Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3757

Chapter 3757

the sword light swept across, and instantly smashed into the light curtain, Luo Yu and the others all rose up, while the strength of the cultivation base gathered defense, they also launched an attack, wanting to confront Su Han.

As the arrogant of the top ranks, there are naturally large forces behind them, and they have many methods.

However, at this moment, all means are ineffective!

This sword light came head-on, covering the entire light curtain, and could only do it hard, unable to dodge.

Some people have even tried to attack the light curtain long ago. This range is too small to allow them to exert their full strength, and the advantage of large numbers of people disappears.

However, the light curtain was extremely hard, like a barrier, no matter how they bombarded, it was useless.


The blade light fell completely, and there was a loud roar.

At this moment, all the thirty-six people in the entire light curtain were enveloped by the dazzling light, as if even their people were immersed in the blade.

"Boom, boom..."

Immediately afterwards, there were a lot of muffled noises. From the outside, a large amount of blood splashed out on the wall where the light curtain was transformed, completely staining the light curtain red.


The sound of inhaling cold breath was transmitted at this moment.

Even if the result has not yet appeared, many people have already expected it.

With the disappearance of the blade light, the light curtain completely dissipated, but there are only six people who can still stand in the void!

The other thirty people, all turned into pieces of corpses, had not even seen the soul, and fell towards the ground.


Countless people contracted their pupils and were dumbfounded.

Tianjiao, but under Su Baliu's knife, killed 30 people? !

They are all true geniuses, they have the means to leapfrog! ! !

Even if Su Baliu's cultivation base swayed them, he wouldn't be so vulnerable, right?

The most important thing is that Su Baliu really dare to kill! ! !

Forget about Chen Ye before. After all, he is only Huang Bang, and he is only one person. Even if Jin Huang Pavilion is angry and Yun Wang's Mansion is present, he can't treat Su Ba Liu.

But now...

Thirty Tianjiao, each of them is standing behind a power, either the sixth-level area or the seventh-level area.

Su Baliu killed so much, is it not afraid of causing public outrage? !

" are simply cruel and inhuman!!!" On the top of Shengxue Mountain, the descendant of the Azure God shouted angrily.

He looks like this, but his heart is so excited.

Su Baliu This is completely asking for trouble for himself. If he really provokes the anger of everyone in the upper star field, then he won today, so what?

If everyone crusades together, even if the Yun Wang Mansion and the Queen of Destruction are sheltered together, he will never survive!


But here, Su Han, when the descendant of the Azure God spoke, once again raised the knife and fell.

Luo Yu of the Seven-Star True God Realm didn't even have a chance to beg for mercy, so he was cut in half, and the soul was annihilated.

The other five people were completely frightened. They thought before, just to help the Tianjiao Alliance. Even if they knew that the final result would be a loss, they could at least stop Su Baliu.

But who would have thought that the price of this gang could be so great! ! !


Someone wanted to speak, but Su Han stretched out his hand and clicked five times.

Then the blade fell obliquely, sweeping past the five people!

The audience was silent again, watching the bodies of the five people fall to the ground.

Until the end of the knife, all the so-called 36-day gangs are dead!

"Su Baliu, you must not die!!!"

"How can you be so bloodthirsty... You are the Sky Surveyor. You have the responsibility and obligation to give them advice. They just want to ask you about martial arts, but you, kill them all!!!"

"Su Baliu, cruel, cruel, and extremely vicious!"

A large number of voices came from all directions, and they were all made by the thirty-six people behind the ranks.

They were furious, their breath was constantly surging, and it seemed that they would shoot at any time.

"Military Intelligence Department, arm defense!" Shen Tianli said lightly.

The people in the 9th and 10th MIs, expressionless, all rushed out and stopped behind Su Han.

Once someone dared to make a move, they would kill it as soon as possible!

"Planting and slandering, right and wrong, mixed black and white, unpredictable..."

Su Han, who seldom speaks, suddenly speaks under the tension between the two sides.

"God is powerless to return to heaven, I, Su Palliu, will change the world by killing!"

The audience is quiet!

Most of the people who have planted Su Han show a guilty conscience.

Everyone has already seen it. From the beginning, Su Baliu had no plans to accompany them in this scene.

Seventy-two earth evil?

Thirty-six Tiangang?

You want to help the Tianjiao Alliance and cause Su Palliu to die, then I will let you know and calculate my price!

"Eighteen Rakshasa!"

Seeing Su Han walking towards here, Hanchen Xingzi spoke coldly.

Eighteen figures appeared again, but they weren't directly stopped in front of Su Han like the people before, but hesitated on their faces after they stood up.

Su Han's long sword showed off and pointed directly to the eighteenth ranked Tianjiao: "Come on, I will kill one. If you are confident to leave under my sword, you can try."

Hearing this, the corners of the eyes of the eighteen people twitched fiercely. One of them hesitated for a moment and clasped his fist. Forgive me."

Hanchen Xingzi and others changed their expressions and immediately shouted: "Cheng Guang, what do you mean?"

" Guang didn't want to offend Hanchen Xingzi and others. He also clasped his fists and nodded, then turned and left.

The other seventeen people looked at each other and finally made a decision.

first held a fist at Su Han, then at Hanchen Xingzi and others, and finally left like Cheng Guang.

The so-called Eighteen Rakshasa, before they started, retreated first, which made Hanchen Xingzi and others' faces hot, as if they had been slapped dozens of times.

"These bastards!!!" The descendant of Qingshen clenched his fists.

Ye Liuchen also turned a little blue: "This group of things eats inside and out, and takes our benefits, so dare you just leave?"

"No matter how many benefits, life is not important." Wufan Xingzi snorted coldly.

"What happens next?" The voice of Baolin descendant came.

Everyone's eyes immediately looked at the last Tianbao Tianjiao.

The latter's expression changed, and he took a step back.

"A bunch of trash!" Hanchen Xingzi cursed.

Although he felt unhappy, he could actually understand the thoughts of these people.

Su Baliu came today with a murderous heart. Let alone these ordinary arrogances, they are the descendants of the eight gods and three stars. If possible, Su Baliu would not be soft!

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