Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3759

Chapter 3759

"You are so big, you are not afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!"

The Descendant of the Blue God is even more angry.

was first calculated by Wufan Xingzi, and then threatened by Su Han. The anger and hatred in his heart turned into a stone, pressed against his chest, with nowhere to vent.


Without a word from Su Han, the overall combat power directly increased, reaching its peak in an instant!

But the aura on his body is all restrained, without any emission.

The star in the center of his eyebrows has long been revealed, and the rune given by the Thunder Ancient God is no longer necessary.

But even so, it is still impossible for the descendants of Qingshen to know how powerful Su Han really is!


Amidst violent shouts, Su Han stepped into the air and swung his long sword straight to the descendant of the Azure God.

There is no secret technique, just a normal blow!

The power of this ordinary blow is comparable to the five-star Profound God Realm after Su Han's overall combat power has been increased!

After all, Su Han at this moment can kill even the four-star Profound Divine Realm!

"Tiger of Tiangang!"

The descendants of the Blue God, even though they were three minor ranks higher than Su Han, still dare not care.

While he yelled, the strength of his cultivation turned into a huge white tiger phantom, which wrapped his whole body.

This is obviously a defensive secret technique.

He is very smart and knows that Su Han is incomparable, so he defends first, so that even if he really loses to Su Han, he can still make a way for himself.

And when these were done, Su Han's sword light had already descended from the top of his head.

The descendant of the Blue God took out his weapon, which was a silver-white whip.

Above this long whip, there is an aura of the Heavenly God Realm, which is obviously a sixth-grade artifact!

Normally, such as the Spirit Realm, even the power of the fifth-grade artifact may not be able to display, let alone the sixth-grade.

But if the descendants of the Blue God can be taken out, obviously there is his way.


In the cold shout, the descendant of the Azure God shook down the silver whip, and unexpectedly, there was a clamor like a knife and a gun.

It stretched quickly, wrapped Su Han's blade light, and yanked hard.

The sword light clicked, it was dragged into two halves, and then dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

"that's it?"

The descendant of the Blue God raised his head and looked at Su Han with disdain: "Su Baliu, if you only have this strength, then today, I will trample you under this whip!"

Su Han looked at the descendants of Qingshen without making a sound.

That blow just now was equivalent to a normal attack of the Five-Star Profound God Realm. Simply speaking of attack power, it could definitely overwhelm the descendants of the Blue God.

Although the latter seems to be very casual to dissolve the sword light, Su Han knows that before taking the shot, the descendants of the Azure God absolutely used the secret technique to enhance their own combat power!

He can resist this knife, absolutely not so easy on the surface!

It's just that he wants to preserve the majesty of his descendants of the Azure God, so that unknowing monks feel that he is very strong, so it is very easy.

"Hehe..." After a while, Su Han suddenly smiled.

"What are you laughing at?!" The descendant of Qingshen snorted coldly.

"The descendants of the dignified Azure God only have this strength." Su Han said lightly.

The Qingshen descendant's complexion changed, and he immediately understood that Su Han had already seen something.

His palm was aching, and he even shivered slightly, but it was hidden in the long sleeves and couldn't be seen.

Just now, he knew how much power he used to resolve it.

"Since you are so relaxed, then Su will use ordinary power to learn from you."

The last four words of , Su Han bit very hard, but it caused the heart of the descendant of Qingshen to lift.


Su Han did not give him any extra chance to think, the God Breaking Soldier kept falling, and in a flash, he swung at least dozens of knives!

The blades of blades stalked across the sky, occupying everyone's sight.

From a distance, it was as if the whole person was a descendant of the Azure God, all involved in the sword light.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Many roars came from under the package of the sword light, a silver whip flew across the sky, breaking all the sword light, pulling the figure of the descendant of the blue god, and flying out of it.

His expression remained the same, and he seemed to be relatively relaxed, but many strong players in the room could tell that his breathing had gradually started to rush.

"No way."

Among the three of the Dragon tribe, the old man shook his head lightly, and slowly said: "Although the descendants of Qingshen are three ranks higher than Su Balu, but these two fights have been divided into competitions, he is definitely not Su Balu's. Opponent, Su Baliu's attack seems ordinary, but his power is amazing. He has reduced his aura. I can't see how much cultivation is comparable, but at least, he is also above the Second Star Profound God Realm."

"Even if the descendants of the Blue God can leapfrog their ranks, they will never be able to hold on for long in the hands of the Second Star Profound God Realm. Even if he has a lot of secret skills, the Silver Whip is a sixth-grade artifact, but the cultivation base determines everything. Also said something.

"Remember the memory spar left in the Dragon Palace?" The old man suddenly said.

The old woman was stunned for a moment, and then her face was difficult to look: "The only person who suppressed my dragon clan, of course I remember!"

"Under the Milky Way galaxy, there are thousands of races, and strong people come out in large numbers. Although our dragon race is strong, it is impossible to be invincible. Being suppressed by the ancient emperor of the monster dragon is not a shame."

The old man groaned slightly, and then said: "The old man feels that this Su Baliu is stronger than the original Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor!"

The old woman's eyes shrunk, but she did not speak.

Demon Dragon Ancient Emperor is very strong, but that was after he reached the peak of each star region, his aptitude was not outstanding, when he was cultivated at the same level as Su Baliu, some Tianjiao did surpass him.

But the old woman knew that the old man was not referring to this.

What he meant was that if Su Han did not die, perhaps his later achievement, UU reading is bigger than the ancient emperor of the dragon!

"With the cultivation base of the four-star spirit realm, the battle power of the two-star profound **** realm can be exerted. From ancient times to the present, no one has been able to do it, even the nine strongest ancient gods. The key is Su Baliu, It seems to be so casual, it seems that there is no secret technique at all, just ordinary attacks!" The young man suddenly said.

The old woman and the old man looked at him at the same time.

But I heard the young man say again: "He is better than me, and much better."

"Long Zi can have such a state of mind and mind, and his future achievements may not necessarily be lower than Su Baliu. After all, the holy way is not only based on talent and combat power." The old man said, slightly respectful.

The young man shook his head slightly, saying nothing more.

Before the Holy Snow Mountain at this moment, there were already a hundred swordsmans swinging out, once again wrapping the descendants of the Azure God.

"Papa Papa..."

The silver whip danced, and the descendants of the blue **** tore all the blades apart.

His face was a little flushed, his whole body trembled slightly, and the arm holding the silver whip felt severe pain.

"If this continues, I will be consumed by him!"

The descendants of the Green God suddenly raised their heads and shouted at Su Han: "Su Baliu, such a discussion is too time-consuming, how about you and me?"

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