Ancient Fiend Dragon Emperor - Chapter 3749

Chapter 3749

three days, in a blink of an eye.

Holy Snow Mountain exists in the seventh-level area. Although it is a little far away from the Yunwang Mansion, there is a golden ling silk, coupled with Shen Tianli's top-level heavenly **** control, it is enough to arrive within half a day.

Before Cloud Palace Headquarters, not only did the number of monks surrounding this place have not decreased, on the contrary, they have increased a lot.

At a glance, the crowd was densely packed with heads surging.

Looking at this posture, there are at least millions of people.

Obviously, they all wanted to see, did Prince Yun's Mansion really expel Su Balu?

The sun is rising, and in this cold winter, a little warmth has been spilled.

The crowd gradually became agitated, and many discussions spread in all directions.

"You said, is this Su Palliu really kicked out?"

"I think it is really possible. His current reputation is too bad. If this continues, even the Yun Wang Mansion will be implicated."

"Yes, yes, there are so many arrogances, but one is missing him? I think, in order to protect himself, Prince Yun's Mansion is really possible to expel him."

"Huh, what's the use of these human scourges? That is, the corpses will be eaten by demons, otherwise, it will dirty our human land!"

"I don't think it is necessarily. If he is expelled from Prince Yun's Mansion, he should not dare to be so arrogant."

"Arrogant? Do you think he is arrogant? Hahaha, it's just overpowering, not to mention the four stars and the descendants of the nine gods, I think even the top five in the sky, he is not necessarily Can it be played, and even threatened to set off the Tianjiao Alliance? It's ridiculous!"

"So, is he just bragging?"

"This is the case for 80%. I am afraid that I am afraid to go to the Tianjiao Alliance if I change anyone with a brain. It is not only a place where countless Tianjiaos gather, but many big forces are behind them as promoters!"

"Don't guess, you can know the result today."


Among the many discussions, there was a huge roar from inside the Cloud Palace.

Before the roar fell, another deafening scream came out.


It was clearly just a sound, but when it came out, it shocked millions of people, their minds were unstable, and what's more, their faces were pale directly with blood flowing from their ears.

"what is that?"

"If I didn't guess wrong, it should be the top beast of King Cloud Mansion, Colorful God Luan!"


seemed to be to verify the words of these people, a huge figure that could not be added to the horror, slowly flew out from the headquarters of King Yunfu.

Its speed is not fast, it seems that it is intended to show its majesty to everyone.

The seven rays of divine glow like a rainbow, with the flash of its wings, appeared in the entire sky.

A huge storm blew up, but it didn't move anyone.

The scene was silent, everyone was shocked!

There are golden dragons in Daming Mansion, Baihua Mansion has extremely sky white tiger, Jing'an Mansion has heaven and earth mysterious tortoise, and Yunwang Mansion has colorful gods!

This is a terrifying existence comparable to the ancient gods, absolutely no one dares to underestimate it!

Its huge body is like a dark cloud, before it flies over the crowd, it suppresses the shadow of a million people.

When his eyes glanced down, a shocking pressure swept across, everyone couldn't help lowering their heads, and even dared not look directly at them.

And behind the colorful gods, there is a golden light that is a hundred miles long.

This light spreads across the void, and there are many people standing on it, the most conspicuous of them is a group of people in black armor.

In the beginning, many people mistakenly thought that this was the black armor of King Yun Mansion, but when they saw the snow-white lotus on these armors, they immediately contracted their eye pupils and started breathing quickly.

Cloud Palace, one of the ten places of military affairs!

Even if you look at the entire upper-class star field, countless forces, ten military intelligence, it is also one of the top armies.

glanced over the Military Intelligence Department, and everyone saw the man in white standing in front of the golden silk.

After his hands are folded, his hair is wavy, his face is still beautiful and his expression is still calm.

just in this calm, filled with a kind of cold and cold.

"It's Su Baliu!"

"He really is still in King Cloud Mansion!"

"Oh my God, the colorful Shenluan appeared, and the Military Intelligence Department followed close behind. Is this Su Baliu really going to the Holy Snow Mountain to make an appointment?"

"Why are there no stars on the center of his eyebrows? I can't see the cultivation base, has it reached the ancient gods?"

"Don't be nonsense, this is a treasure bestowed by the Lord of the East Hall of the Cloud Palace, which can cover the stars on the eyebrows and prevent others from checking the cultivation level. Many people know this. When the four major realms worshipped the mountains, Su Balu personally said of."

"So that was the case, it scared me, I thought he had reached the realm of ancient gods."

"In this way, Prince Yun's Mansion intends to protect him completely?"

"Huh, what about the protection of Yun Wangfu? He is guilty of crimes, and he cares for human life. He really deserves to die!"

"Yes, you can't let him go to Holy Snow Mountain, he will tarnish the spirit of Holy Snow Mountain!"

"Stop him!"

Colorful Shenluan went away, the terrible coercion disappeared, and these people who were in front of the Cloud Palace also reacted.

They didn't retreat, but quickly surrounded them, with awe-inspiring faces that stood in front of the golden silk.

Su Han's expression was indifferent, and he swept past these people.

"Get out of the way." He said lightly.

"Su Baliu, are you going to the Holy Snow Mountain for an appointment?" a man shouted.

"Yeah." Su Han nodded.

"Hahahaha, just by you? You are not worthy!" The young man laughed wildly.

Su Han stared at him for a while, then said: "You come out."

Hearing this, the man frowned and walked out of the crowd, only 100 meters away from Su Han.

"How about coming out? Am I wrong?" He raised his chin, still dissatisfied.

"Is there anything wrong, let's talk about it separately, what I want to ask is, do you know why I am called 'Descendants of Destruction'?"

Su Han walked out step by step, and finally stood one meter in front of the man.

"Hmph, in front of so many people, you don't need to frighten you, I naturally understand that it is the Queen of Destruction who urges you to become the descendant of Destruction, but you are not worthy at all!" The man showed disdain.

"No, you are wrong."

Su Han stretched his head forward and slowly bent over his ear: "Because...I like destruction."


The moment 's words fell, the man's chest was suddenly penetrated, and a blood-stained palm stretched out from behind.


The man's eyes widened, he turned his head inconceivably, trying to say something.

But before he could finish speaking, Su Han's palm suddenly retracted, and this person's body broke apart with a bang!

Looking at this scene, Su Han smiled. The palm that he had retracted just now was gently squeezed, and a soul was crushed to death by him abruptly, and the scream of screams spread everywhere!

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