Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4010

Chapter 4010

After Zhengheng left, Su Han once again entered the Saint Son Xumijie.

There are still some crystal nuclei in his hand. It is not impossible to rely on these crystal nuclei to reach the Five-Star Profound God Realm before the Wan Beast River opens.

And once he really reached the Five-Star Profound God Realm, Su Han's overall combat power could be completely comparable to the Five-Star Heaven God Realm.

Until then, he will no longer be afraid of any demon Tianjiao, including Zhonglin!

Time is like sand between fingers, day by day.

In a blink of an eye, a year passed.

Perhaps it was because Su Han gave another 10 billion blood stones to the gods. In this year, Zhengheng has been conscientiously helping Su Han and recruiting those strong monsters.

Until now, Su Han's monsters in the Demon Emperor Realm had exceeded 1,000.

The ancient monsters and the ancient monsters have reached one hundred!

Among them, there is also an ancient demon with seven blood!

Although Su Han did not leave the customs, he once told Zhengheng that if the Seven-Blood Ancient Demon arrived, the price he offered was fifty trillion!

It is not an exaggeration to say that even if the lord of the thirteen cities, the ancient demon of the pinnacle, and the ancient demon, it is impossible to have as much as fifty trillion.

The price he offered is really attractive.

Zhengheng also made some rough statistics. In this period of time, the many monster powerhouses hired made Su Han once again spend more than one trillion blood stones!

He couldn't help sighing again, how rich this Highness Xuefeng is! ! !

The blood moon hung up in the void, and the light enveloped the earth.

Dark night, gradually descending.

Somewhere in the center of the God Realm, there is a long river across the void.

This river is as big as a river, with no end in length and no edge in width.

It is not on the ground, but hung in the air, blending with the light of the blood moon, it looks very strange.

is not like a long river, but like a holy bridge connecting the north and the south of the gods.

is the Wan Beast River!

"Guck! Guck! Guck..."

There are constantly blisters emerging from the Ten Thousand Beast River, like a flame burning below.

The water of the river is very clear, there is no trace of impurities in it, and it seems to be only one or two meters deep, but if you stand in the sky and look down, you will definitely not see the lowest end of the Wan Beast River.

On both sides of the Wan Beast River, there are many figures, almost all of them are demons.

Their eyes, at this moment, all looked towards Wan Beast River.

The emergence of blisters is the precursor to the complete boiling of the Wan Beast River!

"So fast?"

"According to ancient records, as long as there are blisters, the Wan Beast River will completely boil in at most one month."

"Quickly, inform your Highness!"

Many voices came out, and the expressions were all excited.

There is also a group of monsters on the southernmost side of these monsters.

However, this group of demons is not many, and in the middle of them... is surrounded by a figure.

That was not changed by the tribe's descendants, it looked like a real human race.

Pangu Xingzi!

I don't know what methods he used. The demons and the human race are obviously **** enemies, but the demons around him seem to be extremely respectful.

He was also looking at the boiling blisters in the Ten Thousand Beast River, his eyes flickering, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Zhonglin? With sadness?"

Pangu Xingzi murmured to himself: "The monster peak Tianjiao, we should have a contest after all!"

When he said this, a figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Blood Maple? What kind of existence are you?"

"Even if you have invincible financial resources, as a son of the blood dragon clan saint clan, what kind of combat power do you have?"

"The river of beasts is boiling... Ben Xingzi is really looking forward to it!"

half a month later.


Above the void, a huge buzzing suddenly appeared.

Immediately afterwards, ripples came from the direction of Wan Beast River, spreading in all directions, filling the entire God Realm!

All the demons, at this moment, all raised their heads!

"The world has changed, and the water ripples are empty!"

"Wan Beast River, really is about to open!"

"Look, what is that?"

"My God...Blood Beast Phantom???"

"Since ancient times, only when the qi and blood altar emerged, the blood beast phantom would hang upside down in the void!"

"If the qi and blood altar really appears, will His Highness Zhonglin break the legend and become the supreme bloodline that has existed in the legend since the ages?"

Shadow City, outside the room where Su Han is.

Zhengheng looked anxious and knocked on Su Han's door again.

This is how many times he has come here, but every time he comes, the root tells him that His Royal Highness Xuefeng is still in retreat, and he has no flaws in seeing guests.


The door opened and Sugen stood in front of Zhengheng.

"My Lord Ancestor, His Highness hasn't left yet?!" Zhengheng frowned.

"Hmm." Sugen nodded.

"When is this, even if it hasn't broken through, Your Highness doesn't need to retreat!" Zhengheng stomped his feet in a hurry.

"Wan Beast River, is it going to boil?"

At this moment, a flat voice suddenly came from behind the perennial root.

Zhengheng was taken aback for a moment, then he was overjoyed, and quickly looked behind Su Gen.

But seeing the figure of the human dragon head, I don't know when it will appear, standing behind the perennial root.

The blood energy on his body has increased by one more, becoming five ways.

And, bright and rich!

"Five Blood Peak?????"

Zhengheng said in disbelief: "My God...Your Highness, how terrifying is your cultivation speed?"

"It's not fast, mainly because of the blood essence in the bones." Su Han said His cultivation level has indeed reached the peak of the five-star Profound God Realm!

One year in the outside world, the saint son Xumi Jie is equivalent to 10,000 years.

After reaching the four-star peak, he was able to refine those Demon Emperor Realm bones.

Swallowing the essence of qi and blood, you have already practiced extremely fast. With such sufficient resources, with the aid of the Dragon Emperor technique, if you have not broken through a small rank in ten thousand years, then Su Han's previous life would have survived to a dog. Go on.

"Congratulations, Your Highness, Her Highness!"

Zhengheng said: "On the eve of the opening of the Wan Beast River, your Highness's cultivation base will go further. When the time comes to fight, I must be more confident!"

These words are nothing more than flattery.

Don't say go further, even if you take another two steps, in Zhengheng's eyes, Su Han is only a six-blood demon king. Can he compare with the half-step demon emperors like Zhonglin and Han Bei?

The so-called 'scramble' is just a try of luck. Before the qi and blood altar, in Zhengheng's view, Su Han will definitely not be the opponent of those super arrogances.

"Not worthy of congratulations."

Su Han said lightly: "Who had planned to hit the Six-Blood Demon Sovereign Realm before the Ten Thousand Beast River boiled, who would have thought that the boil of Thousand Beast River would come so quickly."


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