Su Han handed Zhengheng a blood crystal card.

"His Royal Highness, you have given me enough, this... how embarrassed your subordinates!" Zheng Heng made a gesture of refusing to welcome.

"Take it."

Su Han looked at Zhengheng with an unpredictable smile.

"For your loyalty to me, I have to remind you."

After a short pause, Su Han said again, "You must spend these blood stones as quickly as possible, otherwise..."

Su Han did not say the following words, leaving Zhengheng confused.

But Su Han didn't want to say more, he couldn't ask more.

I could only smile awkwardly, and said, "Haha, can the God Blood Stone given to me by His Highness be fake? Hahahaha..."

"That's not the case, it's just..."

Su Han's next words came out from his heart, "I'm afraid you will die!"

More than ten days passed.

There were more and more blisters in the Wan Beast River, just like boiling a pot, and a large amount of water mist appeared in the air.

The Thirteen Cities of the God Realm deliberately measured the length of the Ten Thousand Beast River, but in the end there was no definite answer. I only knew that the river did cross the north and south of the God Realm, and it could be said to have no end.

And every time the Wan Beast River boils, the river water will generate super high temperature.

The temperature was so high that even the low-blood ancient demon and ancient demon could not bear it.

According to the attempts of the monster clan, the lowest temperature place in Wan Beast River was finally determined.

That is the center of the God Realm, about a thousand miles from the north to the south!

Therefore, every time the River of Ten Thousand Beasts boils, all the demons will gather in this place of thousands of miles, waiting for the time to arrive, and enter it at the fastest speed.

At this moment, this place of thousands of miles has gathered a large number of demons.

Looking around, it looks like locusts, densely packed, at least tens of millions.

The places closest to the Wanshou River are Zhonglin, Hansei, Fengci, Xuntiancha, Zhushen, Titan, Anzhen...

Etc., etc!

On the monster hunting list, except for the dead, all the remaining Tianjiao have already gathered here.

Not only them!

There are also many Demon Emperor Realms and Ancestral God Realms that come with them to protect them!

The river of beasts is boiling, and for the demons and monsters, it can be called a great battle.

In the future, the number of strong people in the 13 cities, how strong the strength of the strong, and even the division of the comprehensive power of the 13 cities, will depend in large part on the fact that these arrogances, in the river of ten thousand beasts, obtain How much good fortune!

But this time, the qi and blood altar has a high chance of appearing, which is even more critical for the major forces in the demon world.

Those heavenly arrogant figures are truly outstanding, surpassing endless demons.

They stood there, their clothes swayed hunting and hunting, everything contained in their eyes was inevitable!

And what makes some monsters feel incredible is that there are still a few celebrities not far from Zhonglin and other Tianjiao!

There is no need to say more about the Profound God Realm. What attracted the most attention of these demons was the undaunted young man who looked like a crowd of thousands of demons.

On the center of his eyebrows, seven cyan stars flickered.

Each one is very bright and rich.

"Pangu Xingzi?"

"Tsk tusk, the first of the four stars of the human race!"

"Does he really dare to come, even if the Demon Emperor Realm powerhouse can't make a move, but the other Highnesses are enough to kill him?"

"Hmph, if it weren't that the river of beasts was about to boil completely, your Highness would not waste time on him, he is afraid that he would have died long ago without a place to be buried!"

"He does have the courage, but I want to see if Su Han, who ranks first in the human hunting list, dare to come too!"

"If he really dares to come, he will definitely die miserably!"