Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3758

Chapter 3758

Many Tianjiao talked over Shengxue Mountain, but the people around Shengxue Mountain had already seen this scene.

Especially when the Tianjiao on the list that day was retreating, they could see clearly.

"Tsk tsk, this is really being killed!"

"Although Su Baliu's method is a bit more spicy, it is not a bad way."

"That is to say, he dared to do this. After all, there are Yun Wang Mansion and the Destruction Queen behind him, coupled with Su Xue's relationship, I am afraid that Baihua Mansion will also use some strength to protect him. With so many forces as the background, he is naturally not afraid If you change someone else, how dare you?"

"If you really don't have a background, it's not worth letting the Tianjiao Alliance be so exciting."

"It is these stars, descendants of gods and others, who have become a joke at this moment."

"Indeed, if they can hold down Su Palliu today, it's okay, if they can't hold it down, then the so-called descendants of the four stars and the nine gods are really a bit of a misnomer."

"Before I kept saying that Su Palliu is not worthy of the title of "Descendants of Destruction". If they are defeated today, their faces will be completely swollen!"

"There are only alternate names, no wrong nicknames... No wonder the Queen of Destruction will give Su Palliu the title of'Descendants of Destruction'. It seems that the Queen of Destruction already understood Su Palliu's personality as early as the beginning. Up."

"I act thunderously, with harsh methods, no sloppy, almost no nonsense. I just come up to kill. I have no relationship with him, but at the moment, I have some admiration for him."

"Within the limit, a **** road was forced abruptly. Many people know this method, and I am afraid they do not have this strength."

"Next, we will have a real good show!"

"Hey, if Su Palliu can kill all the way among the descendants of these gods and stars, that would really break the record."

"Since ancient times, no descendants of gods have been defeated by other tianjiao, let alone Xingzi, I really want to see that Su Baliu can achieve that unprecedented super record."

A lot of noise and discussion, like waves, came from all directions without any concealment.

Hanchen Xingzi and others' faces were even more ugly, and the gaze looking at Su Han was full of hatred, and they could not wait to tear it into eight pieces with their gaze.

They found the Tianjiao from Tiandi Xuanhuang Fourth Ranking. They wanted to make Su Han disgusting, but they didn't achieve their goal. Instead, they were killed by Su Baliu.

The rumors they spread in the previous high-level star field led to many blind worshipers who believed that Su Palliu was just an ordinary monk, and the so-called Tianjiao was just nonsense.

But today, the facts are in front of us, and all the Tianjiao on the Tianjiao list have been killed by him. This at least proves that among the contemporary Tianjiao, under the descendants of the four stars and the nine gods, he is invincible. The presence!

After the incident spread, those monks who blindly follow suit and give pointers to Su Balu will definitely calm down quickly.

Once they wake up, they will think about the cause and effect, and finally come to the conclusion-they have been fooled!

More than 90% of the people will become irritated, not to mention whether the power of belief of Su Baliu will increase sharply, at least the power of belief of Hanchen Xingzi and others will drop sharply.

"You must suppress him!"

Hearing the noise from all around, Hanchen Xingzi's face was pale: "If we can't hold down Su Palliu today, we will be a laughing stock in the future! Since the appearance of the four star children and the descendants of the nine gods, the first Once treated as a laughing stock, and there are still so many people, I can't bear it just thinking about it!"

The others were also gloomy and nodded slightly.

They knew well that if they really couldn't control Su Palliu, their consequences would be more terrifying than being a laughingstock!

At this moment, a figure in golden clothes appeared from the sky, and the dark long knife reflected an extremely sharp cold light under the sunlight.

Su Han completely stood in front of them.

His eyes scanned, full of indifference, and finally said: "Who will come first?"

No one answered.

Even the three stars such as Hanchen Xingzi were all suppressed by Su Han's momentum at this moment.

"How about coming together?"

On the golden silk, Shen Tianli suddenly shouted, Don't you just like to do this kind of activity? First there were 72 people, then 36 people, and then 18 people... Although the number is decreasing, the cultivation base It's getting higher and higher. The so-called competition is just what you think?"


Immediately there was a roar of laughter, making Hanchen Xingzi and others flushed.

"Let's come together!"

Suo Ying laughed and said, "It's okay. I'm a disciple who won't die anyway. It doesn't matter if I lose. After all, three stars and eight descendants of gods shot at the same time. Ordinary people can't bear it, right?"

"Right, yes, come together, anyway, you never really wanted to learn from each other, just want to overwhelm Su Zun."

"After today, there will be news: the descendants of the three major stars and the eight great gods will attack at the same time, suppressing Su Baliu, staying forever, and leaving a name forever!"

Listening to these voices, the expressions of Hanchen Xingzi and others became increasingly ugly.

In the end, Wufan Xingzi suddenly said: "Descent of the Azure God, you and Su Baliu have the deepest hatred, so go and meet him first."

The descendant of the Green God was startled, and immediately looked at Wufan Xingzi, his eyes full of anger.

Obviously, this is to push him out as a shield.

He was originally ranked last among the descendants of the nine great gods, and his status was seriously threatened. He even had no confidence that he could defeat Su Palliu.

If Wufan Xingzi and others can take the first shot, maybe he can really suppress Su Baliu. In that case, he doesn't need to take the shot, and his reputation can be preserved.

But at this moment, he was pushed out abruptly!

Countless people are the descendants of Qingshen still refuse?

If he refuses, no matter what the reason, he will be regarded as someone else. He is afraid of Su Palliu!

Hard to ride a tiger!


The Descendant of Qingshen took a breath, then took a deep look at Wufan Xingzi, and finally sneered: "Today's original intention is to learn from each other. Naturally, I will not attack Su Baliu. Since Wufan Xingzi has already spoken, then Naturally, I can't refrain from fighting, but if I really lose, I hope Wufan Xingzi can get justice for me, otherwise, I will be ashamed of your Xingzi!"

"That's natural, I can suppress Su Baliu." Wufan Xingzi said.

The descendant of the Blue God gritted his teeth, and finally said nothing, stepped out and came to Su Han.

"Su Palliu, it's time to resolve the grievances between you and me."

Su Han's eyes flashed, and the corners of his mouth smile thicker.

He pointed to the descendants of the Azure God, and said word by word: "I want your life!"

Ps: A big man in our book friend group expanded the group to 3,000 people, and there are 1,000 diving spots waiting for you, everyone comes to join the group for chat and fart!

Group number: 663538422, everyone come and have fun~

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