Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 4012

Chapter 4012

When these demons were talking, many demons Tianjiao also turned their eyes from time to time, looking in the direction of Pangu Xingzi.

However, as these ordinary monsters said, what they are most concerned about at the moment is the Wan Beast River, a mere human race, even as the head of the four stars, they did not take it seriously.

In the hearts of these demon Tianjiao, even the reincarnation of Su Han, the super powerhouse who ranked first in the human hunting list, is not qualified to be compared with them.

Reincarnation is reincarnation, no longer a strong one!

Pangu Xingzi gathered thousands of eyes in one, knowing that those demons were full of fierce and murderous intent on him, but he did not have the slightest fear or panic.

His eyes sometimes stayed on Zhonglin's body, and sometimes stayed on Hanbei's body.

In short, the monsters and arrogances he saw were all the top ten existences on the monster hunting list.

It seemed to him that only the top ten demon arrogances were qualified to let him take a look.

At the center of his eyebrows, seven dark blue stars kept flashing, and there was no aura from his body, but it always gave people a strange and erratic feeling.

"Demon? Blood Moon Lord?"

Withdrawing his gaze, Pangu Xingzi's eyes drooped slightly, "When my celestial demon army blasts open the barriers and completely descends on the galaxy starry sky, whether it is the human race or your demons clan, it will be nothing more than a Chinese meal!"

"Guck! Guck! Guck!"

I don't know when it opened, there were more blisters in the Ten Thousand Beast River, and the feeling of boiling became more intense.

It can even be seen that there are layers of ripples rippling from the river, as if to form waves.

The ancient books of the monster clan recorded--

When the river is tumbling completely, turning into waves, endless blood beasts will appear, and the river of beasts will open!

Judging from the situation at this moment, at that moment, I am afraid that it is very close.

"No trace."

Not far from where there is no trace, a voice suddenly came, with ridicule and ridicule.

"Isn't your Shadow City very close to His Highness Blood Maple? This Ten Thousand Beast River is about to open, why still can't see that person?"

Without a trace, he turned his head and looked around, but the one who saw the mouth was Shu Lingyu from Shengguang City.

She is the heir of the holy race, ranking sixty-ninth on the monster hunting list.

Whether it was the auctions in the Shadow City or the auctions held by other cities, Su Han had fought with Shu Lingyu, and Shu Lingyu had already hated him.

Of course, it's not just Shu Lingyu, other demons Tianjiao.

Except for Zhengheng's 'puppet', Su Han had never thought of befriending any monster.

"He is a friend of Zhengheng, you should ask Zhengheng." Wuzong said lightly.

"So this is ah"

Shu Lingyu smiled slightly. "But what you said is a bit off the beaten track. The Shadow City values His Royal Highness Xuefeng very much. You'd better be like Zhengheng and please him more. After all, people are so rich, you are right. Right?"

"If you sow discord, just save yourself, everyone is not a fool." Wuzong still didn't change his face.

Shu Lingyu also seemed to feel bored, shrugged her shoulders and said nothing more.


At this moment, a buzzing sound suddenly came from a distance.

Many eyes looked back, but saw a huge scarlet rainbow coming from behind, crossing the sky, stretching infinitely.

Above that Changhong, there were thousands of figures standing.

Although they haven't shown any aura, the blood qi in their bodies is enough to prove their cultivation.

"It's Xuefeng and Zhengheng!"

"Tsk tusk, Shu Lingyu, you really are a crow mouth!"

"It's kind of interesting. This temple thought they didn't dare to come."

"This **** thing really wins over a lot of strong people."

"Actually, we should have guessed this a long time ago. God's bloodstone is a very favorite item for any monster, especially under the high price he offered, plus his noble blood dragon clan. It's not strange that there are such a large number of strong people willing to assist him."

"Huh, what about the strong? In that river of beasts, it still depends on your own ability!"

"Indeed, Thirteen Cities are not vegetarians. No matter how many strong people around him, Xue Feng, I am afraid that he would not dare to attack His Highness Zhonglin and the others."

"Look, the blood on his body has become... the five ways?"

"My God, it is!"

"How long is this? One or two months? From the three-blood monster to the five-blood monster?"

"Although there is still a huge gap with your Highness, his cultivation speed is too terrifying, right?"

"Is it like Jiuyou City's'Time Realm', he has items that can control the flow of time?"

"Hi...this speed is simply terrifying!"

The five blood energies in Su Han have not concealed them, they are just displayed in front of many demons in such a big way.

Tianjiao, such as Zhonglin and Han Bei, originally didn't intend to look back, but after hearing these monsters' comments, they finally couldn't hold back, and while frowning, they turned to look at Su Han.

The five real blood qi caused their pupils to shrink, and they were shocked and lucky.

What was shocking was how fast Su Han was practicing.

Fortunately, Wan Beast River opened so long in advance.

In one or two months, let him reach the Five-Blood Demon Lord. If he were given another year or two, wouldn't he be able to catch up with them?

For this Ten Thousand Beast River, they have to suppress the cultivation base. With the strength of the blood dragon clan, the blood maple is really equal to their cultivation base. I am afraid which is strong and weak is really not necessarily.

"It's okay to Zhong Lin took his gaze back, took a deep breath, and said lightly, "It's really time to suppress it, his **** arrogance is. "

"If he died in this river of beasts, would the blood dragon clan be furious?" Han said sadly.

Beside him, Xun Tian Crack smiled coldly, "There are so many blood beasts in the Ten Thousand Beast River, who knows which blood beast he died in? There is no strong blood dragon to protect him. If he really died, That can only be blamed on his lack of strength, who is to blame?"

"In this case, the main hall does not need to be afraid of the head and tail." Han Bei smiled.

"Are you afraid that you want to kill him most?"

Xun Tian Crack snorted, "At the auction, Zhong Lin was the most angry on the surface, but you were the most murderous. Don't think I didn't feel it."

Han Bei did not argue, but sighed, "It's a pity, he is just a genius of the blood dragon family, not Su Han, who is the number one hunter in the human race. If Su Han can show up, the temple will definitely solve him, ancestors The rewards given to him are very tempting!"