Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3748

Chapter 3748

Although Su Han looked down on the guys in the Tianjiao Alliance, he had to admit that they had a lot of energy together.

Not to mention the forces behind them, just say that they themselves, as well-known existences on the list of Tianjiao, are extremely prominent among the younger generation and have a large number of admirers.

Their words, a message, can spread across a large area in a short period of time.

And after they add up, they have to send a message, and the superior star field will know immediately.

"The Great Sovereign of the Sky Survey, Su Baliu, regardless of the life and death of the human race, secretly evacuated the Wanzhong Mountain at night and returned to the Cloud Palace!"

"After his departure, the morale of the Clan Boundary Mountain plummeted, countless monks were in the midst of tragic deaths, two were lost in the Heavenly God Realm, and another Ancient God Realm was hit hard!"

"This kind of despicable person can't even be called a human. He is not qualified to be the tenth descendant of the gods at all. This superior star field does not need the tenth descendant of the gods to appear!"

"This person has some qualifications, but he has no virtue, incompetence, and no righteousness. He will only use those backgrounds to deceive the market and be arrogant and domineering!"

"At this point, our Tianjiao Alliance officially announced: From now on, we will initiate a conquest of Su Baliu, requesting all the predecessors of the Temples and Human Court Palace to remove his title of'descendant descendants', revoke his status as the'Great Sovereign of the Sky', and deprive him of this. All human resources, derogate him into the clan world to kill demons and slay demons, and reflect on himself!"

A piece of news came from the Tianjiao Alliance, and it was quickly spread by those who supported it, and within a day, it resounded throughout the Tianjiao Alliance.

The temples did not give an answer, and Renting Palace was also silent, and the matter was rapidly fermenting.

Su Han caused too much disturbance during this period, and coupled with the identity of the "descendant descendant" and the identity of the "spector of the sky", he became a big celebrity in the upper star domain. In terms of popularity, he is no more than the four. Xingzi is far from the descendants of the nine gods.

This time, the Tianjiao Alliance crusades against it, and has gathered countless outstanding people of the younger generation. This kind of explosive news immediately caused the upper-class stars to fall into restlessness.

At first, some people were still neutral. After all, Su Han had contributed to the human court palace, such as the world of transformation, as well as the extreme **** physical exercises, and the record of righteousness. This is a tangible contribution that no one can compare.

But as more and more people conquered and their voices grew louder, their beliefs also wavered.

The so-called no wind and no waves, if there is no evidence, it is impossible for so many people to conquer Su Baliu, right?

Besides, several days have passed, why did Su Palliu keep silent? Is it because of his guilty conscience?

This kind of almost one-sided situation has further contributed to the arrogance of the Tianjiao Alliance.

They said almost everything, how ugly it was, how ugly it was. In the end, Su Han became a sinner in the superior star realm, and he could not die 10,000 times!

Cloud King's Mansion.

Su Han had originally planned to settle Ling Xiao and the others, and then repented of Clan Boundary Mountain.

But now, he doesn't plan to go back for the time being.

Qin Yun went back and forth several times, each time he came with anger, and left with anger. The news released by the Tianjiao Alliance passed through her hands to Su Han.

Su Han really admires those guys.

There were indeed two heavenly gods who fell in the clan world mountain, and one ancient **** was hit hard, but that was because of a miss, not Su Han's departure.

dignified Heavenly God Realm, ancient God Realm mighty power, how can this little thing affect the mood?

What is ridiculous is that some people still believe it!

After the news of the fall of the gods on the day was completely transmitted back to the seven regions, the voice of conquering Su Han immediately increased exponentially!

Many cultivators even gathered in front of the Cloud Palace, shouting loudly to hand in Su Han, let the Tianjiao Alliance replace the human race, and punish him!

The Cloud Palace drove away wave after wave, and finally was really angry, planning to send the Black Armored Army out, but was stopped by Su Han.

Those in the Tianjiao Alliance, the more joyous they dance now, the worse they will fall.

This kind of waiting, Su Han naturally had his plan.

And in this process, the Human Court Palace also uttered a voice, calling on the human monks not to listen to the slander of public opinion. At this moment, the most important thing to think about is how to target the demons.

However, there were many temples behind, and the voice of the Human Court Palace was quickly suppressed.

What surprised Su Han was that the descendants of Yaochi also made a sound

"A bunch of rubbish!"

One sentence, four words, concise and concise.

If she just said 'garbage', it's likely to be considered as targeting Su Han.

But she said "a bunch of trash"!

Both sides have brought up this matter, one is Tianjiao Alliance, the other is Su Han, fools can guess who the descendants of Yaochi are talking about.

"In this world, there are still people with bright eyes, but unfortunately there are too few." Su Han sighed secretly.

On the Tianjiao Alliance side, it seems that they don't want to distract the attention of the people of the upper stars because of the descendants of Yaochi. They didn't reply at all, as they didn't know, they still launched a conquest against Su Han like a flood.

Coupled with the indulgence and indulgence of the Cloud Palace, more and more people came to the Cloud Palace and shouted angrily.

There are even rumors that Su Baliu may have been expelled from Prince Yun's Mansion, but because of his reputation, Prince Yun's Mansion did not make the matter public.

After learning about this, Shen Tianli and Suo Ying almost died of anger. If it weren't for Su Han's pressure, they would have gone out to kill the Quartet.

Another few days passed, and the time Su Han was waiting for finally arrived.

One of the four stars, Wufan Xingzi, announced to join the Tianjiao Alliance!

Up to this moment, three stars have become the leader of the Tianjiao Alliance!

Pangu Xingzi will definitely not join the Tianjiao Alliance. Whether it is for fame or to hide his identity, he can't take this trip into the muddy water.

As for the descendants of Yaochi, she did not choose to stand on Su Han's side, but judging from her voice, she would never join the Tianjiao Alliance.

If so, everyone will surface.

The east wind has come, the time has come!

After a month of conquest, Su Han, who has been silent, finally uttered a voice

"Three days later, Su came to the Holy Snow Mountain and set off your Tianjiao Alliance!"

The news came out, and the high-class star field, which had been boiling and noisy, was silent for a whole day!

One day later, the first to hear the voice was the descendant of Yaochi.

"Good job!"

is still one sentence, four words, but can hear the compliment in it, it seems that Su Han's temper is very similar to her.

As for the Tianjiao Alliance, there was also a voice immediately following

"As the Great Sovereign of the Sky, during the one-month conquest of the Human Race, he didn't even return to the Clan Boundary Mountain. Instead, he threatened my Tianjiao Alliance here. This shows that I am timid and afraid of death, and I don't know how to repent!"

"You want to fight? Then fight!"

"Three days later, all members of my Tianjiao Alliance, Holy Snow Mountain is waiting for you!"

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